Pension Board - Monday, 16th September, 2024 10.00 a.m.

September 16, 2024 View on council website
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The Pension Board will receive an update on training for its members and consider its communications strategy. It is also scheduled to note the minutes of its previous meeting and receive an update on its work programme.

Training of Pension Board and Committee members

The Pension Board is scheduled to receive a report on the training strategy for its members and the members of the Pensions Committee. The report, which was previously presented to the Board on 8 July 2024, states that training is an essential part of ensuring members are knowledgeable and skilled in their work. The report pack includes a draft training strategy which sets out the scope of training. Training Cover Report for Training Appendix. 1 for Training

Communications Strategy

The Pension Board is scheduled to consider a report on its communications with scheme employers and members. The report pack says:

It is recommended that the Board note the employer and scheme member communication activities undertaken by the Fund from April 2024 to date, and the pipeline of activities planned for the rest of 2024/25. Employer Engagement and Communications Report Cover Report for Employer Engagement and Communications Report commumications-strategy-and-policy-statement-2023-24

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The Pension Board is scheduled to confirm the minutes of its previous meeting which was held on Monday 8th July 2024. FINAL Minutes 080724 PUBLIC

Work Programme

The Pension Board is scheduled to receive an update on its work programme for the 2024-2025 municipal year. It is scheduled to receive reports on the same 11 topics at its next meeting. WorkProgrammereport Cover Report for Work Programme TH Pension Board Work Programme - 2024-25_Final TH Pensions Committee Work Programme - 2024-25_Final


The Pension Board is scheduled to receive an update on the Council's progress in ensuring it complies with the Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations 2013. The Board previously considered this on 8 July 2024. Governance Report Cover Report for Governance Report Appendix. 1 for Governance Report Appendix. 2 for Governance Report Appendix. 3 for Governance Report Appendix. 4 for Governance Report

Pension Administration

The Pension Board is scheduled to receive a report on the day-to-day administration of the pension fund. The report pack says:

This report provides the Pension Board with an overview of the key performance indicators (KPIs) used by the administering authority to demonstrate the effectiveness of the administration of the pension fund. It also provides a summary of the performance levels achieved against the targets set for 2023-24 in accordance with the requirements of The Public Service Pensions (Administration and Modification of Local Government Pension Schemes) (England and Wales) Regulations 2014. Pensions Administration Report - June 2024 Cover Report for Pensions Administration Report - June 2024

Annual Report

The Pension Board will be asked to note its annual report for 2023-2024. TowerHamletsPension BoardAnnual Report2023-24_Final