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This meeting will include a report on the Council’s finances, and an update on the budget setting process for the 2025/26 financial year.
Q2 Budget Monitoring Report
This report provides a summary of the Council’s revenue and capital expenditure for the first six months of the 2024/25 financial year (April to September 2024).
The report shows a projected underspend of £0.205 million against the agreed revenue budget of £26.394 million.
Several service areas are forecasting significant variances from their budgets:
Communities: Income at the Cornerstone arts centre and café in Didcot is forecast to be down against budget by £129,000. The report says:
The newly formed management team are working through the agreed action plan for the centre, which has delivered a successful autumn season and together with already strong panto ticket sales, should show an improvement in the numbers by year end. In addition to this a separate project is underway to review and improve the café model.
Housing and Environment: Garden waste income is forecast to be significantly down. The report says this is because the Council introduced a new permit scheme in April 2025, and current charges are being pro-rated until then.
Legal and Democratic: This service area is forecasting an overspend due to the use of external legal advisors to support the Council’s work on the Joint Local Plan.1
Policy & Programmes: The forecasted underspend in this service area mainly relates to the Didcot Garden Town project, where funding is expected to cover future years' expenditure.
The report notes that a full review of the Council’s capital programme will be undertaken as part of the budget setting process for 2025/26.
Budget Setting 2025/26 Update
A report from the Council's Head of Finance will be considered.
A Joint Local Plan (JLP) is a planning document produced collaboratively by two or more local authorities. The JLP sets out a shared vision and framework for future development in the area covered by the plan. ↩
- Anne-Marie Simpson
- David Rouane
- Georgina Heritage
- Maggie Filipova-Rivers
- Pieter-Paul Barker
- Robin Bennett
- Sam Casey-Rerhaye
- Sam James-Lawrie
- Mark Stone
- Simon Hewings
- Vivien Williams
- Supplementary Papers - Budget Setting 202526 Update Thursday 19-Dec-2024 18.00 Cabinet other
- 1. South Budget update report Dec 24 other
- Appendix A.1 revenue budget summary
- Appendix A.2 opening budget adjustments
- Appendix A.3 inflation and salary changes
- Appendix A.4 revenue essential growth
- Public reports pack Thursday 19-Dec-2024 18.00 Cabinet reports pack
- Agenda frontsheet Thursday 19-Dec-2024 18.00 Cabinet agenda
- Q2 Budget monitoring report other
- Supplementary Papers - Minutes Thursday 19-Dec-2024 18.00 Cabinet other
- Minutes Public Pack 17102024 Cabinet other