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West Devon Development Management and Licensing Committee - Tuesday, 17th December, 2024 10.00 am
December 17, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
This meeting will include the consideration of planning applications for a change of use at a farm in Spreyton, and a house in Milton Abbot. The committee will also receive an update on the status of planning appeals and undetermined major applications.
Planning application: Farm at Spreyton
A planning application by Mr and Mrs Edwards to change the use of existing buildings at Lower Willsworthy Farm, Spreyton, from agricultural use to use as a wedding venue, will be considered in the meeting.
The application (24/1124/FUL) seeks permission for:
Change of use of existing buildings from agricultural to use as a wedding venue (sui generis) for a temporary period of 3 years
The application has been called in to committee by Councillor Barry Ratcliffe, for the following reason:
To enable the concerns of the Parish Council in relation to noise and disturbance to be heard at Committee
The Parish Council objects to the scheme on the grounds of noise and disturbance. They have asked for the application to be considered by the committee.
Seven representations from members of the public have been received by the council. Six of the representations object, and one supports the scheme.
The concerns raised by members of the public include noise, and the impact on highway safety of increased traffic, and of cars parking on the road. Some residents wrote to support the application.
Planning Appeals
The committee will receive an update on the status of recent appeals against the council's planning decisions. The report pack includes details of two appeals that were dismissed by the planning inspectorate.
One of the appeals (4171/19/D) related to the demolition of an existing dwelling and the erection of two detached dwellings in its place in Chillaton.
The other appeal (24/0069/FUL) sought permission to convert the Royal Oak Public House to a single dwelling, and to erect a detached garage, and was dismissed.
Update on Undetermined Major Applications
The committee will receive a report on the status of undetermined Major Applications1.
Planning application: House in Milton Abbot
The meeting will include the consideration of an application (4135/23/HHO) to erect a garden room at the rear of 12 Fore Street, Milton Abbot.
Major Applications are planning applications that involve more than 10 houses, or a development of more than 1000 square metres. ↩
- 241124FUL other
- Agenda frontsheet 17th-Dec-2024 10.00 West Devon Development Management and Licensing Committee agenda
- Public reports pack 17th-Dec-2024 10.00 West Devon Development Management and Licensing Committee reports pack
- Planning Appeals Update
- Minutes 12 November 2024 other
- Update on Undetermined Major Applications
- 413523HHO