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Licensing Sub-Committee - Tuesday, 10 December 2024 11:00 am

December 10, 2024 View on council website
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The Licensing Sub-Committee of Huntingdonshire District Council met to discuss whether a personal licence holder should be allowed to keep their licence. As this meeting was held entirely in private, it is not known whether any decisions were made.

Consideration of a Personal Licence

The committee were scheduled to consider a report from the council's Licensing Team, which recommended that the committee consider whether the personal licence holder was suitable to keep their licence.

Licensing Sub-Committee Procedure

The committee were presented with a copy of the Licensing Act – Licensing Sub Committee Procedure 2024.

This document describes how Licensing Sub-Committee meetings are run, and how decisions are made. It includes sections on:

  • Membership of the committee
  • How hearings should be run.
    • For example: Hearings are normally held in public and are live streamed on the Council’s YouTube Channel. However, the public may be excluded from all or part of a hearing where it considers that the public interest in so doing outweighs the public interest in the hearing or that part of the hearing taking place in public. The Sub-Committee will determine the outcome of an application at the conclusion of the hearing in private.
  • The procedure for running a hearing
    • For example: The Sub-Committee will generally not expect any of the parties to take more than 20 Minutes to address it, to give further information or to call witnesses. In the case of interested parties, this time allocation is shared between the number of those in attendance. However, the Chair will exercise discretion dependent upon the circumstances of a particular case. Under the regulations an equal maximum time period must be allowed to all parties.
  • The procedure for hearings that are applications for reviews of licences.
    • For example: In the case of such hearings, the procedure at 3.1 shall be followed with the exception that the applicant for a review of a premises licence or a club premises certificate or the chief officer of police in the case of an objection notice where convictions have come light after the grant or renewal of a personal licence will be invited to address the Sub-Committee first and to call any person(s) to whom permission has been granted to appear.

The document is intended to ensure that the Licensing Sub-Committee is run in accordance with The Licensing Act 20031.

  1. The Licensing Act 2003 is a law passed by the UK Parliament which governs the sale of alcohol in England and Wales. It is the responsibility of local councils to issue and revoke licences for the sale of alcohol.