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Special Meeting, Planning Committee - Wednesday, 18th December, 2024 7.00 pm

December 18, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Planning Committee of Guildford Council will meet on Wednesday 18 December 2024. The documents made available for the meeting show that the committee are scheduled to discuss two planning applications, both for sites at The University of Law, Braboeuf Manor, Portsmouth Road, Guildford.

23/P/01850 - The University of Law, Braboeuf Manor, Portsmouth Road, Guildford

The application is for the demolition and retention of existing buildings and erection of new buildings to provide extra care housing (Use Class C21) and associated ancillary accommodation and amenity space, public realm works, at-grade car parking (existing), plus restoration and upgrade works to Braboeuf Manor (ancillary accommodation and amenity space) and the refurbishment of Pound Cottage for use as a single dwelling (Use Class C32) (amended plans received and description changed on 31.07.24, additional plans dated 10th September 2024).

The site is approximately 1.5 miles southwest of Guildford town centre, and is accessed from the A3100 Portsmouth Road. A Public Right of Way runs through the site from The Drive to Sandy Lane. The northern portion of the site is allocated in Guildford Local Plan for around 112 student bed spaces.

The main planning considerations in this case include: the loss of the education facility; the principle of developing C2 housing on the site; whether the development is acceptable in the Green Belt; the impact on the Area of Great Landscape Value and the Surrey Hills National Landscape; the character, design and visual impact of the proposals; the impact on the Grade II listed Braboeuf Manor; the impact on the heritage assets within the St Catherine’s Conservation Area; the provision of parking; and the impact on neighbouring amenity.

The application is supported by a large amount of technical information including an Archaeological Desk Based Assessment, a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA), a Transport Assessment (TA), a Flood Risk Assessment and an Ecology Appraisal.

The existing site was until recently in use as a campus of the University of Law and it is noted that the existing buildings are now starting to fall into disrepair.

The proposals are considered acceptable in the Green Belt as the built form proposed is all located within existing developed areas of the site which are inset from the Green Belt.

As the site is located within the Surrey Hills National Landscape, the application has been assessed as per the requirements of Paragraph 183 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). This requires the demonstration of exceptional circumstances.

The existing condition of the site is noteworthy in this context.

The applicant states that:

The Surrey Hills AONB was designated as early as 1958, the more modern buildings on site, developed to serve the educational requirements of a law college, post-date the designation. A former university campus which has been developed over-time in a unique vernacular, the campus as existing is comprised of a sizeable green and verdant site within which sit large buildings, with the more modern utilitarian in nature.

Surrey County Council have identified a need for 427 market extra care housing units in Guildford, with demand projected to increase to 501 units by 2035.

It is deemed that redevelopment of the brownfield site for extra care housing would be in the public interest as it would provide housing to meet a recognised need, provide enhancements in public access, and allow for the refurbishment of Braboeuf Manor and its curtilage listed buildings.

The applicant has submitted a viability assessment to justify not providing any on-site affordable housing.

The application has been amended during the course of its determination, and the scheme is now considered acceptable by the Council's Conservation Officer. There are no concerns with the loss of the modern buildings on the site. However, in terms of the impact of the new buildings on the setting of the listed building, the report states:

In conclusion on this point, the scheme still consists of a small number of instances of harm to the setting and significance of the Grade II listed Braboeuf Manor. The Council’s Conservation Officer has noted that this harm can be categorised as being at the low end of less-than-substantial.

The report also notes that the scheme would result in less-than-substantial harm to the character and significance of St Catherine's Conservation Area.

The applicant is proposing to mitigate the visual impact of the scheme by planting a substantial number of new trees. The proposals also include a number of new and improved pedestrian connections, including to the North Downs Way and public access to the parkland area to the east of the site. In addition, a publicly accessible restaurant will be provided.

The application is recommended for approval subject to conditions and the completion of a S106 legal agreement.

23/P/01851 - The University of Law, Braboeuf Manor, Portsmouth Road, Guildford

This application is for Listed Building Consent for works to Braboeuf Manor and the curtilage listed buildings to facilitate their use as ancillary accommodation and amenity space for the extra care housing.

This application is linked to application 23/P/01850 which is reported above.

This application is supported by a heritage assessment which considers the impact of the proposed works on the significance of Braboeuf Manor. The building dates back to the medieval period and includes features dating from the 16th Century. The curtilage listed buildings include The Garden Cottage and attached workshops, Garage workshop, Summer House, 'The Cow Shed' and Pound Cottage.

The applicant has amended the application to ensure the proposed works do not harm the significance of the listed buildings and structures. The Council's Conservation Officer considers that the application should be approved.

The application is recommended for approval.

  1. Use Class C2 housing is for residential institutions. This usually means accommodation where there is a degree of care and communal facilities. 

  2. Use Class C3 housing is for single family homes.