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Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Sub-Committee - Thursday, 12th December 2024 5.30 pm

December 12, 2024 View on council website
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The Licensing Sub-Committee decided to allow an existing driver to renew their licence after they were convicted for using a mobile phone while driving. The Sub-Committee also confirmed the minutes of their meeting on 20 November 2024.

Licence Renewal for Driver Convicted of Using Mobile Phone While Driving

The Sub-Committee considered an application for the renewal of a Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Driver’s Licence from an existing driver who had been convicted of using a mobile phone while driving. The driver attended the meeting with their manager. The driver had also sent a letter to the council before the meeting. The Sub-Committee decided to grant the driver a renewal of their licence. The Sub-Committee also decided to send the driver a letter reminding them of the high standards expected of them as the holder of a Private Hire Driver's Licence.

The Licensing Officer reminded the Sub-Committee of their policy on taxi licensing, which states that:

it was right to regard a licence holder as fit and proper if adequate evidence of good character and record was adduced and there was no reason to question or doubt it

The Licensing Officer also reminded the Sub-Committee that the onus was on the driver to explain why the Sub-Committee should depart from its policy. They also reminded the Sub-Committee that the key question they should ask themselves was:

“Without any prejudice, and based on the information before you, would you allow a person for whom you care, regardless of their condition, to travel alone in a vehicle driven by this person at any time of day or night?”

The Licensing Officer also explained that the council had recently agreed to implement the Statutory Best Practice Taxi Private Hire Standards1.

  1. The Statutory Best Practice Taxi and Private Hire Standards were published by the Department for Transport in 2020, and provide guidance to councils on how to regulate taxi and private hire services.