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Council - Wednesday 11th December, 2024 7.00 pm

December 11, 2024 View on council website
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This meeting was the last of 2024 for the full Council of East Herts Council. It covered a range of topics, including the appointment of a new Chief Financial Officer, the proposed changes to polling districts and polling stations and the impact of the government’s decision to amend the eligibility criteria for the Winter Fuel Payment. The meeting also included a report on the previous year’s treasury management performance and a discussion of the council’s tax base for the next year.

Winter Fuel Allowance

A motion was presented that proposed a number of responses from East Herts Council to the UK government's decision to restrict eligibility for the Winter Fuel Payment. The motion was proposed by Councillor Geoff Holt, seconded by Councillor Alex Parsad-Wyatt and supported by all Councillors. It stated that:

This Council expresses deep concern regarding the Government's decision to amend the eligibility criteria for the Winter Fuel Payment (WFP) as outlined in the Social Fund Winter Fuel Payment Regulations 2024, which were presented to Parliament on 22nd August 2024 and came into effect on 16th September 2024.

It went on to set out a number of observations made by the Council, including the impact that changes to the Winter Fuel Payment will have on pensioners in rural areas. It also commented on the health impacts of cold weather.

The motion then went on to set out a number of actions for East Herts Council to take in response to the government's decision. These include engaging with local MPs, calling for a government review and promoting awareness of benefit eligibility for pensioners.

Polling Districts and Polling Places Review

The Executive Member for Corporate Services, Councillor Joe Dumont presented a report which set out the proposed polling stations for future elections in the district. The report stated that 17 polling stations in 5 polling districts had been identified for potential changes.

The report explained that the review had taken into account feedback from residents at previous elections and had tried to find alternative locations for polling districts that currently use schools as polling stations.

The changes to polling places were proposed for Buntingford, Bishop’s Stortford South, Hertford Castle, Hertford Sele and Ware Trinity. The report recommended that the proposals for polling districts and polling places be adopted and applied to all future elections until the next review in 2029.

Appointment of Interim Chief Executive and Returning Officer

The Leader of East Herts Council, Councillor Ben Crystall, presented a report on the appointment of a new Interim Chief Executive. The report explained that Richard Cassidy had left the council after five years, and that the process for appointing his successor was set out in the council's constitution.

The Chief Officer Recruitment Committee had unanimously agreed to appoint Helen Standen as Interim Chief Executive and Returning Officer. It was proposed that Helen Standen's appointment be ratified by the council.

Community Governance Review - Terms of Reference and Timetable

A report was presented that set out the proposed terms of reference and timetable for the review of community governance in East Herts. The report noted that guidance states that councils should carry out a Community Governance Review every 10-15 years and that this was the next such review for the council.

The review would give town and parish councils an opportunity to change, and the report set out the terms of reference and timetable for the review. The report recommended that the terms of reference, which were included in the report pack, be agreed and that this would signify the formal start of the review and the start of the first stage of consultation.

Officer Delegated Authority to make decisions relating to the delivery of the Old River Lane project

The Leader of the council presented a report that proposed delegating authority for making decisions on the delivery of the Old River Lane project to the Head of Communications, Strategy and Policy.

The report explained that the council had previously delegated this authority to the Head of Strategic Finance and Property, but that the current post holder was retiring at the end of November.

The report recommended that the authority be delegated to the Head of Communications, Strategy and Policy, and that the delegation be subject to consultation with the Old River Lane Delivery Board and the Section 151 Officer (or Deputy Section 151 Officer in their absence).

Annual Treasury Management Review 2023/24

The Leader presented a report that provided the Council with an Annual Treasury Management Review of the financial year 2023/24.

The report contained a summary of the council's balance sheet, which showed a total of £50 million in borrowing and £30.7 million in investments. It then summarised the council's borrowing and investment activities over the year.

The report went on to describe the performance of the council's investments in externally managed pooled funds. In particular, it noted that one of the council's property funds, Lothbury, had voted to terminate, and that the assets of the fund were being sold off. The council would receive the return of its funds from the Lothbury fund throughout 2024/25 as the assets were sold.

The report also described the performance of the council's investment in Hermes, its other property fund, which was said to be still performing well.

The report concluded by stating that all treasury management activities undertaken during the year had complied with the principles in the Treasury Management Code and the council’s approved Treasury Management Strategy.

Council Tax Base 2025/26

The council considered a report that set out a calculation of the council tax base for the whole district, and for each parish and town council, for 2025/26.

The report provided an overview of the legislation that governs how councils calculate their tax base. The tax base is the number of properties in a local authority area that are subject to council tax, and is calculated by taking account of things like exemptions and discounts.

The report set out the formula used by the council to calculate the tax base, and explained the assumptions that had been made when making the calculations.

It was proposed that the council’s tax base for the whole area for 2025/26 be 65,314.04. The report also included a proposed council tax base figure for each parish area in the district.

Appointment of S151 Officer

The council considered a report on the appointment of Mathew Crosby as the council’s Interim Chief Financial Officer, also known as the Section 151 Officer1.

The Section 151 Officer in a local authority is the officer designated by the council who has responsibility for the proper administration of the council's financial affairs.

The report explained that the council was required by law to appoint a Chief Financial Officer, and that this is governed by Section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972. It explained that the council’s constitution requires the Chief Executive to appoint the Section 151 officer and for the appointment to then be ratified by the full council. The report proposed that Mathew Crosby’s appointment be ratified by the council.