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Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 17th December, 2024 6.00 pm

December 17, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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This meeting will include the Scrutiny Committee's regular review of the performance of the Derbyshire Dales Plan, as well as their work programme for 2024/25. The committee will also discuss a report on the performance of the Derbyshire Dales Plan for the first two quarters of 2024/25.

Performance of the Derbyshire Dales Plan

The committee will discuss a report on the performance of the Derbyshire Dales Plan for the first two quarters of 2024/25.

The plan includes 98 projects across the whole council. The report categorises each project as either ‘On Track’ or ‘Off Track’. At the end of Quarter 2, 89% of the projects were judged to be on track. The report says that:

The activities in the Derbyshire Dales Plan are more often long term or one-off projects and involve a range of partners; they are therefore normally more complex and have a longer term duration.

The plan also includes a number of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to allow the council to track its own performance on a variety of metrics. 33 KPIs are reported, 22 of which are reported internally by council officers, and 11 of which are reported nationally by the Office for Local Government (Oflog). Of the KPIs reported internally by the council, 43% were meeting their targets.

The report highlights the success of the council's waste and recycling collection service, saying that [t]he number of waste and recycling collections missed is at an excellent level with 0.43% of collections missed in July 2024 and 0.28% missed in August 2024.

The report also draws attention to the low level of employee sickness: [t]he average number of working days lost due to sickness absence per FTE employee remains significantly below the 2.25 days per quarter target, with figures of 1.569 days for Q1 and 1.71 days for Q2. The report also notes some less successful outcomes, such as planning application determination times: [t]he percentage of non-major planning applications decided on time was below the target of 75% for both quarters, with figures of 70% in Quarter 1 and 68.85% in Quarter 2.

The report also says that the target was also missed for major planning applications overturned at appeal, which was above the target of less than 30% for both quarters, at 50% in Quarter 1 and 100% in Quarter 2.

Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2024/25

The committee will discuss its work programme for 2024/25 (2 - Scrutiny Work Programme 24-25 - Live).

The work programme sets out which topics the committee plans to look at in 2024/25.

The document lists three topics that have already been completed, two that are in progress, and three that are currently programmed.

One of the items listed as 'in progress' is Experiences of flooding within the Derbyshire Dales. The other item listed as 'in progress' is the performance management of the Corporate Plan and Key Performance Indicators. This suggests that this topic will be discussed again at a future meeting.