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We do not yet summarise meetings from this council. If you would like us to do so, please subscribe or get in contact at
- Cynghorydd Hywel Williams
- Cynghorydd Jane Gebbie
- Cynghorydd John Spanswick
- Cynghorydd Martyn Jones
- Cynghorydd Paul Davies
- Eugene Caparros
- Melanie Jayne Evans
- Neelo Farr
- Alex Rawlin
- Anya Richards
- Cabinet_Committee
- Carys Lord
- Claire Marchant
- Deborah Exton
- Helen Picton
- Janine Nightingale
- Kate Pask
- Kelly Watson
- Laura Griffiths
- Laura Kinsey
- Lindsay Harvey
- Mark Galvin
- Mark Lewis
- Mark Shephard
- Meryl Lawrence
- Michael Pitman
- Nimi Chandrasena
- Rachel Keepins
- Room - Committee Room 1
- Room - Committee Room 2
- Room - Committee Room 3
- Room - Council Chamber
- Ruth Ronan
- Scrutiny
- Stephen Griffiths
- Zak Shell
- Agenda frontsheet 24th-Sep-2024 14.30 Cabinet agenda
- Housing Update Sept 2024 - Draft 5 Final Clean other
- Printed minutes 24th-Sep-2024 14.30 Cabinet minutes
- Public reports pack 24th-Sep-2024 14.30 Cabinet reports pack
- Minutes of the 10-09-2024 other
- Minutes 23072024 Cabinet other
- 24.09.24 - Update on the Replacement System for Caredirector WCCIS v0.1
- Urban and rural grass cutting Cabinet Report 24 Sept v0.2
- Cabinet report self assessment 23-24 FINAL other
- Appendix 1 - Self Assessment report 23-24 other
- Appendix 2 - Performance against the Corporate Plan 2023-24 FINAL
- Amendments to the Scheme of Delegation of Functions
- Report for Cabinet - Shared Regulatory Services Annual Report 2023-24 - with comments from Finance v
- Annex 1 - SRS Annual Report 2023-24 19.06.24 other
- Appendix 2 - 2023-24 - SRS prosecutions concluded
- Appendix 1 - SRS Performance Measures 2023-24 Joint Committee Report Qtr 4
- Annex 2 - SRS Business Plan 2024-25 Final
- Appendix 3 - 2023-24 SRS Provisional Outturn Position
- 20240924 Cabinet EHE Policy
- Appendix 1 BCBC EEYYP EHE Policy
- Outside Bodies Report