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Planning Committee - Wednesday, 18th December, 2024 11.00 am
December 18, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
This meeting of the Planning Committee will include decisions on nine planning applications and a report on the status of planning appeals. Three of the applications were previously presented to the committee on 20 November 2024 and were deferred pending further consideration. The committee will also note a report on new planning appeals, decisions, and the dates of any forthcoming hearings and inquiries.
23/04529/FUL - Parcel 6600, Fairy Hill, Compton Dando, Bath and North East Somerset
The committee will be asked to decide on an application from Bath and West Community Energy Limited for the installation of a 2.1MW solar farm.
The solar farm will involve installing 4,264 solar panels in the centre of a field that is currently used to cultivate cereal crops. An inverter building, a switchroom, a distribution network operator cabin, a satellite mast and new access tracks will also be built. The development will be surrounded by a 2m high fence, with CCTV.
The applicant has said that the solar farm will generate enough energy to power 600 homes.
The site is located in the Green Belt and so the applicant will need to demonstrate very special circumstances
for the development to be permitted. The applicant has argued that the wider environmental benefits associated with increased production of energy from renewable sources
constitute very special circumstances
Objections to the application have been received from local residents. Their concerns centre around the impact on the landscape, the loss of agricultural land and the increase in construction traffic on local roads.
Historic England has also objected to the application. In their response to the council they said: > It is our opinion that the introduction of a large solar farm and the resulting change of character of this landscape, from rural to industrial, will affect and diminish the way that setting enhances the significance of the designated heritage asset. It will therefore carry a certain degree of harm.
Support for the application has come from other local residents who cite the climate emergency and the need for renewable energy as reasons why the application should be approved.
24/02198/FUL - Unity Road, Northern Part, Keynsham, Bath and North East Somerset
The committee will be asked to decide on an application from Go Karting For Fun Ltd. The application is for a change of use of a building on the Unity Road Industrial Estate in Keynsham. The building was previously used as a warehouse, but the applicant wants to turn it into a Go Karting Centre
, which is a sui generis use.
Keynsham Town Council and Councillor Andy Wait have objected to the application on the grounds that the development will increase traffic and noise levels and that the loss of warehouse space in the area will be detrimental. Local residents have also objected to the application on similar grounds. They have also raised concerns about the potential for the site to be used for stag and hen parties
. In response to these concerns the council officers have said that The sale of alcohol is a licensing consideration. If a license was granted, it could be reviewed in the event of future problems.
Support for the application has come from other local residents who cite the benefits of the new leisure facility as reasons to grant permission.
The application was deferred by the committee on 20 November 2024. The committee requested that council officers negotiate a reduction in the opening hours of the site. The applicant has not agreed to the proposed reduction, saying that it would result in their business being unviable.
The committee will need to consider whether to grant the application with the originally proposed operating hours or whether to refuse the application.
24/02761/FUL - Site Of Old Quarry, Bath Road, Peasedown St John, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset
The committee will be asked to decide on an application from Mr Paul Bryant for the erection of a dwelling. The application site is outside of the settlement boundary, but Peasedown St John Parish Council has supported the application. Their reasons for support are summarised as follows:
The plans were reviewed, along with councillors' existing knowledge of the site and the feedback provided in the public session. The general feeling was that the proposed development would not have any adverse impact on neighbouring properties and being of dormer bungalow style should not impact on the street scene. It was acknowledged that a significant amount of work has been done to clear the site and was felt that the proposed development would stop any future fly-tipping. It was resolved to support the application as it will provide sympathetic development alongside improvement of a site that has been frequently subject to fly tipping. The proposed development site is outside of the Housing Development Boundary (albeit adjacent the boundary line) and due to this fact, it is noted this is a one-off consideration by the Parish Council. The council officers have recommended that the application be refused because it is
contrary to policy SV1.
24/03655/FUL - 530 Wellsway, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset
The committee will be asked to decide on an application from Gray & Amor Properties Ltd for a change of use from a 3-bedroom dwelling to a 4-bedroom House in Multiple Occupation (HMO). The property is located in the Odd Down ward. The ward councillors have objected to the application. Their objection states:
We feel strongly that Odd Down ward needs to be protected for housing for family units. The city of Bath is incrementally pricing families out of areas like Odd Down. This is being driven by a number of factors including unsustainable growth in student numbers at the Universities without growth in purpose build student housing on campus to meet this demand. Despite the concerns of the ward councillors, the council officers have recommended that the application be approved. In their report they note that
The site passes this criterion because the HMO density would be 4.8%. The policy allows up to 10% of properties within a 100m radius to be HMOs.
24/03605/FUL - 51 Ambleside Road, Bath, Bath and North East Somerset
The committee will be asked to decide on an application from Mrs Karen Bazeley for a change of use from a dwelling house to a HMO.
The application has been called in by the ward councillors, Councillor Steve Hedges and Councillor Joel Hirst who have objected to the application. As with application 24/03655/FUL they feel that Odd Down ward needs to be protected for housing for family units
and that the growth in HMOs is pricing families out of the area. Local residents have also objected to the application. Their main concerns are the impact on parking and the character of the area. In their report, the council officers acknowledge these concerns. They say:
It is appreciated that C3 dwellinghouses are occupied by single households which typically have co-ordinated routines, lifestyles, visitors and patterns of movement. Conversely, HMOs are occupied by unrelated individuals, each possibly acting as a separate household, with their own friends, lifestyles, and patterns and times of movements. The comings and goings of the occupiers of an HMO are likely to be less regimented and may occur at earlier and later times in the day than a C3 family home. Such a change of use can therefore result in increased comings and goings, noise and other disturbance compared to a C3 use. Despite these concerns, the council officers have recommended that the application be approved. They say that the development
complies with the relevant planning policies.
24/02867/FUL - Humphreston House, The Green, Temple Cloud, Bristol, Bath and North East Somerset
The committee will be asked to decide on an application from Ann Morgan for the erection of a summer house. Humphreston House is a Grade II listed building and the application has been referred to the committee because Ann Morgan is a councillor.
24/03722/FUL – 22 Grange Road, Saltford, Bath and North East Somerset
The committee will be asked to decide on an application from Mrs Jessica Fragapane for the erection of a two-storey side extension and garage, a single storey rear extension, a new driveway and associated landscaping. The application also includes the demolition of an existing garage. Saltford Parish Council has objected to the application. They are concerned about the potential impact of the development on the neighbouring property, 20 Grange Road. In particular they are concerned about a proposed two-storey side extension that will be located on the boundary of the two properties. They have said:
In circumstances like this Saltford Parish Council considers that a gap of around 1 metre between the outside wall of the proposed extension and the adjacent boundary would be appropriate and maintain some level of openness of development at this location in Grange Road. Furthermore, the height of the new side extension combined with its proposed close proximity to No. 20 will result in an overbearing affect and loss of light to side windows and the side garden of No. 20 that includes at least one mature tree close to the boundary that would also lose light; this loss of light and overbearing effect would be reduced if the side extension's width is reduced to allow for a gap with the boundary line of 1 metre or wider. Local residents have also objected to the development on similar grounds. The council officers have recommended that the application be approved.
24/04115/TCA - Lindley, North Road, Bathwick, Bath, Bath and North East Somerset
The committee will be asked to consider a tree works application from Fiona Broadfield. The application is to reduce the crown of a Eucalyptus tree by 2-3 metres. The application has been referred to the committee because Fiona Broadfield is a member of council staff.
24/04122/TCA - 1 Cambridge Place, Widcombe Hill, Widcombe, Bath, Bath and North East, Somerset
The committee will be asked to consider a tree works application from Councillor Alison Born. The application is to reduce the crown of a Strawberry Tree by 2 metres. The application has been referred to the committee because Councillor Alison Born is an elected member.
24/01493/LBA - Lower Maisonette, 34 Daniel Street, Bathwick, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset
The committee will note a report that a planning appeal has been lodged for a listed building application for internal alterations to replace waterproof membrane in vaults and addition of plasterboard wall lining. Regularisation
. The application was refused by the committee on 18 July 2024.
22/02932/FUL - 26-28 Orchard Vale, Midsomer Norton, Bath And North East Somerset
The committee will note a report that a planning appeal for the demolition of two dwellings and the erection of 54 homes has been allowed. The appeal was lodged after the application was refused on 5 December 2023.
22/02169/EOUT - Parcel 4234, Combe Hay Lane, Combe Hay, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset
The committee will note a report that a public inquiry is scheduled to be held for an outline application for the development of up to 290 dwellings and a detailed application for a new access road. The public inquiry will be held in the Kaposvar and Banqueting Room
at the Guildhall, Bath from the 28 January 2025 to the 14 February 2025. The application was refused by the committee on 12 April 2024.
- Agenda frontsheet 18th-Dec-2024 11.00 Planning Committee agenda
- Public reports pack 18th-Dec-2024 11.00 Planning Committee reports pack
- Minutes of Previous Meeting other
- 24 12 18 Main Agenda other
- 24 12 18 Appeals Report other
- Update Report 18th-Dec-2024 11.00 Planning Committee other
- 24 12 18 Update Report other