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Planning Committee - Wednesday 18 December 2024 6.30 pm
December 18, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
This meeting will include a report about how much weight should be given to the policies in the council's new Local Plan, and the committee will also consider three planning applications.
Weighting of New Local Plan Policies
The committee will receive a report about how much weight should be given to the policies in the New Draft Harrow Local Plan 2021 – 2041 (Regulation 19 Version).1
The council will be deciding how much weight to give to the new Local Plan in deciding future planning applications. In doing so it has to take account of the policies in the existing Harrow Development Management Policies Local Plan (2013), The London Plan (2021), and the National Planning Policy Framework.
The report says that the new Local Plan can, in general considered to have potential to be given moderate weight in the determination of planning applications
The report includes an appendix that lists every policy in the new Local Plan, and explains the level of objection it received during the Regulation 18 consultation stage and whether it is consistent with the National Planning Policy Framework and London Plan.
Land South of Anmer Lodge
The committee will consider an application for planning permission for the erection of seven new residential dwellings on Land South of Anmer Lodge, Stanmore. The application site is a car park and is located in Stanmore District Centre. The report pack recommends that planning permission should be granted.
John Lyon School
The committee will consider an application to vary the Section 1062 agreement attached to planning permission for a swimming pool at John Lyon School.
The school wants to vary the agreement so that the swimming pool can be used by the local community. Harrow Hill Trust objected to the application, saying that the proposed change in the agreement would not provide a sufficient benefit to the community. They said:
Use solely for 1/1 or 2/1 private lessons evenings and weekends with a community swim of 30 minutes for 6 people once a week does not make for any significant community benefit...What is required is for the definition of Permitted Recreational Users to include the public or local residents as defined by dwelling within a radius of 1 mile. The report pack recommends that the Deed of Variation should be granted subject to the school agreeing to a new definition ofPermitted Recreational Useswhich states:swimming pool for purposes connected with the provision of physical education of pupils of the school or sporting recreation for parents and immediate families of pupils attending the school members of staff and their families and sports teams of the Old Lyonian Association or for the provision of Swimming Sessions during Swimming Hours. The report pack explains thatSwimming Sessionsare defined asswimming sessions which may include no more than forty (40) swimmers and a maximum of sixteen (16) parked cars at the school during sessions for staff and swimmers primarily for Harrow Residents. It also explains thatSwimming Hoursare defined asbetween the hours of 6pm – 9pm on weekdays and 9am - 7pm at weekends.
127 Bellamy Drive
The committee will consider an application for planning permission for the conversion of a dwelling into two flats at 127 Bellamy Drive, Stanmore. The application has received 15 objections from local residents, raising concerns about overdevelopment, parking, anti-social behaviour and noise. The applicant's agent, Mr H Patel, is named in the report pack. The report pack recommends that planning permission should be granted.
A Regulation 19 consultation is one of the final stages in preparing a new local plan, allowing for the plan to be publicised and representations to be made by anyone with an interest in it. ↩
A Section 106 agreement is a legally-binding agreement between an applicant seeking planning permission and a local planning authority. It is one way in which a planning authority can ensure that a development delivers a public benefit. ↩
- Printed minutes Wednesday 18-Dec-2024 18.30 Planning Committee minutes
- Addendum - PL043524
- Printed minutes Wednesday 18-Dec-2024 18.30 Planning Committee minutes
- Addendum - PL043524
- Guidance for Members of the Public 2022
- Guidance for Members of the Public 2022
- Planning Committee Minutes - 20-11-24 other
- Report Regarding Policy Weighting to be applied to the New Local Plan_HBPL_SY_09_12_24 002 002 other
- Report Regarding Policy Weighting to be applied to the New Local Plan_HBPL_SY_09_12_24 002 002 other
- 2-01 - Land South of Anmer Lodge HA7 4EB - PL-1756-24 other
- Agenda frontsheet Wednesday 18-Dec-2024 18.30 Planning Committee agenda
- 2-02 - John Lyn School - PL-0435-24 other
- 2-03 - 127 Bellamy Drive HA7 2DG - PL-2406-24 other
- Agenda frontsheet Wednesday 18-Dec-2024 18.30 Planning Committee agenda
- Public reports pack Wednesday 18-Dec-2024 18.30 Planning Committee reports pack
- Addendum - 18th December 2024 other
- Addendum - 18th December 2024 other