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Planning Committee - Wednesday, 11th December, 2024 1.00 pm

December 11, 2024 View on council website
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This meeting was scheduled to consider eleven planning applications, including applications relating to the prior approval of development, full planning applications, and applications to discharge conditions that were attached to a planning permission.

Planning applications

Land South of 52-54 Wisbech Road, Walsoken

This application (F/YR24/0456/O) requested the discharge of Condition 2 (materials) from planning permission F/YR23/0993/F for the erection of one dwelling and detached garage. The case officer's report considered that the application met the requirements of the conditions, and that it should therefore be approved.

Land rear of 164-166 Wisbech Road, Walsoken

This application (F/YR24/0835/O) requested the discharge of Conditions 3 (Tree Protection Plan), 6 (Materials - sample panel), 11 (Surface Water Drainage), and 15 (Electric Vehicle Charging Point) of planning permission F/YR23/0208/F for the erection of 4 dwellings. The case officer's report considered that the application met the requirements of the conditions, and that it should therefore be approved.

Manor Farm, Friday Bridge

This application (F/YR24/0752/AG) related to the erection of an agricultural building. The case officer's report considered that the application met the requirements of the relevant development plan policies, and that it should therefore be approved.

Land north of The Orchards, Chain Road, Friday Bridge

This application (F/YR24/0804/F) related to an outline application for the erection of up to 14 dwellings with all matters reserved except for access. The case officer's report considered that the application met the requirements of the relevant development plan policies, subject to a S106 agreement, and that it should therefore be approved.

Land at and south of 74-78 High Street, Chatteris

This application (F/YR24/0867/F) related to the erection of two No. 2-bedroom semi-detached dwellings following demolition of existing garage and store (resubmission of F/YR24/0628/F). The case officer's report considered that the application met the requirements of the relevant development plan policies, subject to a S106 agreement, and that it should therefore be approved.

Land at Springfield Farm, Manea Road, Wimblington

This application (F/YR24/0825/F) related to the erection of a detached dwelling and garage (Re-submission of F/YR24/0396/F). The case officer's report considered that the application did not meet the requirements of the relevant development plan policies and should therefore be refused. The report explains that:

the proposal fails to respect the established building line and pattern of development, thereby resulting in an incongruous form of development that would harm the character and appearance of the street scene and wider area.

The Bell Inn Public House, 11 High Street, Doddington

This application (F/YR24/0840/F) related to the conversion of existing public house (Use Class Sui Generis) into 1 No. 1-bedroom and 1 No. 2-bedroom flats, erection of two storey side/rear extension and single storey rear extension to form 1 No. 3-bedroom dwelling and associated works. The case officer's report considered that the application met the requirements of the relevant development plan policies, subject to a S106 agreement, and that it should therefore be approved.

Lakeside, 21 Church Drove, Thorney

This application (F/YR24/0692/F) related to the erection of two-storey and single-storey extensions. The case officer's report considered that the application met the requirements of the relevant development plan policies, and that it should therefore be approved.

St Peters Hall, Doddington

This application (F/YR24/0773/LB) related to the listed building consent for replacement of existing doors. The case officer's report considered that the application met the requirements of the relevant development plan policies, and that it should therefore be approved.

Land at The Orchards, Chain Road, Friday Bridge

This application (F/YR24/0803/O) related to the access for up to 14 dwellings (to be considered in conjunction with F/YR24/0804/F). The case officer's report considered that the application met the requirements of the relevant development plan policies, subject to a S106 agreement, and that it should therefore be approved.

Land East of Benwick Road, Whittlesey

This application (F/YR24/0807/REM) related to the approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) following outline approval F/YR22/0702/O for the erection of up to 180 dwellings (Use Class C3) and up to 2,000sqm of commercial floorspace (Use Classes B1, B2 and B8). The case officer's report considered that the application met the requirements of the relevant development plan policies, and that it should therefore be approved.

