Licensing Sub Committee - Thursday, 19th September, 2024 6.30 p.m.

September 19, 2024 View on council website
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The Licensing Sub Committee will be considering two applications, one for the variation of an existing licence and the other for a new licence. Both applications were previously adjourned by the committee and are being brought back to be reconsidered.

Application for the variation of a Premises Licence for (Perfetto Pizza), 391 Cambridge Heath Road, London, E2 9RA

The Licence holder for Perfetto Pizza, Mr Qari Azimi, is applying to vary the licence to extend the hours during which the sale of late-night refreshment is permitted. The applicant originally applied for the licence to permit the sale of late-night refreshment until 05:00 every day, but has since agreed to reduce these hours to 03:00. The premises is located within the Bethnal Green Cumulative Impact Zone (CIZ).1 The Licensing Authority and the Environmental Protection service have both made representations objecting to the application.

The Licensing Authority's representation states that, on 2 October 2023, a warning letter was sent to the licence holder following a complaint from a member of the public that the premises was operating outside of its permitted hours. They also report that officers visited the premises on 16 October 2023 at 01:02 and found it to be closed. They suggest that an increase in hours could potentially lead to an increase in anti-social behaviour in the area because customers who leave other late-night premises, often under the influence of alcohol attend the premises for food and congregate inside and outside the premises causing a disturbance /anti-social behaviour. The Licensing Authority has asked the committee to reject the application unless the applicant can show there are exceptional circumstances that justify the extension of the hours.

The representation submitted by Environmental Protection raises concerns about the potential for the premises to cause a public nuisance, stating that the applicant has applied for hours above and beyond the councils framework hours, and the existing operating hours and that the premises is located within the Bethnal Green CIZ. They also state that there are noise-sensitive premises in the vicinity of Perfetto Pizza.

In an email to the Licensing Authority and Environmental Protection, the applicant's agent Mr Nabeel Hasan of Reza Solicitors, stated that there are a number of businesses within close proximity of the applicant that operate under extended hours. The email goes on to list a number of businesses including Wild Bean Cafe, Best Kebab and Istanbul Kebab as being of substan ally similar nature to the applicant while opera ng along the same road. Mr Hasan also points to a previous decision by the Licensing Sub Committee, dated 29 September 2023, relating to the initial granting of a Premises Licence for Perfetto Pizza, in which they concluded that the applicant would be able to operate within the CIZ without adding to the impact. Mr Hasan argues that the lack of complaints or incidents since that time means that our client has earned the right to extend their opera ng hours. He also states that The applicant is more than reasonable and willing to nego ate reduced hours to the ones requested if the LA feels they would be mutually beneficial for all concerned.

A later email sent by Ms Nicola Cadzow, Environmental Health Officer, to Mr Felix Faulkner of Poppleston Allen (solicitors acting on behalf of the applicant), states that Environmental Health will withdraw their representation following agreement to a number of conditions. These conditions include the stipulation that Regulated Entertainment in the courtyard with cease at 22.00 hours.

Application for a New Premises Licence for The Pickle Factory, 11-14 The Oval, London, E2 9DT

The applicant, East Space Limited, is applying for a new Premises Licence to permit the sale of alcohol for consumption on and off the premises, the provision of regulated entertainment (films, live & recorded music) and the provision of late-night refreshment. The applicant is seeking permission for these licensable activities to take place indoors and outdoors.

There have been a number of representations from local residents and businesses objecting to the application. They have raised concerns about the potential for the premises to cause public nuisance, particularly from noise, the potential for an increase in anti-social behaviour and crime and disorder, and the impact on public safety. They have also raised concerns about the suitability of the proposed hours and the potential for the premises to cause problems with access and egress.

A number of people have also submitted representations in support of the application. In their representations, they highlighted the positive contribution that The Pickle Factory makes to the local community, and the importance of the venue to the local music scene. Some supporters suggested that the proposed changes would improve the venue, and would not have a negative impact on the area.

A number of supporters referred to previous issues with the management of Oval Space, and its impact on the area. Ms Amy Lamé, the 'Night Czar', wrote in support of the application, stating that the applicant had reassured her that they would be able to execute the plans for the venue without any adverse impact on the area, and pointed to a big part of the plan to improve soundproofing across the site, including replacing doors and walls with acoustically proofed material. Her representation also stated that the venue operators intend to employ a street team to patrol the cul-de-sac.

On 5 July 2024, Environmental Protection submitted a holding representation to allow time to review the application, stating that a prearranged site visit had taken place the previous day following particular concerns with expansion of the venue’s external courtyard area.

Later, on 19 July 2024, Environmental Protection requested further information about the application, particularly relating to noise. In an email to Mr Faulkner, Ms Cadzow asked for details of what the external area would be used for, how noise from regulated entertainment would be managed if this is the intention and how many people would be permitted in the outside area at any time. The email also suggested a number of conditions that could be attached to the licence, including one stating that Loudspeakers shall not be located in the entrance lobby, or outside the premise building nor on ceilings. And anti-vibration mounts used is speakers attached to the walls. They also requested that The external area shall not be used after 23:00 hours, except for patrons permitted to temporarily leave and then re-enter the premises, e.g. to smoke, and shall be limited to xx persons at any one time. Numbers to be agreed.

Mr Faulkner emailed the Licensing Authority and Ms Cadzow on 8 August 2024. In the email, he explained that he had sent an invitation to meet to local residents, but had not received any responses and nobody had attended. He asked to be informed if residents contacted the Licensing Authority requesting a meeting in the future. The email included the text of the invitation to the meeting that was sent to residents.

On 3 September 2024, Environmental Protection confirmed by email that they would be withdrawing their representation. Their email to the Licensing Authority explains that this was because the applicant agreed to a number of conditions, including one stating that Regulated Entertainment in the courtyard with cease at 22.00 hours.

  1. Cumulative Impact Zones (CIZ) are areas of a local authority that are deemed to be saturated with licensed premises. When considering new applications, the Licensing Authority operates a rebuttable presumption that applications for new licensed premises, or variations to existing licensed premises that are likely to add to the cumulative impact of licensed premises in the area, will be refused.