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Cabinet - Tuesday, 10th December, 2024 7.00 pm

December 10, 2024 View on council website
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This meeting was scheduled to consider the council's financial position, a recent progress review of the council by the LGA, and questions from members of the public.

Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring 2024/25

The council's cabinet were provided with a report on the financial position of the council in the second quarter of the 2024/25 financial year. The report, by the Director – Finance and Corporate Services, predicted a revenue underspend of £1.786m against the budget set for the year. The report proposed that £500,000 of the underspend be allocated to a new ‘WBTC reserve’ towards pedestrianisation of WBTC. The report explained that,

The financial climate is beginning to show signs of improvement; however, the effect of recent high inflation has impacted both residents’ cost of living and created cost pressures for the Council’s budget. It is imperative that the Council maintains due diligence with regards to its finances and ensures necessary action is taken to ensure a balanced budget is maintained. 1

LGA Corporate Peer Challenge Progress Review

The cabinet was provided with a report on the LGA's Corporate Peer Challenge Progress Review. The aim of the progress review was to check the council's progress on implementing the recommendations of the Corporate Peer Challenge that took place in January 2024. The peer review team, which included Peter Fleming OBE 2, found that the council had made good progress on implementing the recommendations, and noted that they were 'particularly impressed' with the council’s work. The report noted that:

Rushcliffe has experienced and responded to much local change since its last CPC. This includes: elections of a new Member of Parliament for Rushcliffe and EMCCA’s first Mayor (both of whom the council is building further relationships with), further establishment of EMCCA since it went ‘live’ this year, and the announcement during this Progress Review of Nottinghamshire County Council’s (NCC’s) Leader resigning from that role. Rushcliffe is the only Conservative controlled district council within the EMCCA region, and the council’s Chief Executive is leaving, with Rushcliffe recruiting to that post. 3

The report recommended that the council 'continue to plan as much as possible for this rollout and alignment in advance so that performance, programme and project management complement and support each other to best effect from the outset'.

  1. The report pack states that the total predicted underspend is £1.786m. It also notes that this is only a prediction, and that the actual figures may be very different. 

  2. Peter Fleming OBE is a Conservative Party politician who served as Leader of Sevenoaks District Council from 2009 to 2023. 

  3. EMCCA is the East Midlands Combined County Authority, a new combined authority in the East Midlands.