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Health and Wellbeing BoardWednesday, 11th December, 2024 3.00 pm

December 11, 2024 View on council website
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This meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board was scheduled to include presentations from Healthwatch Blackpool on their work engaging with local people on vaping and the menopause, and updates on the progress of the ‘Move Together Blackpool’ programme and the implementation of Blackpool’s Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2024-2028.

The meeting was also scheduled to receive updates from the Blackpool Health Protection Forum and NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board.

Healthwatch Blackpool: Vaping Presentation

This item was scheduled to include a presentation on the findings of Healthwatch Blackpool's engagement with children and young people on the topic of e-cigarettes and vaping.

The presentation was also scheduled to cover the subsequent media campaign commissioned by Public Health Blackpool, which was co-produced with children, young people and parents and carers. The aim of the project was to involve children and young people in creating resources, such as videos and social media campaigns, that would discourage the uptake of vaping.

Resources created had a direct link to our landing page. This page was embedded on the Healthwatch website, and included information regarding:

  • Local and national services to help stop vaping
  • Healthwatch Blackpool survey findings
  • The resources created by young people and parents/carers

Item 3 Vaping Report

Healthwatch Blackpool: Menopause and Wellbeing Presentation

The Board was scheduled to receive a presentation from Amy Butler, Healthwatch Blackpool Manager and Alex Lever, Healthwatch Blackpool Engagement Lead, on the topic of menopause and wellbeing in Blackpool. The presentation was to be based on engagement with the local community, commissioned by Public Health Blackpool.

Move Together Blackpool Update Presentation

The Board was scheduled to receive a presentation giving an overview of Sport England's Place Expansion – Move Together Blackpool, and the programme's progress in the past six months. The presentation was to include details of the impact report that has been submitted to Sport England.

Move Together Blackpool is taking a bold, brave and radically different approach to helping people get physically active in Blackpool.

Item 4 Move Together overview

Monitoring of the Blackpool Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JLHWS) 2024-2028

This item was scheduled to update the board on the progress being made on delivering the indicators and milestones of the current health and wellbeing strategy. The update would be used to demonstrate how the Health and Wellbeing Board is addressing identified needs.

The meeting was scheduled to receive an overview of how the Board will monitor the identified performance indicators and milestones.

An example of how the information would be presented to the Health and Wellbeing Board was included in the report pack: Appendix 5a: ‘Priority 1 – starting well, metrics and milestones update’.

Health Protection Forum Update: Preventing and Managing Infectious Disease across Blackpool

The board was scheduled to receive information on the activity and actions taken in Blackpool to respond to or prevent communicable disease. The report pack included a report by Dianne Draper, Consultant in Public Health, detailing activity over the previous year.

The report included details of the Council's response to outbreaks in closed settings, such as care homes and homeless shelters.

For the last year (1 November 2023 to 22 November 2024) the Health Protection Team for the Council have managed and resolved 47 outbreaks in closed settings

Item 6 Health Protection Forum Update

The report also outlined the success of the E-bug training programme, and the door-knocking measles vaccination catch-up service.

NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board and Place-Based Partnership Update

This item was scheduled to provide the Board with an update on NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board and the Blackpool Place-based Partnership.

The report pack included a report by Karen Smith, Director of Adult Social Services / Director of Health and Care Integration, LSC Integrated Care Board (ICB), outlining the work that has taken place since the last meeting.

Promoting integrated, person-centred care and health improvement is a key objective of:

  • the DHSC’s adult social care reform vision
  • the Health and Care Act 2022
  • the NHS Long Term Plan
  • the DHSC’s integration white paper (Health and social care integration: joining up care for people, places and populations)

Item 7 ICB Update

The report also covered the progress of the transforming community care programme, the 'Your Health. Your Care. Your Say' engagement programme, and the North West women and children’s transformation programme.

It also included details of the Integrated Care Board’s plans to support the Armed Forces community, its ‘a to z for a healthy mouth’ campaign and the Blackpool Place-based partnership update.