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Planning Committee - Wednesday, 11th December, 2024 6.30 pm

December 11, 2024 View on council website
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The meeting considered one appeal decision and discussed the arrangements for securing money from developers for local infrastructure. No decisions were made at the meeting.

Appeal Decision - APP/A3010/X/24/3344615 - Land at Broad Gate, Lincoln Road, East Markham

The committee received a verbal report on an appeal decision made by the Planning Inspectorate.

The Priory Centre, Worksop, Nottinghamshire

The committee discussed how money provided by the developers of the Priory Centre in Worksop for local health facilities would be secured. At the previous meeting of the committee, held on the 16th October 2024, councillors resolved to grant planning permission for a hybrid application for:

[...] the partial replacement of existing modern buildings to form extensions to retail and leisure offer, including an indoor market and food hall, a new pedestrian footbridge over the canal and an outline proposal (all matters reserved) for up to 44 residential units 1

At that meeting, the committee resolved to take money from the developer through a Section 106 agreement. Money from Section 106 agreements can only be spent on mitigating the direct impacts of a development, for example on increasing the capacity of local roads to deal with extra traffic generated by the development.

The National Planning Policy Framework encourages local authorities to create a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). The CIL allows local authorities to raise money from developers for infrastructure projects which are not directly related to any one development. For example CIL money can be pooled to improve a town centre even if no one development has a big enough impact to justify the improvements. CIL charging schedules are decided years in advance and cannot take into account site specific circumstances.

The committee heard that the council had decided that it wanted to use CIL money to fund improvements to acute health facilities. This meant that the money for health facilities could not come from the Section 106 agreement for the Priory Centre and would instead have to be provided through the CIL.

  1. Taken from the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 16th October 2024: Minutes of Previous Meeting