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This meeting of the North Norfolk District Council will include reports from each of the Cabinet members on their portfolios, as well as updates and recommendations on the budget for 2024/25 and fees and charges for 2025/26. The meeting will also cover the adoption of the draft programme of meetings for 2025/26, changes to the district's polling places and an update on the future of the Benjamin Court facility in Cromer.
The Council's Budget 2024/25
A report will be presented which outlines the Council's financial performance and projected full year outturn position for 2024/25.
The report states:
As at 30 September 2024, the General Fund projected deficit is £0.995m (£0.801m on Net Operating Expenditure) for the full year 2024/25.
This figure has been calculated using forecasts by service managers of anticipated year-end spending and income. The report states that officers will work to reduce the projected deficit, which it notes is caused in part by a shortfall in the Housing Benefit subsidy1 claimed from the Department for Works and Pensions.
The report goes on to describe the progress made on savings targets of £975,000 that were previously set, and notes that:
The forecast is largely positive with all but £115k being achieved.
A further £250,000 of savings had been included in the budget to be identified during the year, and the report notes that £256,000 has been identified so far, meaning that the budget remains balanced.
The report contains recommendations to increase the budget for several projects that are currently underway. It recommends that:
Full Council approve:
3) to include an addition to the revenue budget of £13,000 for an addition to existing Exacom software as laid out in paragraph 4.8.1
4) to include a permanent increase to the revenue budget of £34,000 for an additional member of staff in the Licensing Team as detailed in paragraphs 4.8.2 to 4.8.5. This will be funded from the ring-fenced licencing income.
The report also recommends changes to the budget for several capital projects.
The first recommendation concerns the Cromer Offices LED Lighting Programme, which has a budget of £89,000 but for which the lowest tender was £111,000. The report recommends that:
Full Council approve:
5) to include an additional capital budget of £22,000 to complete the Cromer Offices LED lighting project. This is to be funded from the Net Zero Initiatives reserve as detailed in paragraph 5.4.2
The report also recommends an additional capital budget of £5,600 for the Crinkle Crankle Wall project in Cromer to cover a retention sum, and £30,000 to rethatch the roof of the Collector's Cabin. Finally, it recommends a one-off capital budget of £23,400 to cover the initial cost of developing the C3 customer services software.
Fees and Charges 2025/26
The Council will be asked to approve the fees and charges for the 2025/26 financial year, most of which are proposed to increase by 2% from the previous year to match inflation.
The report details how different charges are calculated, noting that some are set nationally by central government (e.g. planning fees), while others must be set to recover the costs of providing the service (e.g. Building Control fees).
The report recommends that the council:
The fees and charges from 1 April 2025 as included in Appendix A.
Garden waste bin collection fees are proposed to increase by more than inflation, with the annual cost for those who pay by direct debit rising to £65.00 from £60.00, while those who do not pay by direct debit will see the cost increase to £75.00 from £70.00.
The report requests that responsibility for setting the charges for several services should be delegated to the Section 151 Officer. These services include commercial waste collection, market pitch fees and the charges for several planning services, including pre-application advice, which the Planning Department wish to begin charging for on 2 January 2025.
The report also notes that taxi licencing fees are due to be reviewed, with the possibility of an increase to cover the costs of the service.
The Programme of Meetings 2025/26
The report pack includes a draft programme of meetings for 2025/26 and recommends that the Council adopt the draft as the official programme of meetings.
The report notes that:
Following review, the proposed draft Programme of Meetings 2025-26 follows the established cycle of meetings as closely as possible.
The report describes how the programme was put together, noting that school holidays have been avoided where possible and that all meetings with the exception of Full Council meetings will be held during the day.
Polling District and Places Review
The report recommends that the Council approve an updated list of polling places following the periodic review.
The report describes the statutory requirement for councils to:
undertake a formal review of polling districts and polling places in its area at least once every five years.
It explains that the aim of the review is to ensure that polling stations are suitable and accessible, and notes that the proposed changes reflect feedback received from Parish Councils, current district and county Councillors, and groups representing those with disabilities.
Several changes are proposed to reflect recent changes of venue and the temporary arrangements that were put in place for previous elections, and to formalise those arrangements as the permanent solution. These include the use of the Ancient House in Holkham as the polling place for the Holkham parish, the Old Reading Room Tea Room and Gallery in Kelling as the polling place for Kelling parish, and the Thursford Collection Garden Pavillion as the polling place for Thursford parish.
The report also notes a representation received from Sustead, Bessingham and Metton Parish Council, who have requested that the newly renovated Sustead Village Hall be used as the polling place for Sustead Parish. The report recommends that this request be granted.
The report describes how feedback regarding the suitability of two existing polling places was considered by the Electoral Services team, and recommends that the Sacred Heart Church Hall in North Walsham be retained as the polling place for the two wards in the town centre, and that The Horse and Groom public house be retained as the polling place for Tunstead.
Finally, the report notes the recent fire at Walsingham Village Hall and recommends that the Village Hall be retained as the designated polling place but that Walsingham Parish Rooms continue to be used as the venue for elections until the Village Hall is rebuilt.
Update on the Benjamin Court Facility, Cromer
The meeting will include an update on the future of the Benjamin Court facility in Cromer. The facility was closed in July 2023 when Norfolk County Council stopped providing the reablement service there.
The report notes that:
Data in July suggested 20% of beds in the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital and slightly lower number in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital at Kings Lynn and the James Paget at Gorleston are occupied by people medically fit for discharge but were waiting for a care package to be set up to allow them home, for adaptations to their property or for a place in a care home
The report pack includes the minutes of the Council meeting held on 20 November 2024, in which the future of Benjamin Court was discussed. The Leader of the Council, Councillor Tim Adams, responded to a question from a member of the public by stating that the Council had written to the Government to express concern about the decision to dispose of the facility. He went on to say that the Council would continue to make representations to the relevant NHS departments.
The minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 16 November 2024 include a report on the Council's work to gather information about the impact of the facility's closure. The report notes that:
It has not been possible for this to be updated since the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting of the 16 October due to staff absence.
It goes on to list the information that the Council is seeking from the NHS, including the number of people who are unable to leave hospital due to needing assessment for care packages, adaptations to their homes or other support.
The Chief Executive stated at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting that he was:
happy on the basis of Mr Booth’s question for the Council to instigate an approach to NHS Property Services directly to understand what their intentions for the Benjamin Court facility are as understanding their approach would be helpful to the campaigners, local stakeholders and residents so that as a Council we can consider our position further.
Housing benefit subsidy is the grant that councils receive from the government to cover the cost of providing housing benefit. ↩
- Adam Varley
- Andrew Brown
- Angie Fitch-Tillett
- Callum Ringer
- Christopher Cushing
- Colin Heinink
- Don Birch
- Dr Andrew Fletcher
- Dr Victoria Holliday
- Emma Spagnola
- Eric Vardy
- Gerard Mancini-Boyle
- Harry Blathwayt
- Jeremy Punchard
- Jill Boyle
- John Toye
- Kate Leith
- Kevin Bayes
- Kim Toye
- Liz Vickers
- Liz Withington
- Lucy Shires
- Luke Paterson
- Martin Batey
- Matthew Taylor
- Mike Hankins
- Nigel Dixon
- Nigel Housden
- Paul Heinrich
- Pauline Porter
- Peter Fisher
- Peter Neatherway
- Philip Bailey
- Roy Macdonald
- Sarah Bütikofer
- Saul Penfold
- Tim Adams
- Tom FitzPatrick
- Wendy Fredericks
- Appendix A - Fees and Charges 2025-26
- Agenda frontsheet 18th-Dec-2024 18.00 Council agenda
- Public reports pack 18th-Dec-2024 18.00 Council reports pack
- Minutes 20112024 Council other
- Guidanceandflowchart
- Executive Support Legal Services - Cllr T Adams
- Coast - Cllr H Blathwayt
- Planning Enforcement - Cllr A Brown
- Housing People Services - Cllr W Fredericks
- IT Environmental Waste Services - Cllr C Ringer
- Finance Estates Assets - Cllr L Shires
- Programme of Meeting 2025-26
- Appendix A - DRAFT Programme of Meetings 2025-26
- Budget Monitoring P6 2024-25
- 12.11.2024 - Fees and Charges 2025-26 Report other
- Appendix a Fees Charges 2025 - 2026
- Polling District and Places review
- Appendix A