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Planning Control Committee - Tuesday, 17th December, 2024 7.00 pm
December 17, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The meeting will include discussion of three planning applications, and will also receive reports on delegated decisions and planning appeals, and consider the confirmation of a tree preservation order.
Land at Pyramid Park, Market Street, Bury, BL9 0BG
The planning officer has recommended approval of an application to remediate land and create a new vehicular access road and footway at Pyramid Park, Bury as enabling works for a potential future residential development. The site is currently vacant and has been vacant since its use as a railway station and sidings ended in the 1970s. The report acknowledges that the development would require the loss of a Grade B Site of Biological Importance, but concludes that the loss would be outweighed by the regeneration benefits of the enabling works and the potential future housing they could facilitate. The report states that the loss would be fully compensated for through the upgrade of the remaining part of the Site of Biological Importance, and the purchase of off-site biodiversity units. The application has been opposed by the Greater Manchester Ecology Unit.
Sheepgate Farm Cottage, Bradshaw Road, Walshaw, Tottington, Bury, BL8 3PL
The meeting will consider an application for a two storey front extension and render to the front and side elevations of Sheepgate Farm Cottage, on Bradshaw Road in Walshaw, Tottington. The application is a householder development and would normally be dealt with under delegated powers, but is being presented to the committee as the applicant is related to a member of staff. The officer recommends that the application be approved, despite the site's location within the green belt. The officer's report states that the extension is needed to link two existing first floor areas, rationalising the internal layout of the building:
The existing dwelling has been extended in such a manner that the bedrooms are currently split between the original cottage and the later side extension and this limits the use of the property for a young family. The proposal would facilitate a linkage between the two existing first floor areas, rationalising the internal layout without creating large extensions, or significant demolition and remodelling of the existing property.
The report concludes that
due to the existing extensions at the site, it is considered that the limited extension and the retention of the original simple stone cottage form to the front would still allow the original structure to be read.
Tree Preservation Order Confirmation
The committee will discuss the confirmation of a Tree Preservation Order (No. 363) 20241 relating to 14 poplar trees on land adjacent to St Paul's Close, Radcliffe. The order was imposed in July 2024, after the trees were identified as being under threat of removal. The report identifies the trees as being visually prominent:
The trees are very prominent within the street scene as they are located at the head of the cul-de-sac on St Paul’s Close and as such they contribute to the visual amenity of the area. The trees are visible from St Paul’s Close and Chapel Town Road.
The report recommends that the temporary order be confirmed, making it permanent. One objection to the order has been received, on the grounds that the trees cause damage to property, block light and drop leaves and seeds.
Delegated Decisions
The committee will receive a report on planning decisions that have been made by council officers under delegated powers.
Planning Appeals
The committee will receive a report on recent planning appeal decisions made since the last meeting. The report pack includes the planning inspector's decision letters for four appeals. Three of the appeals were dismissed, while the appeal relating to a change of use application at Heaton House on Brierley Street, Bury was allowed.
A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is a legal mechanism in the UK that protects specific trees, groups of trees or woodlands from being cut down, uprooted or wilfully damaged without the consent of the local planning authority. ↩
- Agenda frontsheet 17th-Dec-2024 19.00 Planning Control Committee agenda
- Public reports pack 17th-Dec-2024 19.00 Planning Control Committee reports pack
- Minutes Public Pack 26092024 Planning Control Committee other
- Final Index
- Item 1 - Final
- Item 2 report-combined-compressed
- Agenda Item 5 agenda
- Agenda Item 6 agenda
- Agenda Item 7 agenda
- Supplementary Agenda Information 17th-Dec-2024 19.00 Planning Control Committee agenda
- Supplementary Agenda agenda
- Supplementary Agenda Information 17th-Dec-2024 19.00 Planning Control Committee agenda
- Supplementary Agenda agenda
- Printed minutes 17th-Dec-2024 19.00 Planning Control Committee minutes