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Planning & Highways Regulation Committee - Thursday, 19th December, 2024 6.00 pm

December 19, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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This meeting's agenda pack focuses on planning applications, including those in the Green Belt, and includes an update on planning appeals and enforcement action.

Development at Grafton Street, Heaton Norris

The report pack proposes the approval of a Stockport Homes1 application to build 6 affordable bungalows on land at Grafton Street. The development, which would be located next to Lloyd Street Recreation Ground, is on land allocated as Local Open Space in the Stockport Unitary Development Plan.2 The applicant has stated that the land does not fulfil a formal recreational purpose and that

its loss would not affect either its quality as a recreational asset or its performance against quantitative and qualitative standards.

The development would provide:

  • 4 one-bedroom bungalows designed to be accessible and adaptable.
  • 2 one-bedroom bungalows that are fully wheelchair accessible.

The development would make a financial contribution to enhance open spaces under the terms of the council's Open Space Provision and Community Payments policy, paying £7,140 towards the play area at Lloyd Street Recreation Ground and £10,812 to the council's Formal Sport Priority List.

The development is recommended for approval in the report pack as it is considered to be compliant with the National Planning Policy Framework's (NPPF) guidance on making effective use of land. However, a large number of objections were received from local residents who would like to see the land retained as open space.

Development at Lower Cobden Edge Farm, Mellor

The report pack recommends the approval of a retrospective application for a change to a previously approved development at Lower Cobden Edge Farm. The application includes a request to add a basement to the approved dwelling, bringing the total volume to 774 cubic metres - 32% larger than the previously approved volume.

The development is located in the Green Belt3 and was previously approved on the grounds that the applicant could otherwise lawfully build a much larger development on the same site.

Development on Land to the rear of Longhurst Lane and Knowle Road, Mellor

The report pack recommends approval of an application to demolish existing stables and build a single-storey self-build dwelling on land to the rear of Longhurst Lane and Knowle Road.

The development would be located in the Green Belt and Marple Bridge Landscape Character Area. A significant number of objections were received from local residents, many relating to the access arrangements to the site, which would be shared with Mellor Primary School. The report pack recommends the imposition of a Section 106 agreement to ensure the development provides a financial contribution to the provision of open space.

Planning Appeals, Enforcement Appeals and Enforcement Notices

The report pack also includes a summary of recent appeal decisions, current planning appeals, enforcement appeals and enforcement notices.

The report pack states that there was one appeal against a committee refusal of planning permission. The appeal, submitted by Councillor Mark Jones, relates to an application at Gatley Golf Club for outline planning permission for up to 278 dwellings. The appeal decision is pending.

  1. Stockport Homes is a housing association based in Stockport. They own and manage around 11,500 homes in the borough, providing affordable housing for people on low incomes, older people, and people with disabilities. 

  2. The Stockport Unitary Development Plan is a legal document that sets out how land in Stockport should be used. It includes policies on a range of issues, such as housing, employment, transport, and the environment. 

  3. The Green Belt is a policy designation used to prevent urban sprawl. Development in the Green Belt is generally restricted to limited infilling or the partial or complete redevelopment of previously developed land.