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This meeting was scheduled to include the consideration of the Foreshore Trust’s finances, and to agree on a number of new policies. It also included discussion of the future of the Foreshore Trust's grant programmes, beach cleaning and public toilet cleaning.
The documents for this meeting do not include minutes, and so it is not possible to know what was discussed, or what decisions were taken.
Foreshore Trust Finances
The Charity Committee was asked to note the contents of a report on the Foreshore Trust’s finances, which included an update to the Committee on the 2024/25 financial position.
The report, which can be read in full here: 2024-25 FST Final Finance Report 31st October 2024, explained that:
The Trust is reporting a surplus for the 2024/25 financial year in respect of operating income and expenses of £421,000.
The Committee were also asked to approve the creation of a new full-time position for a Finance Business Partner, dedicated to the Foreshore Trust. This role would be funded by the Trust, and is intended to provide it with greater support, and a clearer separation from Hastings Borough Council. The report on the proposed new role explained that:
Given the financial pressures on HBC over the past few years, primarily caused by the increase in its Temporary Housing Accommodation costs, the Council has needed to make substantial cuts to its services, and particularly its staffing resources.
Foreshore Trust Grant Programmes
The Committee was asked to consider a report on the Trust’s Large Grants Programme, which was due to end in September 2024. It had previously allocated grants under a range of themes, including domestic violence, homelessness and mental health. The report recommended that the programme be relaunched with a new round of grants, focussing on:
The provision of advice services for relief of housing debt and fuel poverty, especially for families, since these pressures bear heavily on the young people of our town
The meeting was also scheduled to consider a report on the recruitment process for members of the Grant Advisory Panel, which is responsible for appraising grant applications, as well as the recruitment process for the position of Protector. The Protector’s role is to:
ensure the integrity of the administration of the charity, and who must report to the commission any matter which he has reasonable cause to believe he is likely to be relevant for the purposes of the exercise by the Commission of any of its functions
White Rock Baths
Councillors were scheduled to receive a verbal update on White Rock Baths from Victoria Conheady, Deputy Chief Executive & Director of Place, and Amy Terry, Property and Commercial Assets Manager.
Beach Cleaning
The Committee was asked to decide whether to fund either a 5-day-per-week, or 7-day-per-week enhancement to the beach cleaning service, to be delivered by Hastings Borough Council. The report noted that:
A key priority of the Foreshore Trust is to improve access to, and the quality of, the coastal and marine environment
and explained that:
Despite the diligent efforts of HBC’s street cleaning team, supported by many hard working volunteers, litter remains an ongoing issue
Public Toilet Cleaning
Councillors were asked to approve a 2-year extension to the contract for the cleaning of the public toilets at Wetton. This would extend the existing contract with Wetton Cleaning Services until March 2027. The report noted that:
Facility cleaning is an essential part of managing any council building. Not only does it help to stop the spread of disease and provide pleasant facilities for customers to use; clean public toilets re-enforce a positive view of those facilities, ultimately improving the reputation of the council and town to staff, residents, and visitors alike.
- Glenn Haffenden
- Julia Hilton
- Tony Collins
- Allison San Diego
- Coral Harding
- Ian Sycamore
- James Cook
- James Robson
- Mary Kilner
- Natasha Tewkesbury
- Rita O’Mahoney
- Stephen Dodson
- Victoria Conheady
- Agenda frontsheet 09th-Dec-2024 18.00 Charity Committee agenda
- Public reports pack 09th-Dec-2024 18.00 Charity Committee reports pack
- 2024-25 FST Final Finance Report 31st October 2024 other
- Minutes Public Pack 23092024 Charity Committee other
- FinanceOfficerRecruitment202526
- Foreshore Trust large grants report
- FST Monitoring Report Up to 31st October 24-25 other
- Advertise position of Protector GAP 09.12.24 other
- Charity Cmtt - Additional Beach Cleaner
- GERULE2620NOTICE 09.12.24 other
- Extension to the Public Convenience Cleaning Contract- Charity Cmtt
- Printed minutes 09th-Dec-2024 18.00 Charity Committee minutes