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Cabinet - Tuesday 10th December 2024 2.00 p.m., NEW

December 10, 2024 View on council website
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The Cabinet of Bromsgrove District Council made a series of decisions about how it will deliver its services in the future, taking into account a number of new government policies. It also considered how to adapt existing plans and budgets to the changing national picture. It was agreed to defer some final decisions to a meeting in January.


The Cabinet discussed a series of reports on different aspects of housing provision in the district.

It first considered the Homelessness Prevention Grant and Domestic Abuse Grant Allocation for 2025/26. The Council had been awarded £260,432 from the MHCLG Homelessness Prevention Grant and £35,298 from the Domestic Abuse New Burdens fund. It had also allocated £112,000 of its own money for homelessness prevention. The Cabinet agreed to spend these funds on a series of measures, including a young persons pathway worker, a crash pad for young people, and a rough sleeper outreach and prevention service. It also agreed to change its provider of support services for single people and childless couples from CCP to MAGGS.1

The Cabinet also agreed to a plan to increase the supply of affordable housing to support its homelessness function. The council will do this by using £547,912.26 of capital receipts from its low cost housing scheme to work in partnership with Bromsgrove District Housing Trust (BDHT)2 to purchase existing properties and convert them into social or affordable rented accommodation.

Climate Change

The Cabinet considered a report on the Council's carbon reduction strategy. The report highlighted the government's commitment to Net Zero by 2050, and the need for the council to play its part in achieving this. The council has set itself a target of reducing its own carbon emissions by 50% by 2030, and to net zero by 2040. It was agreed to continue with the existing strategy, which involves a range of measures such as reducing staff travel, making further use of video conferencing, and assessing the viability of council car parks and other sites for electric vehicle charging points.

A related report proposed a revised approach to the delivery of a zero carbon district heat network for Bromsgrove Town Centre.

Bromsgrove District Council was developing a zero-carbon heat network project to supply clean heat to homes, businesses, and public buildings in Bromsgrove Town Centre, with potential for future expansion to Bromsgrove Town.

The Council has already secured £247,500 in funding for the project, which includes contributions from the Department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, Bromsgrove School and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust. The government's approach to heat network development has evolved in recent years, and the council now needs to find a partner organisation to work with on the project. The Cabinet agreed to the revised approach, and to begin the process of identifying a partner.

Air Quality

Cabinet discussed a report on the Bromsgrove Draft Air Quality Action Plan. Under the terms of the Environment Act 1995, local authorities are required to prepare a plan to improve air quality in areas where national air quality standards are not being met.

The highest concentration of NO2 was 36.6µ/m (microgrammes per meter cubed) recorded across the monitoring network in 2023 within the Worcester Road AQMA. As this was within the 10% of the national Air Qaulity objective for annual NO2 the Council were required to put in place an Air Quality Action Plan.

The Council's plan, covering the period 2025-2030, sets out how it will work with other stakeholders to reduce levels of nitrogen dioxide in the Worcester Road Air Quality Management Area (AQMA). The Cabinet agreed to consult on the plan for two months from mid-December to February 2025.

Play Areas

Cabinet discussed a report on the future of children's play areas in the district, and approved a new Bromsgrove Play Audit and Investment Strategy.

The report detailed that currently there were 85 play areas across the district. A total of 40 of these were owned and managed by Bromsgrove District Council, the other 45 were owned / managed by other organisations including parish councils, community associations, and private management companies.

The strategy sets out a plan to improve the accessibility of equipped children’s play areas over the next ten years. The Council will now prepare bids for capital funding to carry out the work.

Medium Term Financial Plan

Cabinet considered a report on the Council's Medium Term Financial Plan for the period 2025/26 to 2027/28.

In building the 2025/6 budget, our base assumptions were set out in paragraphs 3.25 to 3.30.

Tax Base and Corporate Financing underlying assumptions were as follows:

  • Council Tax – Figures assumed the full 1.99% allowable increase over all years of the 3 year MTFP, with growth of 200 and 150 over these years.
  • Business Rates increases assumed growth based on Pooling with the other Districts and the County Council.
  • There would be no New Homes Bonus.
  • Central Government Grants were at similar levels to previous years.

The report highlighted a number of challenges facing the council, including the ongoing cost of living crisis, the need to reduce the council’s carbon footprint, and uncertainty over future government funding. The report proposed a number of savings measures which will be considered by the council in January.

Quarter 2 Revenue and Performance Monitoring 2024/2025

Finally, the Cabinet received a report on the Council's financial performance in the second quarter of the 2024/25 financial year.

The report showed that the council is forecasting an overspend of £344,000 on its revenue budget for the year. This is being driven by a number of factors, including the cost of the recent pay award for council staff, and the need to provide support to residents during the cost of living crisis. The report also showed that the council has spent £1.99 million of its capital budget so far this year.

Cabinet agreed to transfer £50,000 from its earmarked reserves to cover the cost of planning appeals. It also approved a proposal to allocate £40,000 to support community hubs in the district, including a new Poverty Truth Commission in Bromsgrove.

Shareholders Committee

The Cabinet discussed the draft terms of reference for a new shareholder's committee for Spadesbourne Homes Limited. The committee will be responsible for overseeing the work of the company, which was set up by the council in 2023 to manage its housing stock.

At a meeting of Cabinet held on 12th July 2023, Members had agreed to establish a housing company limited by shares and wholly owned by the Council to manage retained housing stock initially at Burcot Lane in Bromsgrove. This company was named Spadesbourne Homes Limited.

The Cabinet agreed the draft terms of reference, and appointed five members to the committee. Councillor K.J. May will chair the committee.

  1. Maggs is a charity that provides services to homeless people in Worcestershire.  

  2. Bromsgrove District Housing Trust is an arms-length management organisation that manages the Council's housing stock. 

