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Planning Committee - Monday 16th December 2024 5.30 pm

December 16, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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This meeting includes two planning applications, one for approval of reserved matters for a housing development, and the other for a variation of condition for a golf driving range. Also included is a schedule of applications determined under delegated powers since the last meeting of the committee and information on appeals lodged and decided since the last meeting.

Land At Redhills, Exwick Lane, Exeter

This application seeks approval of reserved matters for the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of an 80-home housing development. Outline planning permission for the development was previously granted at appeal (APP/Y1110/W/21/3278148).

The report pack includes a description of the reserved matters application, noting that:

The site layout consists of a central spine road leading through three distinct areas of development. The first area includes a play area in the north-west corner and detached dwellings. The second is more densely developed semi-detached, terraced and apartment housing and the third is a mix of detached, semi-detached and apartment housing, including a second play area. A third play area sits between the second and third character areas. To the south of the third, eastern, area are attenuation basins and a large area of public open space on the slopes leading down to St Peters Mount.

The report pack also notes the receipt of 12 letters of objection, relating in part to:

  • The relocation of a Locally Equipped Area of Play (LEAP)1 to the western edge of the development, raising concerns about anti-social behaviour affecting existing dwellings.
  • Concerns that the development would negatively impact the skyline.
  • That the proposed alterations to the highway will negatively impact traffic.
  • That the development will result in a loss of green space.

The report pack states that the application should be approved subject to a number of conditions including those related to:

  • Approved plans.
  • Highway access.
  • Materials.
  • Drainage adoption.
  • Boundary treatments, bin stores, and cycle stores.
  • External lighting.
  • Tree establishing.

Land North East Of 371 Topsham Road, Access To West Of England School, Exeter

This application requests a variation of condition 2 on planning permission 21/1676/FUL, which was granted for the change of use of a site to a golf driving range. The application seeks to change the car parking surface from grasscrete or similar to recycled plastic cell gravel.

The report pack notes the receipt of 5 letters of objection, which focus on the potential for noise from the car park and argue that grasscrete is a more aesthetically pleasing solution.

The report pack states that the application should be approved subject to a number of conditions including those related to:

  • Approved plans, noting that the original approved plans must be amended to reflect the approved change of materials.
  • The submission and approval by the council of details of the colour and specification of the surface gravel.

The report pack notes that:

The proposal is considered to accord with the Development Plan and should be approved without delay, in accordance with the presumption if favour of sustainable development in paragraph 11 of the NPPF (Dec 2023).

  1. LEAPs are children’s playgrounds that contain a wider range of equipment than Local Areas of Play (LAPs), which contain a smaller selection of play equipment.