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Planning CommitteeTuesday, 10th December, 2024 6.00 pm

December 10, 2024 View on council website
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This meeting was about the committee considering a range of planning matters. The most significant item on the agenda was for the committee to consider an updated proposal for the redevelopment of the Land Bounded By Adelaide Street, Leopold Grove And Alfred Street, Blackpool. The committee was also scheduled to review local planning enforcement activity.

Land Bounded By Adelaide Street, Leopold Grove And Alfred Street, Blackpool

This application (reference 24/0315) proposed the approval of reserved matters (Appearance and Landscape) pursuant to outline planning permission 24/0131, comprising the erection of a hotel development with car parking and associated works. The application sought to resolve matters of appearance and landscaping.

The site is located in a sensitive location opposite the Winter Gardens, which is a Grade II* listed building1 and within the Town Centre Conservation Area2. Permission was previously granted for a five storey building to accommodate 266 bedrooms and suites, with vehicular access from Alfred Street and the main pedestrian access point on Adelaide Street. A secondary access was also to be provided on Leopold Grove.

The application sought to resolve matters of appearance and landscaping and Ms Parker advised that a reserved matters application must be submitted within three years of outline consent being granted and that an extension to that timeframe was not possible.

The scheme was recommended for approval subject to conditions, including one that sought to mitigate the visual impact of the development.

The Committee was informed that some of the proposed materials were not considered appropriate, such as the use of dark grey window and door frames and a condition was recommended that would require these details to be agreed post determination.

Further conditions related to the submission of details relating to the landscaping of the site, such as the materials to be used, the details of any trees and a plan for their ongoing maintenance.

The meeting considered a report (reference 24/0315) that provided further information about the application. It stated that the application had been amended following its deferral at the previous meeting.

This report provides an update on details of landscaping as requested by the Committee and attached at Appendix 5a is the report presented at the meeting on 12 November 2024.

This included the submission of an amended plan to address concerns about the weight of soil that was to be used for podium planting.

The applicant has agreed to enter into a legal agreement to pay £26,000 towards off site tree planting. The plans still indicate 92 cubic metres of soil would be provided at podium level, but as no trees are to be planted, this could reduce significantly and the details could be agreed by condition.

The report concluded that the development would be an asset to the town.

The proposals would redevelop a prominent, vacant site within the Town Centre Conservation Area, to provide modern visitor accommodation to complement the high quality conference facilities at the Winter Gardens and the wider Town Centre.

Subject to the conditions, the application was recommended for approval.

Planning Enforcement Update

The committee was asked to note the Planning Enforcement Update (reference not provided) for October 2024, which provided a summary of planning enforcement activity within Blackpool between 1 October 2024 and 31 October 2024.

In total, 62 new cases were registered for investigation in October 2024. As at 31 October 2024 there were 368 “live” complaints outstanding.

The report also provided details of how many cases had been resolved.

6 cases were resolved by negotiation without recourse to formal action. 42 cases were closed. These cases include those where there was no breach of planning control found, no action was appropriate, or where it was considered not expedient to take action.

No Enforcement Notices or s215 Notices3 were authorised or issued in October 2024.

  1. A Grade II* listed building is a building that is judged to be of particular importance, of more than special interest. 

  2. A conservation area is an area that has been designated as being of special architectural or historic interest and its character is considered worthy of preservation. 

  3. A Section 215 Notice is a legal notice served under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. It is served on the owner and/or occupier of land that the local planning authority considers to be adversely affecting the amenity of the area.