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Development Management Committee - Thursday 19th December 2024 7.30 pm
December 19, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
The Development Management Committee will meet to discuss a range of planning applications, including a proposed residential development on the site of a former care home and improvements to the public realm in Hatfield Town Centre. A report on recent appeal decisions will also be considered.
St Christophers Nursing Home
The report pack contains an application for outline planning permission for the demolition of the existing buildings and erection of up to 72 residential dwellings at St Christophers Nursing Home, Drakes Way, Hatfield. The report acknowledges the loss of a care home in this location, but explains that the applicant has provided evidence that there is no demand for this site to remain as a care home. The report goes on to summarise the responses from statutory consultees such as the Lead Local Flood Authority, Herts Ecology, and the County Council's Highways Team. It notes that the existing care home is in Flood Zone 1, least likely to flood
The report explains that the Council's Interim Policy for Car Parking Standards will apply, and that the applicant will be expected to provide evidence that adequate parking will be provided. It states that the applicant proposes to use attenuation tanks to manage surface water run-off. The report pack includes the following quote from the response by the Lead Local Flood Authority:
Further consideration should be given to above-ground, open SuDS features before below-ground attenuation tanks are accepted in principle. This is a requirement of the SuDS hierarchy.
The report notes the objection from the Lead Local Flood Authority but concludes that the proposed drainage strategy is acceptable at this outline stage and can be controlled by condition. It also acknowledges that the existing care home building is in the Sand and Gravel Belt
, but that the Minerals Planning Authority does not have any mineral sterilisation concerns due to a lack of deposits beneath the site. The report includes detailed discussions on ecological matters and explains that the site is subject to a statutory condition to achieve a 10% increase in biodiversity value through a Biodiversity Gain Plan1. The report also explains that the development would benefit from the application of Vacant Building Credit which reduces the affordable housing requirement for this site from 25% to just 1.2 affordable units.
The report concludes that the adverse impacts identified would not significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies the NPPF is taken as a whole.
It recommends that the Committee resolves to grant planning permission, subject to the completion of a Section 106 legal agreement2 and conditions.
Public Realm Enhancements, Hatfield Market Place
The report pack contains an application for the redevelopment of Hatfield Market Place. The development would involve the demolition of an existing redundant market trading hut and alterations to the levels across the site to remove existing upstands and railings and improve accessibility. The application also includes new paving, landscaping, lighting, street furniture, and play equipment. The report notes that the site lies within the Hatfield Town Centre Core Retail Zone. It goes on to explain how the proposal reflects the spatial strategy for the town, set out in Policies SP20 (Hatfield Town Centre Strategy) and SADM22 (Development within Hatfield Town Centre Core Retail Zone) of the Welwyn Hatfield Local Plan.
The report summarises the responses from consultees including Hatfield Town Council, the County Council's Highways Team and Rights of Way Team, and Hertfordshire Constabulary. It notes that the development is subject to a statutory condition to achieve a 10% increase in biodiversity value through a Biodiversity Gain Plan.
The report states that the intention of the design is to work with the existing green palette of the tree and landscaping in the area and create an intentional contrast which would transform the area into a destination.
It recommends that the Committee resolves to grant planning permission subject to conditions.
Appeal Decisions
The report pack contains information on 8 recent appeals. The report summarises the details of each appeal, including the main issues considered and the reasoning behind the Inspector's decision. The report does not offer any recommendations for decisions, as it is for information purposes only.
Future Planning Applications
The report pack contains a list of planning applications that have been called in for consideration by the committee. It also contains a list of applications that officers consider should be determined by the Development Management Committee. The report does not offer any recommendations for decisions, as it is for information purposes only.
A Biodiversity Gain Plan is a requirement of the Environment Act 2021. It is a document that sets out how a development will achieve a 'net gain' for biodiversity. ↩
A Section 106 agreement is a legal agreement between a developer and a local planning authority. They are often used to mitigate the impact of new development on a local community. ↩
- Attendee: Alan Chesterman
- Attendee: Barbara Fitzsimon
- Attendee: Cathy Watson
- Attendee: Darrell Panter
- Attendee: Helena Goldwater
- Attendee: Ian Walsh
- Attendee: Jean-Paul Bernard Skoczylas
- Attendee: Jill Weston
- Attendee: Katherine Gardner
- Attendee: Lucy Musk
- Attendee: Lucy Musk
- Attendee: Mark Short
- Attendee: Matthew Hobbs
- Attendee: Matthew Hobbs
- Attendee: Pankit Shah
- Attendee: Roger Trigg
- Attendee: Tony Skottowe
- Attendee: Ashley Ransome
- Attendee: Bernice Compton
- Attendee: Chris Carter
- Attendee: Chris Carter
- Attendee: Clare Cade
- Attendee: Emily Stainer
- Attendee: Ganesh Gnanamoorthy
- Attendee: Jacqueline Backhaus
- Attendee: Lizzie Mugova
- Attendee: Mark Peacock
- Attendee: Raymond Lee
- Attendee: Roxanne Misir
- Attendee: Sheila Saunders
- Attendee: Sunny Thusu
- Attendee: William Myers
- Agenda frontsheet 19th-Dec-2024 19.30 Development Management Committee agenda
- Public reports pack 19th-Dec-2024 19.30 Development Management Committee reports pack
- 6-2024-2035-OUTLINE - St Christophers Nursing Home Drakes Way Hatfield
- 6-2024-1569-FULL - Hatfield Market Place
- Appeal Decisions Committee Report 2 other
- Future Applications Cttee Report