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Planning Committee - Wednesday, 11th December, 2024 7.00 pm

December 11, 2024 View on council website
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This meeting was about deciding whether to grant planning permission to two new developments. Councillors were scheduled to consider proposals to build three new houses in Haslemere and 320 new homes in Farnham. In the case of the Farnham development, the principle of development had already been established by the granting of outline planning permission in 2023.

Land North of Coxbridge Farm, West Street, Farnham

Councillors were scheduled to be asked to approve the detail of a plan for 320 new homes on land to the north of Coxbridge Farm on West Street in Farnham.

This development, if approved, would be the culmination of a process that began in November 2018 when the developer requested a screening opinion to determine whether an Environmental Impact Assessment was required before submitting an application. The Council decided an Environmental Impact Assessment was not required.

Outline planning permission was granted for the development in June 2023.

This report pack contained a summary of the 36 letters of objection from local residents that had been received to the original proposal and the one letter of objection received during a re-consultation after the developer made minor amendments to the plans.

This proposal had been deferred from the October 2024 meeting of the Planning Committee after Councillors asked the developer to reconsider the layout and design of the eastern boundary of the development, including its relationship to Hazell Road.

The report pack indicated that the developer had submitted an amended plan for this boundary that seeks to:

  • A rethink of the relationship with the eastern boundary of the development.
  • More focus on a green buffer along the eastern boundary.
  • Re-orientation of the dwellings so that they now back-on to the dwellings on Hazell Road, rather than a previous relationship of a mixture between the side on and back to back.

Objections from Farnham Town Council

The report pack included comments from Farnham Town Council, some of which had been addressed by the developer in the amended plans. The Town Council had asked for:

  • The layout to preserve the setting of listed buildings.
  • Traditional materials to be used.
  • A green buffer to be provided at the rear of Hazell Road.
  • The layout to have a hierarchy of streets.
  • Focal points to be provided.
  • Houses to front onto West Street.
  • Buildings to be no higher than two storeys.
  • A landscaped transition to the countryside at the north of the site.
  • Existing hedgerows to be retained.
  • Amenity greenspace to be provided.
  • A small area for children’s play to be provided.
  • Traffic calming measures to be provided on site.
  • A footpath to be provided on West Street.
  • Footpaths to link to existing footpaths.
  • A pedestrian crossing to West Street.
  • Upgrades to drainage infrastructure.
  • Modelling to confirm that the sewage network would not require an upgrade.
  • Energy efficiency measures to be included.
  • Surrey County Council to allocate CIL to local schools.

Objections from The Farnham Society

The Farnham Society said they neither supported nor objected to the application, but that:

The entrance and exit off West Street is inadequate for an estate of this size particularly given the increasingly busy traffic of West Street and its role as the main westerly entrance to a developing Farnham. Further consideration is required to layout of site to dwellings on Hazell Road.

Other objections from local residents

The report pack included a summary of the objections received from local residents. Many residents were concerned that the new development would not provide a sufficient green buffer to the rear of Hazell Road, saying:

Proposal is contrary to Policy FNP14g which requires sufficient green buffer to rear of Hazell Road by way of long back gardens backing onto existing gardens to minimise visual amenity impacts.

Many were also concerned that the developer had not appropriately engaged residents prior to submitting the application.

Some residents were concerned that the proposed six phases of development, with work starting in 2025 and finishing in 2029, was too slow. They asked for a three year programme.

Other residents objected to the appearance of the houses, saying:

Dark wall tile hanging to apartments results in depressing/overbearing elevation.

Some residents were concerned about the impact the development would have on traffic, and whether the drainage and sewage infrastructure would be sufficient.

One resident emailed the council in April 2024 to request that the site be used as a park and ride during the implementation of the Farnham Infrastructure Programme.

Impact on residential amenity

The report pack included an assessment of the impact the development would have on the amenity of existing residents. It concluded that the impact would be acceptable, saying:

Along the boundary with Hazel Road a 1.8 metre close-boarded fence would be inset from the existing vegetation where possible (alongside Plots 57, 40, 32 and 31 respectively), and enhanced with native species to create a 4.0 metre’ high visual buffer with tree planting.

Total back-to-back distances from the main elevation windows of the Hazel Road dwellings and proposed dwellings is approximately 45m.

Impact on trees

The Council's Tree Officer objected to the original proposal, but withdrew their objection after the developer submitted an amended Arboricultural Impact Assessment, Arboricultural Method Statement and Tree Protection Plan.

Drainage and Sewage

Thames Water submitted a letter to the developer in May 2022 confirming that the development would not require the sewage network to be upgraded.

Parking and Highway Safety

The report pack included an assessment of the impact of the development on highway safety, concluding that it would be acceptable. The assessment included an updated Transport Statement prepared by Abley Letchford Partnership Limited and an updated Construction Transport and Environmental Management Plan.

The report pack also indicated that a Stage 2 Road Safety Audit has been completed, and that the County Highway Authority is satisfied with the plans.

Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace

The report pack indicates that the developer would be required to make a financial contribution towards Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) at Farnham Park.

Land to Rear of Courtmede, 13 Derby Road, Haslemere

This proposal was deferred from the previous meeting of the planning committee after councillors asked the developer to explore moving the proposed access road further away from the boundary of the neighbouring property, 15 Derby Road.

The applicant submitted an amended plan showing the access road being moved by approximately 1 metre, which the report pack indicates would:

allow for the access road to follow the natural topography of the site without impacting on the root protection areas of the mature trees on site

The Proposal

The report pack included a proposal for three new two storey houses to the rear of the existing property, 13 Derby Road. The new houses would be accessed via a shared driveway from Derby Road.

The proposed site layout included:

  • One house with an integral garage
  • One house with a detached garage
  • One house with an integral garage
  • A turning area
  • Parking for 3 cars per house
  • Two visitor parking spaces

Consultation responses

The report pack indicated that both the Council's Tree Officer and Surrey Wildlife Trust raised no objections to the development, subject to conditions.

Surrey County Council, as the Local Highways Authority, also raised no objections subject to conditions.

Objections from local residents

The report pack summarised the 20 letters of objection and 1 neutral comment received from local residents. Many residents objected that the proposal was an overdevelopment of the site, saying:

Contravenes the low density policy that covers this area

Other residents were concerned about the impact of the development on traffic, especially on the safety of children walking to the nearby St Bartholomew's School.

Several residents objected to the impact of the development on their amenity, in particular the impact of the access road on residents of 15 Derby Road, saying:

Access road to close to No.15 – loss of privacy due to removal of trees and hedges alongside the common boundary – pollution resulting from the traffic

Some residents objected that there had been no Flood Risk Assessment submitted.

One resident said that access should be from the Weydown Industrial Estate to the rear of the site.

Impact on the character and appearance of the area

The report pack included an assessment of the impact of the development on the character and appearance of the area.

It concluded that the impact would be acceptable, saying:

The proposed development would be located to the rear of the donor dwelling, at a distance in excess of 50m from existing dwelling, and would be set back a minimum of 80m from Derby Road. As such, it would afford limited visibility, if any, from the street scene of Derby Road.

Impact on residential amenity

The report pack included an assessment of the impact the development would have on the amenity of existing and future residents.

It concluded that the impact would be acceptable, saying:

Given the orientation of the dwellings within their plots there would be no direct views between the rearfacing windows at the doner property and Plot 3, which would be the nearest plot at a distance in excess than 50m.

The separation distance from the common boundary, as well as the dense boundary foliage, are considered sufficient to ensure the proposal would not result in undue harm to the amenities of the occupiers of No.15 Derby Road.

Housing need

The report pack acknowledged that the Council is unable to demonstrate a five year housing land supply, saying:

It is acknowledged that the Council cannot demonstrate a 5YHLS and currently identify a supply of 3.19 years.

Special Protection Areas

The report pack acknowledged that the application site is located within 5km of the East Hants and Wealden Heaths Special Protection Areas (SPAs), but concluded that it was unlikely to have a significant effect on them.


The report pack concluded that the proposal would not have an unacceptable impact on biodiversity.

Parking and Highway Safety

The report pack concluded that the proposal included sufficient parking provision and would have an acceptable impact on highway safety.

Trees and landscaping

The report pack concluded that the impact of the development on trees would be acceptable.

Contaminated land

The report pack acknowledged that the site may be contaminated due to the nearby industrial uses, and concluded that a contamination assessment would be required before development could commence.

Flooding and Drainage

The report pack indicated that the site is located in Flood Zone 1, the lowest risk category, but acknowledged that the site is vulnerable to surface water flooding. The report pack indicated that a drainage strategy has been submitted, and that the Lead Local Flood Authority, Surrey County Council, has raised no objections.

Climate change and sustainability

The report pack concluded that the proposal included sufficient measures to mitigate the development's contribution to climate change.

Community Infrastructure Levy

The report pack indicated that the development would be liable to pay the Community Infrastructure Levy.

Equality and human rights

The report pack included an assessment of the impact of the development on equality and human rights, concluding that the impact would be acceptable.