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September 24, 2024
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We have not been able to find a video broadcast of this meeting.
- Carol Wardle
- Daalat Ali
- Daniel Meredith
- Iftikhar Ahmed
- Liam O'Rourke
- Neil Emmott
- Rachel Massey
- Shah Wazir
- Stephen Anstee
- Susan Smith
- Tricia Ayrton
- Abu Siddique
- Donna Bowler
- Fabiola Fuschi
- Julie Murphy
- Kuiama Thompson
- Martin Lawton
- Sharon Hubber
- Suzanne Antrobus
- Agenda frontsheet 24th-Sep-2024 18.00 Cabinet agenda
- FULL PACK 24th-Sep-2024 18.00 Cabinet
- Household Support Fund Proposal - Oct 24 - Mar 25 final other
- URGENT BUSINESS DWP Household Support Fund October 24 March 2025 Proposal 24th-Sep-2024 18.00 C other
- Minutes 27082024 Cabinet other
- Adult Social Care Strategy
- Append. 1 Adult Social Care Strategy
- Append. 2 Sustainability Impact Assessment ASC Strategic Documents
- Append. 2 Sustainability Impact Assessment ASC Strategic Documents
- Adult Social Care Carers Strategy
- Append. 1 The Adult Social Care Carers Strategy
- Adult Social Care Coproduction Charter
- Append. 1 The Adult Social Care Coproduction Charter
- Append. 2 Sustainability Impact Assessment ASC Strategic Documents
- Final Cabinet Report Cultural and Placemaking - Place Partnership Fund App Final Draft 3 050924 other
- Appendix 2 Pioneering Creativity Strategy.pdf
- Printed minutes 24th-Sep-2024 18.00 Cabinet minutes
- Appendix 3 Events Strategy Exec Summary.pdf
- Appendix 1 Sustainability Assessment
- Appendix 5 Rochdale Culture Compact Terms of Reference
- Appendix 4 Rochdale Visitor Economy Strategy.pdf
- Football Foundation-Artificial Grass Pitch Installation at our sport hub sites stage one
- Append. 1 for Football Foundation-Artificial Grass Pitch installation at sports hub sites
- Append. 2 for Football Foundation-Artificial Grass Pitch installation at sports hub sites
- Append. 3 for Football Foundation-Artificial Grass Pitch installation at sports hub sites
- Allocations Policy Review and Consulation Update
- Local Authority Housing Fund Programme Update and Round 3LAHF3 CAB Report Final
- Append. 1 for Local Authoirty Housing Fund Prohramme Update and Round 3LAHF3
- LAHF 3 Overview and Market event 5.6.25 PDF other
- Final Disposal Policy Cabinet Report 24.9.24
- Disposals Policy draft - for consultation
- RBC Disposals Procedure Flowchart for consultation
- Draft Greater Manchester Nature Network_v2 Final
- FINAL Draft for Consultation GM Local Nature Recovery Strategy
- Append. 2 GM LNRS map
- South Pennine Moors SPD Report
- Append. 1 - South Pennine Moors Draft SPD for consultation
- Append 2. - SEA Initial Screening Statement
- Append. 3 - HRA Initial Screening Statement
- Sustainability Impact Assessment
- Holcroft Moss Draft SPD Report
- Append. 1 - Draft Holcroft Moss SPD for consultation
- Append. 2 - Estimated Project Costs
- Append. 3 SEA Initial Screening Statement
- Append. 4 - HRA Initial Screening Statement
- Sustainability Impact Assessment
- Impact Partnership Rochdale Borough Limited proposal to address creditor balances and liquidate