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Housing and Planning Scrutiny Select Committee - Tuesday, 3rd December, 2024 6.30 pm
December 3, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The Housing and Planning Scrutiny Select Committee reviewed Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council’s performance on Key Performance Indicators, adopted updated fees and charges for discretionary services, approved a budget for the Local Nature Recovery Strategy, heard an update on the Tree Protocol and the Homelessness and Temporary Accommodation Action Plan, and approved an updated procedure on planning application amendments. The Committee also approved the lease of 19 residential apartments in Tonbridge High Street for use as temporary accommodation.
Local Plan
The committee approved the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health’s Local Plan Engagement and Consultation Strategy, which builds on the existing Statement of Community Involvement. The committee heard that following the government’s consultation on proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework, the council is pausing further work on the Local Plan until the revised NPPF is published. In the meantime, the committee noted that,
a revised NPPF, should this include the changes made as per those in the consultation draft, will require an increase to the annual allocation of funds into the Local Plan reserve.
The committee was told that the council was likely to need an interim increase in its Local Plan budget to £160,000 and that it would probably need even more money in future to deliver a Local Plan which complies with the revised NPPF.
Performance of Housing Services
The committee heard a report on the performance of Housing services, with a particular focus on homelessness and temporary accommodation. The committee heard that there had been positive trends in some areas, like the number of Disabled Facilities Grants being completed. There were areas identified for improvement, including a backlog of assessments on the Housing Register. The committee heard an update on the Homelessness and Temporary Accommodation Action Plan, and was told that 55% of the actions had been completed.
Fees and Charges
The committee discussed a report proposing an increase in the fees that the council charges for discretionary planning services like pre-application advice and Building Control. In particular, it was noted that
it is essential in light of the Council’s overall financial position that opportunities are taken to maximise income, as it is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve further expenditure savings to meet the targets in the Savings and Transformation Strategy.
The Committee adopted the following updated fee schedules, all of which will come into effect from 01 April 2025:
- Pre-application Charging Fee Schedule 2025/26.
- Building Control Fee Schedule 2025/26.
- Planning Performance Agreement Charging Schedule.
The Committee also adopted a number of specific fees for services:
- £540 for High Hedges applications.
- £460 per obligation for S106 monitoring.
- £175 for an S106 compliance request.
- An additional £145 if a site visit is required for S106 compliance.
The committee also adopted an updated Planning Performance Agreement template.
Tree Protocol Update
The committee discussed a report which reviewed the progress that the council was making on reducing the backlog of Tree Preservation Order requests. It was noted that
although progress has been made in reducing the backlog, the fact that new TPO requests are being received, means the overall number is not reducing at the preferred rate.
The committee reviewed three options to address the problem:
- Option A: Appoint a consultant to help reduce the backlog.
- Option B: Continue to reduce the backlog using existing staff resources.
- Option C: Wait for the results of a review of casework capacity before making a decision.
The committee recommended Option A, despite the fact that it would require the council to identify £29,000 of funding to pay for the consultant.
Amendments to Planning Applications
The committee discussed the council’s Non-Amendments Policy, and agreed to amend the policy to allow greater flexibility in determining planning applications. Amendments will only be accepted at the request of the case officer, and only if they don't require further consultation.
HMO and Caravan Site Licence fees
The committee heard a report that proposed new fees for Houses in Multiple Occupation and Caravan Site licences. An increase in HMO Licence fees of 3.5% was proposed to take account of administrative costs. Similarly, the licence fees for permanent residential caravan sites were also increased by 3.5%.
Proposed Lease of Residential Apartments in Tonbridge for Use as Temporary Accommodation
The committee discussed a proposal to enter into a 10-year lease with Moat Housing Association1 for 19 residential apartments in Tonbridge High Street. The apartments would be used as temporary accommodation, which the council is required to provide by the Housing Act 19962. It was noted that
the ongoing costs associated with providing temporary accommodation was one of the Borough Council’s most challenging financial issues.
The committee recommended the proposal to Cabinet, on the condition that officers should attempt to negotiate an option to buy the apartments from the freeholder.
Local Nature Recovery Strategy
The committee discussed the draft Kent and Medway Local Nature Recovery Strategy3, and recommended that the council should support the draft being put forward to public consultation.
Moat is a housing association that owns and manages homes across the South East of England. ↩
Part 7 of the Housing Act 1996 places a statutory duty on local authorities to provide accommodation to people who are eligible for assistance, unintentionally homeless and in priority need. ↩
Local Nature Recovery Strategies are a requirement of the Environment Act 2021. They are intended to create a network of wildlife-rich places to protect and restore nature. ↩
- Attendee: Adem Mehmet
- Attendee: Dave Davis CEng FICE
- Attendee: David Thornewell
- Attendee: Dennis King
- Attendee: Des Keers
- Attendee: Frani Hoskins
- Attendee: Garry Bridge
- Attendee: Kim Tanner
- Attendee: Lee Athwal
- Attendee: Mark Hood
- Attendee: Mark Rhodes
- Attendee: Martin Coffin
- Attendee: Matt Boughton
- Attendee: Mike Taylor
- Attendee: Mrs Anita Oakley MA BA
- Attendee: Mrs Michelle Tatton
- Attendee: Mrs Sue Bell
- Attendee: Mrs Trudy Dean
- Attendee: Paul Hickmott
- Attendee: Robert Cannon
- Attendee: Robert Oliver
- Attendee: Roger Dalton
- Attendee: Roger Roud
- Attendee: Steve Hammond
- Attendee: Wendy Palmer
- Report of Director of Planning Housing and Environmental Health
- Decisions 03rd-Dec-2024 18.30 Housing and Planning Scrutiny Select Committee
- Printed minutes 03rd-Dec-2024 18.30 Housing and Planning Scrutiny Select Committee minutes
- 01 Report of Director of Planning Housing and Environmental Health other
- 01.01 Action plan
- Public reports pack 03rd-Dec-2024 18.30 Housing and Planning Scrutiny Select Committee reports pack
- 02 Declarations of interest other
- Guidance on the Conduct of Meetings
- 06.01 Annex 1 - KPI_HPSSC_Q2_2425 other
- Available substitutes as of October 2024 other
- 14. Report of Director of Planning Housing and Environmental Health
- Agenda frontsheet 03rd-Dec-2024 18.30 Housing and Planning Scrutiny Select Committee agenda
- Minutes of Previous Meeting other
- 06 Report of Chief Executive and Leader other
- 06.02 Annex 2 - KPI_HPSSC_Q2_Long_View
- 07 Report of Head of Planning other
- 09.02 Annex 2.Member Officer and Parish Council Engagement Programme.Final
- Annex 1 - Development Managment Fees HP
- Annex 2 - Standard_Building_Control_fees_Charges - Annex 2
- Annex 3 - PPA_template
- 09.03 Annex 3. TMBC Local Plan Risk Register
- Annex 4- Proposed Inception and PPA fees 2024 5 RG comments
- 08 Report of Director of Planning Housing and Environmental Health other
- Report of Development Manager
- 09 Report of Director of Planning Housing and Environment Health other
- 09.01 Annex 1.TMBC Local Plan Engagement and Consultation Strategy.Final
- 15. Report of Director of Planning Housing and Environmental Health
- 15.01 Appendix A - Multi-agency self-neglect and hoarding policies and procedures
- 14.01 Annex 1 for members updated
- 12 Report of Director Planning Housing and Environmental Health other
- 12.01 Infrastruture Funding Statement
- 12.01.01 Annex 1 IFS other
- 12.01.02 Annex 2 IFS - Planning_obligations_protocol_2024 other
- 13. Report of Director of Planning Housing and Environmental Health
- 13.01 Annex 1 - Authority Monitoring Report other
- 19 Work Programme other
- 03 Urgent Items other
- 04 Exclusion of Press and Public other
- 05 Urgent Items Private other