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Development Committee - Thursday, 12th December, 2024 9.30 am
December 12, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The Development Committee meeting on 12 December 2024 considered a range of planning matters including an outline planning application for a film studio complex in Tattersett, a report on the council's performance in managing planning applications, and the proposed adoption of the new Local Validation List 2024-2026.
Tattersett Film Studios
The most significant item on the agenda was an outline planning application for a new film and TV studio complex at the former RAF Sculthorpe site in Tattersett.
The application, submitted by [name redacted], was for the creation of:
- 5 sound stages with costume and make-up facilities
- 8 workshops
- A production facility building
- Ancillary offices
- A concession, film school and amenities building
- A gatehouse, parking, landscaping, and new vehicular access off Sculthorpe Boulevard.
The application had been called in by the Director for Place and Change, Martyn Fulcher, due to its scale and the issues raised during the application process.
Objections and Concerns
The application received an objection from Tattersett Parish Council who identified too many uncertainties and unanswered questions
relating to the application. In particular, they raised concerns about:
- The removal of a large quantity of tyres from the site.
- The applicant's history of bankruptcies, County Court Judgements, and ignoring planning decisions.
- Lack of evidence that funding is in place for the project.
The application also received objections on the grounds of:
- Noise pollution, particularly from equipment and activity outside of standard working hours.
- Increased traffic and the impact on the local highway infrastructure
- Potential for contamination on the site, both within existing buildings and more widely across the site
- Potential for uncovering asbestos on the site
- Impacts upon the open nature of the site and the wildlife that use it
- Impacts on trees on the site, particularly Oak trees, and their role in supporting local biodiversity.
Nutrient Neutrality
A key issue for the committee was the question of nutrient neutrality. The proposed development site falls within the catchment area for the River Wensum, which discharges into protected habitats.
The application, therefore, needed to demonstrate that it would not increase nutrient levels in the River Wensum. Because it was not clear what proportion of employees and visitors to the site would be travelling from outside of the catchment area, it was impossible to determine what impact the development would have on nutrient levels in the River Wensum.
The report prepared for the committee stated that:
Until the establishment of mitigation solutions (either via credits or on or off-site mitigation solutions) or unless a scheme is found to be nutrient neutral, the local planning authority, as competent authority under the habitats regulations, would not be able to reasonably conclude it is satisfied that there is no reasonable doubt as to the absence of adverse effects on the integrity of European sites.
The report went on to say:
Officers note that development proposals drawing in a large number of users from outside the nutrient catchment is rare within North Norfolk but consider that the issuing of a planning permission could not reasonably occur until assessment under the Habitats Regulations has been completed.
Other Issues
In addition to the objections and concerns outlined above, the report identified a number of issues relating to the application including:
- Design and Appearance: The application was in outline form, so detailed designs for the buildings would be determined at a later stage. However, the committee were asked to consider the scale and appearance of the proposed buildings, as well as the impact on the surrounding landscape.
- Heritage: The site is located on the edge of the former RAF Sculthorpe airbase. While not a designated heritage asset, the site is of historical significance. The committee were asked to consider whether the proposed development would have an adverse impact on the character of the former airbase.
- Highways: The development would generate a significant increase in traffic. The committee were asked to consider whether the local road network could accommodate this increase, and whether the proposed access arrangements were acceptable.
Officer Recommendation
The report prepared for the committee recommended that authority be delegated to the Assistant Director of Planning to approve the application, subject to a number of conditions. These conditions included:
- Satisfactory resolution of the nutrient loading issue to ensure that the development does not have an adverse impact on the River Wensum
- Completion of a Section 278 Agreement with Norfolk County Council Highways, and a Safety Audit to determine how the development would impact the local road network.
- Satisfactory resolution of the issue of demolition of barrack blocks, to ensure policy compliance.
- The imposition of conditions, including any considered necessary by the Assistant Director - Planning, including matters relating to:
- A time limit for the submission of a Reserved Matters application.
- In accordance with approved plans and documents
- Footprint of buildings shown on proposal site plan will not exceed stated dimensions
- Prior to commencement (or as otherwise stated) the submission and approval of the following documents:
- Phase II Contamination Report
- Phase II Ordnance Report
- Updated Noise Report (prior to submission of first reserved matters application)
- Updated Surface Water Drainage Scheme
- Updated Travel Plan
- Right Turn Lane to B1454 Technical Details Plan
- Mineral Resource Assessment
- Biodiversity Enhancement Scheme
- Reptile Survey, Protection and Relocation Scheme
- Roads, Footways, Cycleways Plan
- On-site Parking for Construction Workers Scheme
- Construction Traffic Management Plan
- That the application be refused if the nutrient loading issue is not addressed by 31 March 2025.
Development Management Performance Update
The committee also received a report on the council’s performance in determining planning applications. The report covered:
- The number of major and non-major applications determined during October 2024
- The percentage of applications determined within the statutory timeframes
- The percentage of decisions overturned at appeal
The report also provided an update on the council's progress in progressing Section 106 obligations.
Local Validation List 2024-2026
The committee were asked to consider a report on the proposed adoption of the new Local Validation List 2024-2026.
This list set out the information required from applicants to validate planning applications. The report summarised the responses to a six week public consultation on the new list, which ran from 16 October 2024 to 27 November 2024, and set out proposed minor modifications to the list before asking the committee to approve the new list.
The report recommended that:
- The committee adopt the Local Validation List with the proposed minor modifications
- The new Local Validation List come into effect on 1 January 2025 with transitional arrangements for applications submitted before the end of 2024.
Finally, the Committee received an update on the status of planning and enforcement appeals including:
- New appeals lodged
- Ongoing inquiries and hearings
- Appeal decisions - results and summaries.
- Adam Varley
- Andrew Brown
- Angie Fitch-Tillett
- Dr Victoria Holliday
- Gerard Mancini-Boyle
- John Toye
- Kim Toye
- Liz Vickers
- Martin Batey
- Mike Hankins
- Paul Heinrich
- Peter Fisher
- Peter Neatherway
- Roy Macdonald
- Fiona Croxen
- Geoff Lyon
- Lauren Gregory
- Robert Arguile
- Russell Williams
- Guidance and flowchart
- Public reports pack 12th-Dec-2024 09.30 Development Committee reports pack
- Agenda frontsheet 12th-Dec-2024 09.30 Development Committee agenda
- 23.1025 Tattersett
- DC Performance 12 Dec 2024 Final
- Schedule of draft S106 Obligations for 12 Dec 2024 Development Committee
- 12 December 2024 - DM - ran on 04.12.24
- 12 December 2024 - ENF - ran on 04.12.24
- Local Validation List Committee Report December 2024 FINAL other
- Appendix 1 - Local Validation List response summary