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Planning Committee - Tuesday, 17th December, 2024 10.00 am
December 17, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
The report pack for this meeting contains details of four planning applications, a report on appeals decisions made by the Planning Inspectorate and a summary of S73 Major Decisions.
Wolborough Area A2 POS and GI Phase 1
This application concerns the approval of reserved matters for appearance, layout, scale and landscaping for the Green Infrastructure to serve Area 2(a) of the Wolborough Barton development in Newton Abbot.
The report pack explains that the site contains a number of hedges, trees, and a small watercourse. No existing trees would be felled as part of the scheme.
According to the report pack, the Local Planning Authority's Green Infrastructure Officer has requested details of the proposed path and bridge specifications, pumping station screening, benches and interpretation features, and pedestrian path network. They stated:
There is appears to be a lack of a cohesive, well-connected pedestrian path network via the POS. There are links missing at likely desire lines. This needs some further consideration and improvement. It would be useful to understand why those likely desire lines are not currently incorporated.
The report pack states that Devon County Council Highways Authority has raised concerns about potential access arrangements for the foul pumping station and the use of Magazine Lane.
Baker Estates Wolborough, Newton Abbot
This application is for the approval of reserved matters for the construction of 150 homes on Parcel 2.1 of Phase 2 at Wolborough Barton, Newton Abbot.
The report pack describes the development as comprising 1 bed, 2 bed, 3 bed and 4+ bed homes and bungalows. It states that 31 of the homes would be affordable. The affordable housing would be a mix of affordable rent (70%) and shared ownership (30%).
The report pack says that the site lies within the Landscape Connectivity Zone of the South Hams Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and, as a result, attention will have to be given to the design so as to ensure that no harm to Greater Horseshoe Bats would result.
According to the report pack, Devon County Council Highways Authority stated that:
The site isn't very interconnected and feels rather like a series of separate cul-de-sacs. The
tertiaryroads could certainly benefit from a loop with a separate provision along the northern edge for a footway with links to the local centre.
It goes on to say that the Highway Authority also raised concerns over the turning area for plots 91 - 119, stating that:
Plan 0755-C-P-0540 Rev B shows the only turning area for the road for plots 91 - 119 is on proposed block paving. The preferred material now is imprint rather than block paving, but this would still be unsuitable for the turning of vehicles, particularly refuse vehicles.
Devon County Council, as Lead Local Flood Authority, has stated that they have no in-principle objection to the application, but that the applicant will be required to submit a MicroDrainage model, or similar, in order to demonstrate that the surface water drainage system has been designed appropriately.
Land at Whitehill Road, Newton Abbot
This application concerns the construction of up to 28 homes on land at Whitehill Road in Newton Abbot.
The report pack says that the application site lies within an area allocated for development within Policy NA2 of the adopted Teignbridge Local Plan 2013-2033. It explains that the wider allocation was intended to provide a sustainable, high quality mixed-use development, including 450 homes, employment uses and community facilities. However, it notes that it is well established that the allocation will not deliver 450 homes, and that 259 units will be delivered within NA2 up to 2030/2031.
The report pack states that the site is located within the Landscape Connectivity Zone identified for Greater Horseshoe Bats that form the special interest of the South Hams Special Area of Conservation (SAC). Natural England have advised that, provided the proposal is delivered in accordance with the proposed mitigation measures, it can be reasonably concluded that there would not be an adverse impact on the South Hams SAC.
The report pack explains that All Saints’ Church (Grade I Listed) is located to the south of the application site. It states that the impact of the scheme upon the significance which the church derives from its setting amounts to less than substantial harm. The report pack says that it is important to consider this impact within the context of the Local Plan, noting that it appears axiomatic that some impact on the setting, and thereby the significance, of the church must have been factored in when the allocation was found sound.
Pulse Smart Hubs, Newton Abbot
This application is for the installation of eight 'Pulse Smart Hubs' in various locations in Newton Abbot town centre.
The report pack describes the hubs as measuring 2.54m high, 1.28m wide, and 0.35m deep. It says they will comprise large digital screens capable of showing moving advertising and would also include a user interface with a touch screen. According to the report pack, they are intended to provide:
- Digital information
- Advertising
- Communication
- Wi-Fi connectivity
- A power point for charging phones
- Emergency health support and contact (in the form of a defibrillator, drug overdose medication and 999 calls)
The report pack explains that the hubs would replace the existing information boards at the following locations:
- Outside Austins
- Outside 40 Courtenay Street
- On East Street to the rear of Austins Department Store
- On Highweek Way opposite Newton Abbot Library
- Opposite Carpetright on Wolborough Street
It states that the hubs at the following locations have been removed from the proposals:
- Outside Queensgate Arcade on Queen Street
- Opposite the Clock Tower on Courtenay Street
- On Market Walk
- On the corner of Bank Street and Wolborough Street
- On the corner of Market Street and Queen Street
The report pack states that the Design, Management and Operational Statement says that the illuminance levels from the hub screens would always remain within the Institute for Lighting Professionals guidelines.
Appeal Decisions
The report pack contains a note for the committee of appeal decisions made by the Planning Inspectorate in November 2024. It lists three appeals, one allowed, one turned away, and one dismissed.
The appeal allowed was by an applicant at Harpins Brake Cottage in Kingskerswell against a partial refusal of permission to fell an ash tree.
The appeal turned away was by an applicant at Brook House in Dawlish for the reduction in height of a boundary wall, reduction of a flower bed, and the removal of three flower beds to provide additional parking.
The appeal dismissed was by an applicant at Land Adjacent To Rock Cottage in Dawlish against the refusal of planning permission for the construction of two dwellings.
S73 Major Decisions Summary
The report pack contains a note to the committee summarising applications for major variations made under S73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. It states that there were no such applications in November 2024.
- Agenda frontsheet 17th-Dec-2024 10.00 Planning Committee agenda
- Public reports pack 17th-Dec-2024 10.00 Planning Committee reports pack
- Minutes Public Pack 18112024 Planning Committee other
- 1. 24.00694.MAJ Area A2 POS and GI Phase 1
- 2. 24.00220.MAJ - Resi Parcel 2.1 - Baker Estates - Wolborough
- 3. 24.00301.MAJ Land at Whitehill Road NA2
- 4. 24.00814.FUL - various sites around Newton Abbot
- Appeal decisions received during November 24 other
- Major Variation Approvals received during November other
- Late Updates Sheet 17th-Dec-2024 10.00 Planning Committee
- Committee Update Sheet 17 December 24