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Planning - Wednesday, 18th December, 2024 6.00 pm

December 18, 2024 View on council website
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The Planning Committee of Hastings Council will be considering a small number of planning applications at their meeting. These include applications for the change of use of a shop to a hot food takeaway, and for the installation of gates at Trinity Passage. They will also be receiving an update on recent planning appeals and delegated decisions.

82 Queens Road

The council received an application for the change of use of the ground floor of 82 Queens Road from a shop to a hot food takeaway, the demolition of the existing rear single storey extension and the building of a larger replacement, and alterations to the extraction system at the rear of the property.

The application is for a retrospective change of use, with the property having previously been used as a hot food takeaway without planning permission, until December 2023.

The applicant's planning statement notes that,

The existing rear extension is poorly built and as such it is proposed to rebuild the extension providing a new kitchen, staff toilet facilities and small cloakroom. The existing extraction system has been erected without consent and its termination point for the fumes faces directly onto the neighbouring property at no. 81 Queens Road. The current proposal includes the reorientation of the flue so that the termination point faces towards the rear garden of the application premises.

Concerns were raised by local residents about the impact of the proposals in terms of traffic, noise, odour and the loss of light to neighbouring properties.

Land West Side of, Rock Lane, Hastings

The council received an application for the erection of 26 dwellings, with associated car parking, landscaping and a modified access from Rock Lane. The 1.19 hectare site currently comprises greenfield land on the edge of Hastings.

The development would include the felling of 7 trees and the planting of 49 new trees.

The development is proposed to include 10 affordable homes.

The report notes the carbon reduction strategy for the development, explaining that

The proposal includes a number of sustainability measures and the development will be built in the fabric first approach and include air source heat pumps to result in development, therefore provide a minimum of a 69.16% carbon emissions savings. This could be increased with the use of solar panels but that isn't a requirement of this application, and there would be an option of the developer.

Trinity Passage, Hastings

The council received an application for the installation of two black metal gates to prevent anti-social behaviour and environmental crimes.

The application was amended during the application process to address a concern raised by the council's Conservation Officer, who felt that

the submitted heritage statement failed to adequately describe the significance of the Grade 2 listed church and the other nearby heritage assets.

The report explains that amendments were made to ensure that the gates do not touch the church, and that there would be a sufficient gap between the church and the gates to ensure access.

20 Cambridge Gardens, Hastings

The council received an application for the retrospective change of use of 20 Cambridge Gardens from offices to a 9 bedroom House in Multiple Occupation (HMO)1.

The applicant was previously refused permission to certify the property's existing use as lawful, because the property did not meet the requirement for 10 years continuous use as an HMO. This was because the property had been advertised for sale, with vacant possession in 2021.

The current change of use application was supported by the council's Waste and Street Scene Service, who

have no objection to the amended scheme, but wish to ensure that the enclosed areas of waste and recycling storage are inaccessible to wild birds and mammals, and that residents are aware of the presentation and collection arrangements and at the bin store areas are kept clean and tidy and free from bulky waste

The council received 6 objections to the application, raising concerns about waste disposal, fly tipping, the appearance of the conservation area, the need to make the area attractive to tourists, the impact of HMOs on parking, and a general opposition to HMOs in the area.

Planning Appeals and Delegated Decisions

The committee will receive a report on recent planning appeals and delegated decisions.

The report includes details of an appeal against the council's refusal of planning permission for the erection of a two-storey detached dwelling on land next to 365 Priory Road. The report does not include details of the reasons for the refusal, or the grounds of the appeal.

The report explains that since the last meeting of the Planning Committee, 72 applications have been granted permission. Of these, one was for the erection of a garden shed at 1 Emmanuel Road. The report does not provide any further details of the application. 10 applications were refused, and a further 2 were withdrawn.

  1. A House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) is a property rented out by at least 3 people who are not from 1 'household' (eg a family) but share facilities like the bathroom and kitchen. A licence from the council is required to operate a large HMO.