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Planning Committee - Wednesday 18th December 2024 2.00 pm

December 18, 2024 View on council website
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This meeting is scheduled to include discussions on an application for reserved matters for a development in Kirton in Lindsey, and an application for planning permission for a mixed use development in Epworth. The committee is also scheduled to consider two linked applications for alterations at a listed building in Hibaldstow.

Land off Ings Road, Kirton in Lindsey

The committee is scheduled to discuss an application for the approval of reserved matters following the granting of outline planning permission for a residential development on land off Ings Road in Kirton in Lindsey.

The application, submitted by Stephen Nicholson, Kerrie Waters, Rachael Schofield, The Strategic Land Group Ltd and Newett Homes Ltd, proposes 74 houses, public open space and a LEAP1 on the site.

The application is a reserved matters application which means that the principle of the development has already been established. This application is only concerned with the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of the development.

Councillors Trevor Foster and David Garritt have 'called in' the application due to 'significant public interest'. Objections have been received from Kirton in Lindsey Town Council, the Kirton in Lindsey Society, and 44 members of the public. The Town Council has raised concerns regarding the inclusion of 2.5 storey dwellings which it considers are out of keeping with the character of the surrounding area. The Town Council is also concerned about the potential for overlooking, particularly from the development onto existing properties on Lane End, due to the change in land levels, and recommends further screening or landscaping to mitigate these impacts. The impact on highway safety, highway maintenance, construction traffic, flooding and drainage, biodiversity, the siting of the LEAP and the lack of environmental future-proofing equipment, such as solar panels, air source heat pumps, and electric vehicle charging points are also matters of concern for the Town Council.

The Kirton in Lindsey Society has highlighted the importance of the 'historic hedges and scrubland at the application site', and states that:

The historic hedges and scrubland at the application site supports a huge diversity of local wildlife and remains very important for this reason. Kirton in Lindsey Town Council strongly disagrees that it can therefore be considered of 'low value' in any way. Historic hedges and scrubland must be protected.

The LLFA has no objections to the proposed pumping station but recommends an 'adoption and maintenance plan for the open watercourse'. The LLFA also requests a statement 'providing the reasons for dismissal of SuDS on the site'.

Comments from Strategic Housing recommend an additional 0.8 affordable units to ensure that the development achieves the 20% affordable housing required by the s106 agreement attached to the outline planning permission. Strategic Housing also raises concerns about the mix of housing, stating that, ‘Delivery of smaller properties support the home ownership aspirations of the younger generation especially those who are wanting to buy as a single professional’ and requesting an increase in the number of two-bedroom properties in the development.

Garden Centre, Belton Road, Epworth

The committee is scheduled to discuss an application submitted by J Millea, Millea Land (Epworth) Ltd and Camstead Ltd for the demolition of the existing Epworth Garden Centre on Belton Road in Epworth, and the erection of:

  • A replacement garden centre.
  • A new supermarket.
  • A new medical centre.
  • An outdoor education area.

The development would also include associated infrastructure works, including car parking, landscaping and access.

Councillors David Robinson and Tim Mitchell have called in the application. The application has been supported by Epworth Town Council, and 74 representations have been made in favour of the proposals. A total of 57 objections have also been received.

Supporters of the application consider that a new supermarket is needed in Epworth to reduce 'leakage', provide more choice and competition, and reduce travel to other towns for shopping. A new medical centre with better access and parking is also considered beneficial.

Objectors have raised a number of concerns regarding the proposals, including harm to existing businesses and the rural character of the area, noise, traffic and drainage impacts, loss of wildlife, the impact of 24-hour operation of the supermarket, light pollution from the development, and the fact that the town's health provision would remain split over several sites.

CPRE North Lincolnshire has objected to the application, stating that:

The area of high landscape value should be protected and preserved for its uniqueness and development should not be permitted that would destroy, damage or adversely affect the character, appearance or setting of the historic landscape, or any of its features.

The Historic Environment Record has also objected, recommending refusal on the following grounds:

The proposed development would be an unacceptable extension and intrusion of the built environment into the ancient open strip fields historic landscape and protected policy area, contributing to adverse character change and affecting the setting and legibility of the core character area.

The Conservation Officer has concluded that:

…fundamentally such large structures, the ancillary yard spaces, landscaping to the increased amount (beyond that of the existing garden centre which contains such features) would still be alien in the setting of the conservation area (which is also in parts the Isle of Axholme historic landscape area) and as such, regardless of mitigating measures, the proposals for units of this scale will still cause less than substantial harm to the setting of a designated and non-designated heritage asset via the cumulative change to the character of the area forming this setting.

Beechwood Farmhouse, 18 East Street, Hibaldstow

The committee is scheduled to discuss two linked applications at Beechwood Farmhouse on East Street in Hibaldstow.

  • PA/2024/1256 - submitted by Mr J Lunson for planning permission for the proposed alterations.
  • PA/2024/1232 - submitted by Mr J Lunson for listed building consent for the proposed alterations.

Both applications relate to the same development: alterations to a rear window on the south elevation.

Hibaldstow Parish Council has indicated its support for the application. The Conservation Officer has objected, recommending refusal on the following grounds:

The proposed new window is contemporary in design and would result in a notably larger opening than is appropriate for the intended simple and non-elaborate appearance of this range. The alteration would also lead to loss of historic fabric in the form of historic brickwork in the gable elevation of the range. It is considered the alteration would result in less than substantial harm to the listed building and the application should be resisted.

  1. LEAP stands for 'Locally Equipped Area of Play'. These are small play areas that are typically provided as part of new housing developments.