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Planning Regulatory Committee - Monday, 16th December 2024 10.30 a.m.
December 16, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
This meeting will include discussions on a number of planning applications. The meeting will also include the potential approval of a number of applications without discussion by the committee.
Former Skerton High School, Owen Road, Lancaster
The most significant item on the agenda is likely to be the demolition of existing buildings and the redevelopment of the site for residential and community uses at the Former Skerton High School on Owen Road in Lancaster. The application (24/00509/FUL) has been submitted by Mr Andrew Whittaker and seeks full planning permission for 135 new homes, all of which are to be 'affordable housing'.1 They will consist of 64 one-bedroom units, 46 two-bedroom units, 21 three-bedroom units and four four-bedroom units. The units in the apartment blocks are to be provided as social rented units. The tenure of the remaining units in the application has not yet been determined. The proposal also includes community space on the ground floor of one of the apartment blocks, a substation, two junior playing pitches, a play area, parking and new road junctions. The report notes that:
The development will be served by a new priority junction onto Owen Road that can accommodate two-way flows of traffic.
The proposed access strategy will change how people access the adjacent Chadwick High School.
A number of objections and comments have been received about the application including objections from Sport England, who object to the application because it will result in the loss of playing fields, and from the council's Arboricultural Officer who objects to the loss of trees on the site, in particular one that is subject to a Tree Preservation Order.
A financial contribution of £78,030 toward local healthcare infrastructure at Lancaster Medical Practice has been requested by NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board.
The officer recommendation is to approve the application.
Land at Middleton Business Park
The meeting will include discussion of an outline planning application for the erection of industrial buildings on Land At Middleton Business Park (23/01182/OUT) submitted by Mr M Shahi.
Outline planning permission is sought for the erection of industrial buildings for general industrial (use class B2) and storage and distribution (use class B8).
The indicative plans submitted show nine units in five blocks. The application also includes the creation of a new access road and footpaths.
The site is part of two employment allocations in the Lancaster Local Plan: 'Lancaster West Business Park' and 'Heysham Gateway'.
A number of objections and comments have been received about the proposal including an objection from the council's Arboricultural Officer, who has concerns over the impact of the proposals on the trees on the site.
The officer recommendation is to approve the application.
Cove House, Silverdale
The meeting will include discussion of an application to build an extension and make alterations to Cove House on Cove Road in Silverdale. The application (23/01409/FUL) by Mrs C Humphreys would see the demolition of existing service areas and the erection of a two-storey extension to provide new service areas, two new care home bedrooms and 10 new supported living dwellings with associated communal space.
The proposed extension will be connected to Cove House by a glazed link extension. The proposals also include alterations to the car park and access.
Objections and comments have been received from the council's Conservation Officer, who believes the proposal will result in a high level of harm to the significance of the Non-Designated Heritage Asset, and from the Arboricultural Officer who is concerned about the impact of the development on the trees on the site.
The officer recommendation is to approve the application.
Cohens Chemist, Ullswater Road, Lancaster
The committee will discuss an application to change the use of Cohens Chemist at 52 - 54 Ullswater Road in Lancaster from a chemist to nine residential units (24/00939/FUL). The application from Mr Tarik Jayousi consists of 7 studios and 1 flat that will be for student accommodation, and one dwelling house for the open market. The proposals also include the demolition of existing rear extensions and the building of a new single-storey rear extension.
The report notes an objection from Lancashire County Highways:
Objection (Concern over the lack of parking for proposed development)
The officer recommendation is to approve the application.
Palatine Hall, Dalton Square, Lancaster
A listed building application has been submitted seeking to vary some of the conditions attached to a previously approved planning application for Palatine Hall in Dalton Square Lancaster (24/01061/VCN). The applicant, Mr David Hammond, is seeking to omit the proposed ramp, reduce the size of a freestanding booth, change the design of internal walls, replace doors and replace windows in the building.
Comments have been received from the council's Conservation Team who have requested conditions be attached to the application.
The officer recommendation is to approve the application.
The Storey Gardens, Meeting House Lane, Lancaster
The committee will discuss an application for the creation of a path, hardstanding and shelter, and the installation of a gate and freestanding sign at The Storey Gardens on Meeting House Lane in Lancaster (24/00831/FUL). The applicant is Diana McIntyre.
The hardstanding and shelter would be used to house a moveable composter and rainwater harvesting equipment.
The officer recommendation is to approve the application.
9 Sizergh Road, Morecambe
The committee will discuss a proposal to build a single storey front extension at 9 Sizergh Road in Morecambe (24/01219/FUL). The application, which also includes relocating the front door, has been submitted by M A Threlfall and G Banham.
The report notes that one email of concern has been received about the application.
The officer recommendation is to approve the application.
Delegated List
A delegated list (Delegated List) of planning applications will be presented for potential approval by the committee. These applications are decided by officers under powers delegated to them by the council and do not usually require a committee decision. The applications will be approved unless a councillor requests that they be brought to the committee for discussion.
Affordable housing is defined in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) as
housing for sale or rent for those whose needs are not met by the market
. It can includesocial rented, affordable rented, intermediate and shared ownership
housing. ↩
- Alan Greenwell
- Andrew Otway
- Colin Hartley JP
- Dave Brookes
- Jack Lenox
- John Hanson
- Joyce Pritchard
- Keith Budden
- Louise Belcher
- Martin Bottoms
- Martin Gawith
- Paul Tynan
- Robert Redfern
- Sally Maddocks
- Sandra Thornberry
- Sue Tyldesley
- Andrew Clement
- Daniel Spencer
- Eleanor Fawcett
- Eric Marsden
- Jennifer Rehman
- Mark Cassidy
- Mark Jackson
- Mark Potts
- Petra Williams
- Rachel Stainton
- Rephael Walmsley
- Richard Byrne
- Robert Clarke
- Sam Robinson
- Sophie Walker
- Public reports pack 16th-Dec-2024 10.30 Planning Regulatory Committee reports pack
- Palatine Hall Dalton Square Lancaster
- Former Skerton High School Owen Road Lancaster
- Land At Middleton Business Park Middleton Road Middleton
- The Storey Gardens Meeting House Lane Lancaster
- Cove House Cove Road Silverdale
- Agenda frontsheet 16th-Dec-2024 10.30 Planning Regulatory Committee agenda
- 9 Sizergh Road Morecambe
- Cohens Chemist 52 - 54 Ullswater Road Lancaster
- Delegated List
- Printed minutes 16th-Dec-2024 10.30 Planning Regulatory Committee minutes