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Health and Wellbeing Board - Thursday 17 October 2024 6.30 pm

October 17, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The meeting received updates on the Lambeth Health Determinants Research & Evaluation Network (HEART) programme, the Public Health Annual Report, the Age-Friendly Lambeth Action Plan, the Better Care Fund, and the Director of Public Health Quarterly Report. The Board noted the Public Health Annual Report and the Age-Friendly Lambeth Action Plan. It also ratified the Better Care Fund Quarter 1 Report and noted the Director of Public Health's Quarterly Report.

Supporting Communities to Flourish and Build Their Resilience

The Board reviewed data monitoring relating to the Health and Wellbeing Strategy's priority of Supporting communities to flourish and build their resilience. Data presented to the Board included:

  • Employment rates
  • Rates of disability among the population
  • The number of residents reporting that they feel lonely
  • Residents' views on the attractiveness and welcomeness of their town centres

Councillor Dyer noted that the employment rate for people with disabilities has increased, but sought clarification on the reasons behind this, suggesting that it could be due to changing definitions of disability.

Councillor Dyer also noted that the data revealed high unemployment rates among Black communities, and suggested that the data should be shared with the Lambeth Employment and Skills Board.

The meeting also discussed the low percentage (56%) of people feeling safe in the evenings, with Councillor Coldwell raising concerns about the dimness of street lighting. The Chair noted that this was a component of the violence against women and girls strategy and suggested that the Board seek an update on progress in this area.

Lambeth Health Determinants Research & Evaluation Network (HEART)

The Board received an update on the Lambeth Health Determinants Research & Evaluation Network (HEART), a 5-year programme funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), which is intended to improve the Council's capacity to conduct research into the social determinants of health.

Professor Anna Coffey provided an overview of the programme's progress and highlighted the importance of community involvement in research. She invited colleagues from community organisations to speak about the work they have been doing as part of the programme.

Emily Aidoo outlined the development of the HEART Community Knowledge Network, which is intended to bring together community members and system partners to co-produce research priorities. She explained that the network held its first workshop in October, and that it consists of 15 community members from diverse backgrounds, as well as representatives from Lambeth Council, King's College London, University College London and Blackfriars Settlement.

Ella Jones spoke about the Brixton Project’s Community Research Exchange (CRX), which is intended to shift the focus of research away from extractive models and towards models which are reparative and community-led. She suggested that the model used in the CRX could be used to ensure that the Council's service provision is informed by the lived experience of service users.

Sophie Luna from High Trees Community Development Trust gave an overview of the Lambeth Community Research Network, which was set up two years ago with the aim of facilitating community-based research. The network has five principles:

  • The Community and Voluntary Sector holds a significant amount of research expertise
  • Research should be of value to communities and communities should be meaningfully involved in research
  • Community based research can and should be as rigorous and of as high quality as more traditional forms of research
  • The ethical processes used for academic research are not always appropriate for community-based research
  • The network should provide the infrastructure within Lambeth to enable all of its members to achieve their research aims

Ms Luna explained that the network's activities include:

  • Membership development and support
  • The creation of a research resource bank
  • Supporting members to shape the definition and use of community research
  • Helping community groups to take action based on research findings

The Board commended the work being done by the HEART programme and its partners, and asked about the programme's long term sustainability given that it is only funded for five years. Professor Coffey responded by explaining that the programme is looking at a range of options for sustainability, including:

  • Anchoring the programme within existing council departments by creating joint roles
  • Encouraging community partners to apply for funding for their own research programmes
  • Building a central research bank which avoids the duplication of research effort

Councillor Hutt asked how the knowledge and resources generated by the HEART programme could be made accessible to statutory organisations. Professor Coffey explained that the programme is keen to act as a bridge between statutory organisations and community organisations working on research in Lambeth.

Public Health Annual Report - Ageing Well

The Board received the Public Health Annual Report - Ageing Well. Acting Director of Public Health Bimpe Oki presented the report, explaining that it reviewed the current and future impacts of Lambeth’s aging population, and that it had ten recommendations. She highlighted the importance of preventative approaches to aging, and explained that the report's message was that it's never too early and it's never too late for prevention.

Ms Oki went on to explain the report's four key themes:

  • Environment
  • Preventing Ill-health, Living Well and Service Utilisation
  • Economy, Workplace and Cost of Living
  • Community and Social Environment

The report’s ten recommendations, which she summarised for the Board, covered a range of areas including:

  • The ownership of the Age-Friendly Action Plan
  • Age discrimination and inequalities
  • Accessibility and opportunities for older people
  • The built environment
  • Preventative services
  • The management of long term conditions
  • Poverty
  • Support for employees to stay healthy for longer

Councillor Coldwell asked about the impact of budget cuts to Age UK Lambeth, noting that a third of Lambeth residents are expected to be elderly by 2031, and asking how the Council planned to address the loss of this significant partner. Ms Oki acknowledged the funding pressures facing the sector but suggested that shared responsibility and collaborative action could help to mitigate the impact. She also highlighted the role of Hestia Housing and Support, a key partner in the development of the Age-Friendly Action Plan.

Councillor Mitra asked about the report's communications plan and how the report's findings would be disseminated to the wider public. Ms Oki explained that the report would be published online, and that she was willing to present it to other boards and forums in the borough. She added that one of the reasons for the delay in publishing the report was the need to ensure that it was accessible.

Age-Friendly Lambeth Action Plan 2024-2027

The Board received the Age-Friendly Lambeth Action Plan 2024-2027.

Jess Engen, Consultant in Public Health, explained that the Plan was intended to make Lambeth a more age-friendly place to live. She provided an overview of the Plan’s development, noting that it is based on the World Health Organisation's (WHO) Age-Friendly Cities and Communities Framework and that it has been informed by extensive engagement with residents and local organisations.

Ms Engen went on to provide details of the Plan's 57 actions, explaining that these were spread across eight domains:

  • Housing
  • Transport
  • Outdoor Spaces and Buildings
  • Community Support and Health Services
  • Communication and Information
  • Respect and Social Inclusion
  • Civic Participation and Employment

She explained that a key element of the Plan was the development of an Age-Friendly Newsletter, which would bring together information about services and activities for older people in the borough. The newsletter would be co-developed with the Age-Friendly Forum.

Councillor Windle commended the work that had gone into developing the Plan, and expressed his excitement about the plan's potential to inform future strategies and the Local Plan.

Councillor Mitra asked about the signposting elements of the Plan, and whether it would include links to organisations and services which could support older people.

Councillor Dyer praised the Plan, and highlighted the need to join up information about services for older people. She also noted the need for the Plan to address the mental health needs of the borough's aging population, and asked how it would utilise the Patient and Carer Race Equality Framework (PCREF).

Ms Engen responded by highlighting the interconnection of the Plan's eight domains, and suggested that the Newsletter and Forum would provide opportunities to signpost residents to relevant services and activities, including those related to mental health.

Better Care Fund (BCF) Plan Addendum – Quarter 1 2024-25

The Board considered the Better Care Fund (BCF) Plan Addendum – Quarter 1 2024-25.

Jane Bowie, Director of Integrated Commissioning, explained that the Better Care Fund pools budgets from the Integrated Care Board (ICB) and the local authority in order to support integrated services.

Ms Bowie reported that all programmes in the BCF were on track for delivery with the exception of an Age UK Lambeth programme intended to support carers at the point of discharge from hospital. She explained that the programme had experienced delays due to recruitment difficulties but that a member of staff had now been recruited.

The Board asked no questions on this item. The Chair sought confirmation that the report had been submitted on time, and then moved that the Board ratify it. The Board ratified the report.

Quarterly Report of the Director of Public Health for Lambeth (July to September 2024)

The Board received the Quarterly Report of the Director of Public Health for Lambeth.

Ms Oki highlighted several initiatives and programmes of work which were discussed in the report, including:

  • Two DHSC pilots which Lambeth is participating in: the Digital NHS Health Check Pilot and the Workplace Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Health Checks
  • The Lambeth Smoke-Free Generation Programme, which is funded by a new government grant intended to create a smoke-free generation
  • The launch of the Food Ladders Toolkit, which aims to build community resilience in the face of food insecurity
  • The work of the Ascension Trust Beacon project which, with support from Lambeth Council, takes health pop-ups to community events across the borough, including Brixton Market and West Norwood.
  • The Thriving Communities Programme, which runs a variety of events and activities across the borough. Ms Oki drew particular attention to the Thriving Stockwell Community Living Rooms; The Thriving North Lambeth Community Living Room at the Black Prince Trust; The Thriving Fiveways programme; and the Clapham Park Cube Health and Wellbeing project.
  • The Inspire Black Communities Health and Wellbeing Day held in July. This day-long event provided health information and checks to members of Lambeth’s Black communities, and also offered entertainment, games and creative workshops.
  • Updates on national health protection issues, including rises in measles cases, rises in pertussis cases, the rollout of the RSV vaccination programme, and the government's mpox preparedness strategy
  • An update on the work of the Lambeth Combating Drugs Partnership, including a pilot scheme to provide drug treatment assessments in custody suites
  • The commissioning of sexual health outreach services across Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham
  • The work of the London HIV Prevention Programme, which is developing a new programme of work targeting Black Heritage communities.
  • The successful completion of a CVD prevention project which provided NHS Health Checks on the Lambeth Health and Wellbeing Bus to Council staff at the Civic Centre. Ms Oki explained that the service had been used by 83% of first time users of the bus and had identified that 71% of users had a higher heart age than their actual age.
  • The recruitment of new staff for the Lambeth Health and Wellbeing bus and Health Champions project
  • The winding down of the Lambeth Early Action Partnership (LEAP) programme following the end of its funding, and the publication of several reports which captured its learning.
  • The publication of the Children and Young People Demographic Fact Sheet which provides an overview of the characteristics of children and young people living in Lambeth.

Councillor Mitra asked about the promotion of the CVD Health Checks pilot. The Chair confirmed that these were being offered in workplaces, and also on the Health and Wellbeing Bus at the Civic Centre, and suggested that the Council could produce a video to raise awareness of the pilot.

The Board noted the report.