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Council - Wednesday, 4th December, 2024 10.00 am

December 4, 2024 View on council website
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The Bolsover Council meeting on 04 December 2024 included a question from the public, a recommendation from the Employment and Personnel Committee, and discussions on the introduction of an Empty Homes Premium and the Housing Strategy 2024-2029.

Pleasley Vale Regeneration Project - Update

An update was provided to the Council on the Pleasley Vale Regeneration Project. Councillor Steve Fritchley, the Leader of the Council, provided an update on the project, which had been identified as a priority in the Council's Corporate Plan 2024 - 2028, Bolsover District: The Future. The aims of the project are:

“To identify and deliver new opportunities for employment, leisure and recreation; improve infrastructure and enhance connectivity within the site, and promote its unique heritage assets to create a vibrant and sustainable destination.”

The Council was informed of progress that had been made since the previous update, and plans to appoint a contractor by May 2025. A key part of the project was identified as being the restoration of the Canal Basin at Pleasley Vale. Funding for this restoration has been obtained through the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Housing Strategy 2024-2029

Councillor Sandra Peake, Portfolio Holder for Housing, submitted a report seeking approval of the Housing Strategy 2024-2029. The report proposed four strategic priorities to enable housing growth across all sectors:

  1. Providing Good Quality Housing
  2. Enabling Housing Growth
  3. Supporting Vulnerable and Disadvantaged People
  4. Maintaining and improving property and housing management standards and ensuring that standards and living conditions in the district contribute towards better health outcomes for all.

The report identified the Local Plan for Bolsover District, adopted in March 2020, as the spatial framework for the district. The Local Plan sets the future need for housing at a minimum of 272 new homes per annum. Of this, for developments of 25 or more dwellings, 10% should be affordable housing.

The report provided details of the outcome of the public consultation on the draft Housing Strategy, which had been circulated to a range of stakeholders. The Council was asked to approve the Strategy for the period 2024-2029.

Long-Term Empty Properties Premium

Councillor Clive Moesby, Portfolio Holder for Resources, submitted a report on the introduction of an Empty Homes Premium, the power to charge a premium on top of the standard Council Tax charge for homes that had been empty for more than a year. The report outlined that:

“There is a substantial emphasis on tackling the ‘housing crisis’ both nationally and locally.”

Councillor Moesby identified the government's Building the Homes we Need ministerial statement as one example of this emphasis, which states that “We are in the middle of the most acute housing crisis in living memory. Home ownership is out of reach for too many; the shortage of houses drives high rents; and too many are left without access to a safe and secure home.”

It was proposed to introduce the Empty Homes Premium at the maximum levels permitted by the Local Government Finance Act 1992. This would mean:

  • Where a property had been unoccupied for one year but less than five years, 200% of the standard rate of Council Tax would be charged.
  • Where a property had been unoccupied for five years but less than 10 years, 300% of the standard rate of Council Tax would be charged.
  • Where a property had been unoccupied for at least 10 years, 400% of the standard rate of Council Tax would be charged.

The report recognised that there were a number of exemptions to the premium, including properties undergoing probate, properties being marketed for sale or let, and properties undergoing major repairs. These exemptions were introduced in November 2024 under the Council Tax (Prescribed Classes of Dwellings and Consequential Amendments) (England) Regulations 2024.

It was proposed to implement the Empty Homes Premium from 1 April 2026. This would enable the Council to adapt its systems and to ensure that property owners had sufficient time to bring their property back into use before being affected by the premium.

Recommendations from the Employment and Personnel Committee

Councillor Deborah Watson, the Vice-Chair of the Employment and Personnel Committee, submitted a report seeking approval of budget increases for proposals that had been agreed at the Committee's meeting on 6 November 2024. The report detailed two proposals:

  • To recruit a permanent Housing Options Triage Officer, at an annual cost of £38,810.
  • To create a permanent, second Corporate Property Officer to address capacity issues within the Dragonfly Facilities Management Service, at an annual cost of between £43,033 and £46,657.

The report identified the intention to fund these posts from the General Fund revenue budget, subject to achieving reductions in expenditure of £30,500 as a minimum as a result of the creation of the second Corporate Property Officer post.

Questions from the Public

Mr Dominic Webb submitted a question to the Portfolio Holder for Growth. Mr Webb's question was:

“Do the Dragonfly Group of companies, individually or together, present a material risk to the Council either financially or reputationally?”