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Planning Committee - Wednesday, 11 December 2024 6.00 pm

December 11, 2024 View on council website
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The Planning Committee of South Oxfordshire Council met on Wednesday 11 December 2024 to consider planning applications on four sites: The Mount, on Rotherfield Road, in Henley-on-Thames, Roundwood, on Walton Avenue, in Henley-on-Thames, Littlewick House, on Mill Lane, in Chinnor, and a section of wall on Middle Road, in Stanton St John.

The Mount, Rotherfield Road, Henley-on-Thames

Planning permission was requested for the demolition of The Mount and its outbuildings, and the erection of two new dwellings in their place. Henley Town Council objected to this application, on the grounds that one of the dwellings would be built on the undeveloped hillside to the south of the existing property, eroding the rural character of the hillside and setting a precedent for further development in the area. They also raised concerns that the design of the development would not enhance the local character of the area, arguing that it would adversely affect the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). The report pack contains details of the landscape mitigation proposed by the applicant. This includes a significant amount of new planting. The applicant argues that the development would form part of the existing built-up area of Henley, and would constitute infill rather than extending the built limit of the settlement. They argue that

Although this is not previously developed land, having regard to the position of the line of established backland development to the east, the proposal would constitute development within the existing built-up area of Henley rather than physically encroaching into the countryside.

A previous application for planning permission on this site for the erection of three dwellings was refused in January 2023. The refused layout and sections can be viewed online.

Roundwood, Walton Avenue, Henley-on-Thames

Planning permission was requested for the demolition of Roundwood and its outbuildings, and the erection of a new three-storey, five-bedroom house with a basement. Henley Town Council objected to this development, arguing that its bulk and massing would be out of keeping with the character of the area. The Town Council also raised concerns about the impact of the development on the amenity of neighbours, due to overshadowing and overlooking. The report pack contains a detailed assessment of the impact of the development on neighbouring properties. The applicant argues that the development is in keeping with the pattern of development in the area.

Littlewick House, Mill Lane, Chinnor

Planning permission was requested for the erection of two chalet bungalows in the rear garden of Littlewick House, to be accessed via an existing gate in the northern boundary of the property. The site abuts Chinnor Recreation Ground, and is located next to a recent housing development, called Oxford Down, that was granted planning permission in 2016. The report pack contains a number of documents relating to the ecological impact of the development. In particular a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) and a Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) assessment. The report pack also contains details of a Construction Environmental Management Plan, including a strategy to mitigate the impact of external lighting on wildlife. Chinnor Parish Council objected to this application on the grounds that the proposal constitutes overdevelopment and argues that

The site is not allocated for development in the Neighbourhood Plan and it is overdevelopment. Design is contrary to the design guide. Against CHGP2 of the neighbourhood plan. Access rights are not clear.

They also argue that the development would extend the built limit of the settlement, would cause damage to the area as a result of construction traffic, and that the design of the development is contrary to the Joint Design Guide. A previous application for the erection of three dwellings on the site was refused in 2022. The refused layout is available to view online.

Middle Road, Stanton St John

Planning permission was requested for the demolition of a section of stone wall on Middle Road, and the erection of a five-bar gate to provide agricultural access to a field. Stanton St John Parish Council objected to this application, suggesting that the access be limited to vehicles under 7.5 tonnes, arguing that

The proposal now includes a splay in the wall and while this is safer for vehicles entering and exiting, large farm vehicles will need to exit through the centre of the village as the Talkhouse junction is one way.

They also suggested that the applicant use the field access on the B4027 for larger vehicles. The report pack contains plans of the proposed access and details of the construction of the five bar gate. The applicant, New College, Oxford argued that the development is acceptable on the grounds that a materially similar scheme was previously approved in 2020.