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Cabinet - Tuesday, 17th December, 2024 6.00 pm

December 17, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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This meeting has a broad agenda that will see the cabinet consider Cheltenham Borough Council's budget and consider the future of services like the Household Recycling Centre at Swindon Road. They will also hear briefings from each cabinet member on topics including Cheltenham's twinning with Annecy, the IT Schools Africa charity and the new FuturePark learning space at the University of Gloucestershire.

The documents also list the decisions that have been taken by individual Cabinet Members since the last meeting.

Waste and Recycling Review

The reports pack contains a proposal to close the Household Recycling Centre on Swindon Road from Friday 10th January 2025, pending a review of waste disposal in the Borough.

Councillor Izaac Tailford, Cabinet Member for Waste, Recycling and Public Realm will lead this discussion.

The report suggests that the closure is required because the centre will shortly become non-compliant with environmental legislation.

The report pack suggests that the cost of upgrading the centre to bring it back into compliance with environmental standards will be £1m.

The report pack states:

The estimated costs of the work, in addition to the regular running costs, represent a very large percentage of CBC’s 11% council tax share but a very small percentage of the county’s 74% share.

It suggests that the closure is also necessary because of the success of kerbside recycling schemes.

The report pack states:

CBC has subsidised the provision of waste disposal for 40 years, and it does not make financial sense for both county and borough to provide the same service.

The report pack suggests that the county council might take on responsibility for waste disposal at the Swindon Road site.

The closure of the Swindon Road site would mean residents have to travel to the Wingmoor Farm Recycling Centre to dispose of their household waste.

The reports pack suggests that the cabinet will also be asked to agree a change in policy, stopping the council from providing commercial waste collection services from a date to be determined by the Chief Executive, Gareth Edmundson.

Finally, the reports pack also suggests that the cost of having waste and recycling receptacles delivered will be reduced from January 2025.

Housing Revenue Account Revised Forecast 2024-25 and Interim Budget Proposals 2025-26 for consultation

The report pack contains a proposal for a revised budget for the Housing Revenue Account for 2024/25 and an interim budget for 2025/26.

Councillor Flo Clucas, Cabinet Member for Housing and Customer Services will lead this discussion.

The report pack states:

The HRA business plan and the 30-year financial model are used to test the affordability of our investment plans. The model predicts the HRA’s financial position over the 30-year period and takes account of a wide range of economic assumptions and risks, for example, inflation and interest rate changes.

The reports pack suggests that the cabinet will be asked to approve the revised and interim budgets, and that they will then be made available for consultation with residents.

First Homes Technical Advice Note

This report concerns the First Homes scheme, a national scheme that was introduced by the Conservative Government in 2021, which is designed to help first-time buyers get onto the property ladder by offering a discount on new build homes.

Councillor Flo Clucas, Cabinet Member for Housing and Customer Services will lead this discussion.

The reports pack suggests that, in line with the Government’s recent consultation on changes to the National Planning Policy Framework, the cabinet will consider adopting a policy on First Homes that will allow them to:

provide local authorities with much greater freedoms and flexibilities to deliver First Homes in accordance with local housing needs.

The reports pack suggests that the cabinet will consider adopting a Technical Advice Note that clarifies its approach to the delivery of First Homes in Cheltenham, giving greater certainty to developers who are required to include First Homes in their new developments.

The report pack states:

Essentially, our First Homes TAN makes it clear that CBC supports the provision of shared ownership accommodation in favour of First Homes in most circumstances. CBC does, however, recognise that there may be situations in which the delivery of First Homes is more appropriate, due to site-specific considerations.

It suggests that the new policy will prefer the construction of shared ownership homes to First Homes. Shared ownership allows buyers to purchase a share of a property and pay rent on the remaining share. It is seen as a more accessible alternative to First Homes for buyers on lower incomes.

The reports pack suggests that Cheltenham’s new First Homes policy will contain a local connection test to ensure that First Homes are prioritised for people with strong connections to Cheltenham.

The reports pack states:

For a local connection to be established, a purchaser will be required to show that they are either living, working, have close family connections living in the Borough, or that they are regularly carrying out voluntary work in the Borough (i.e. on at least a weekly basis for the last 6 months).

The reports pack suggests that there will be exceptions to the local connection test.

The reports pack states:

It is proposed that CBC will keep open the possibility that a local connection will also be established if the purchaser can demonstrate to CBC’s satisfaction that there are other special factors supporting the need to purchase accommodation in the Borough

The reports pack suggests that, in line with the national policy, the local policy will prioritise keyworkers, defined as those working in:

NHS and Social Care; Police; Teachers & Teaching Staff; Fire & Rescue Service; Ministry of Defence & GCHQ Employees; Local Government Employees; Civil Servants and Charitable organisations.

The reports pack suggests that developers will be asked to pay an administration fee of £175 for each First Home they build, which will be used to cover the costs associated with the First Homes scheme.

The reports pack states:

This fee will be reviewed at least every three years to take account of inflationary pressures, etc., and to ensure that it remains reflective of current administrative costs.

The reports pack suggests that sellers of existing First Homes will also have to pay the same £175 fee when they sell their property.

General Fund Revenue & Capital - Interim Budget Proposals 2025-26 for consultation

The reports pack contains a proposal for an interim budget for 2025/26, following on from the Budget Monitoring Report 2024/25 - position at 30 September 2024 which was discussed at the last cabinet meeting on 26th November 2024.

Councillor Alisha Lewis, Cabinet Member for Finance and Assets will lead this discussion.

The reports pack suggests that the cabinet will be asked to approve the interim budget, which will then be subject to public consultation.

The report pack states:

It is anticipated that all of these proposals will be subject to further development and consultation prior to a final budget report being presented to Council in February 2025.

Counter Fraud and Enforcement Unit Collaboration Agreement

The report pack contains a proposal to enter into a collaboration agreement with the other Gloucestershire local authorities and West Oxfordshire District Council to create a shared Counter Fraud and Enforcement Unit.

Councillor Alisha Lewis, Cabinet Member for Finance and Assets will lead this discussion.

The reports pack suggests that the agreement will run for an initial period of 10 years, with the option to extend the agreement for further periods of up to three years.

The reports pack states:

The structure of the unit allows partners to maximise the benefits they receive from the service, by providing resilience, shared knowledge and efficiencies of scale that could not be achieved by one Council as a stand-alone service.

It suggests that the Counter Fraud and Enforcement Unit will be hosted by Cotswold District Council.

It also suggests that the unit will be led by Emma Cathcart, Head of Service for the Counter Fraud and Enforcement Unit at Cotswold District Council.

The reports pack states:

Annual costs are subsidised by third party income and through the generation of revenue income streams.

The reports pack suggests that the cabinet will be asked to agree the collaboration agreement, the main aim of which is to:

mitigate fraud risk and to reduce criminal activity and financial loss in each member Council's jurisdiction.

To approve CBC's Fencing, Hedgerow and Boundary Policy

The reports pack contains a proposal for a new Fencing, Hedgerow and Boundary Policy, which is intended to provide guidance for both residents and council staff.

Councillor Flo Clucas, Cabinet Member for Housing and Customer Services will lead this discussion.

The reports pack suggests that the policy is designed to provide a more consistent approach to the repair and replacement of fencing, and to provide a clear framework for managing disagreements about fencing.

The reports pack states:

CBC recognises that fencing is an important issue to tenants and believes, good fences make for better neighbours, and that good fencing can make a positive difference to the look and feel of neighbourhoods as well as improve security and safety.

The reports pack suggests that the new policy will focus on repairing existing fencing, rather than replacing it.

The reports pack states:

To set out and define the principle of a “Repairs First” approach to maximise the longevity of existing boundary fences and thus make the renewal of fences to a higher standard affordable when renewal is required.

The reports pack suggests that the cabinet will be asked to approve the new policy.

Approval for publication of this year's Infrastructure Funding Statement and CIL Rate Summary Statement

The reports pack contains a proposal to approve the publication of the Infrastructure Funding Statement and the CIL Rate Summary Statement for 2024. The Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) is a document that details how much money has been collected and spent by the council under the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). The CIL is a charge that is levied on developers to help fund new infrastructure.

Councillor Mike Collins, Cabinet Member for Planning and Building Control will lead this discussion.

The report pack suggests that the cabinet will be asked to approve the publication of the IFS by 31st December 2024.

The report pack states:

An Annual CIL Rate Summary Statement (Appendix 3), applying the mandatory national CIL index and setting out the charges for the following calendar year, must also be published in December.

The reports pack suggests that the cabinet will be asked to approve the publication of the CIL Rate Summary Statement, which sets out how much CIL will be charged in the following year, by the same deadline.

The reports pack states:

The Infrastructure Funding Statement must include an Infrastructure List (provided in Chapter 3 of the IFS, see Appendix 2), to help guide future priorities for allocation of strategic community infrastructure funding monies.

The report pack suggests that the IFS will contain a list of projects that Cheltenham Borough Council will spend CIL money on.

The reports pack also lists the projects contained in the Infrastructure list. They are grouped into three categories, Local projects in Cheltenham, Local projects in other areas, and Shared projects in Gloucestershire.

The Local projects in Cheltenham are:

  1. Cheltenham Petersfield Community & Sports Hub
  2. Cheltenham Spa Railway Station Enhancements (Honeybourne Line cycle path extension)
  3. Cheltenham Parks and Green Space Landscape and Recreation: maintenance & investment
  4. Cheltenham central safe cycle hub pilot project
  5. Cheltenham Town Centre Interchange study
  6. Cheltenham cycle spine phase 1 Construction Work
  7. Cheltenham Cycle Spine Phase 2 (Station to Pittville Park) Design Work

The Local projects in other areas are:

  1. Tewkesbury Town Centre and Riverside Public Realm Enhancements
  2. Tewkesbury Town Centre children's play facilities (part of Tewkesbury Borough enhanced play facilities project)
  3. Hampton Place, Churchdown footpath (part of Tewkesbury Borough Active Travel network improvements)
  4. Melrose Walk, Mitton footpath (part of Tewkesbury Borough Active Travel network improvements)
  5. Wheatpieces Woodland Walk footpath (part of Tewkesbury Borough Active Travel network improvements)
  6. Gloucester to Haresfield Cycle Spine Design Work
  7. Gloucester Strategic Transport Interchange connectivity
  8. Tewkesbury Borough Bishops Cleeve Leisure Centre
  9. Tewkesbury Ashchurch Rail Station/Infrastructure Enhancements
  10. Tewkesbury Town Centre enhanced cultural offer
  11. Tewkesbury Traffic management in historic core
  12. Tewkesbury Town Centre Business incubator units
  13. Gloucester City GL1 Leisure Centre
  14. Gloucester City Oxstalls Sports Park
  15. Gloucester City Blackbridge Community and Sports Hub
  16. Gloucester Crematoria / Cemeteries

The Shared projects in Gloucestershire are:

  1. Recycling services depot
  2. Mass Rapid Transit, next business case stage
  3. NHS GP Surgeries
  4. Expressbus Corridors
  5. Brockworth to Cheltenham cycle link (via Shurdington)
  6. Brockworth to Gloucester cycle link
  7. Gloucester to Hartpury College cycle link
  8. M5 J10 Scheme
  9. M5 J9 & A46 Improvement Scheme
  10. All Education requirements

The reports pack also lists the pipeline projects that the council may spend CIL money on in the future.

They are:

  1. Cheltenham High Street public realm improvements
  2. Tewkesbury Borough Crematoria / Cemeteries
  3. Tewkesbury Garden Town enabling infrastructure
  4. Tewkesbury Borough EV induction charging infrastructure
  5. Tewkesbury Borough Active Travel network improvements
  6. Tewkesbury Borough Community Places creation and improvement
  7. Tewkesbury Borough Youth Facilities project creation and improvement
  8. Tewkesbury Borough enhanced play facilities project
  9. Tewkesbury Borough enhanced sports facilities project
  10. Gloucester Nature Park
  11. Gloucester Strategic Green Infrastructure

Grant of lease at St Mark's and Hester's Way Community Centre

Councillor Alisha Lewis, Cabinet Member for Finance and Assets will lead this discussion.

The report pack suggests that the Cabinet will be asked to agree the grant of a lease on the St Mark's and Hester's Way Community Centre to Alliance for Equality, following a period of due diligence.

The reports pack states:

They have big and exciting plans to maintain the building as an accessible and inclusive community space.

Grants Policy

Councillor Alisha Lewis, Cabinet Member for Finance and Assets will lead this discussion.

The reports pack suggests that the Cabinet will be asked to approve a new Grants Policy. The reports pack states that:

a rigorous process is required to ensure that every penny of it is allocated wisely. The Grants Policy outlines policies and procedures, as well as advising on how to make grant applications and launch grant schemes.

Annual Local Council Tax Support Scheme

Councillor Alisha Lewis, Cabinet Member for Finance and Assets will lead this discussion.

The reports pack suggests that the cabinet will be asked to approve a new Local Council Tax Support Scheme, which will apply from April 2025.

The report pack states:

the new scheme is more generous than previously, allowing the council to support people to the very best of its ability.

It suggests that the new scheme will introduce a new category for people in receipt of armed forces support, disregarding that payment as income, so that it does not affect their council tax support entitlement.

Corporate Risk Register - update

The reports pack suggests that the cabinet will be asked to note the Corporate Risk Register, which is a document that details the risks that the council faces and the steps that are being taken to mitigate them.

Briefing from Cabinet Members

The report pack suggests that the cabinet will receive briefings from each cabinet member.

It suggests that these will include the following:

  • A briefing from Councillor Martin Horwood, Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Wellbeing and Culture on a recent trip to Annecy, France to meet with the Mayor of Annecy.
  • A briefing from Councillor Martin Horwood on the recent Literature Festival.
  • A briefing from Councillor Flo Clucas on a recent briefing from the housing regulator.
  • A briefing from Councillor Flo Clucas on the forthcoming Council of European Municipalities and Regions meeting.
  • A briefing from Councillor Max Wilkinson, Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency on the recent Schools Climate Conference.
  • A briefing from Councillor Izaac Tailford on Plan B, the council’s new material broker.
  • A briefing from Councillor Jenny Forde, Cabinet Member for Safety and Communities on the recent Interfaith Week.
  • A briefing from Councillor Jenny Forde on the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence.
  • A briefing from Councillor Alisha Lewis on the forthcoming budget consultation.
  • A briefing from Councillor Victoria Atherstone, Leader of the Council on a recent event at the MX building.
  • A briefing from Councillor Victoria Atherstone on the recent 20th anniversary celebration of IT Schools Africa.
  • A briefing from Councillor Victoria Atherstone on the recent launch of the new FuturePark learning space at the University of Gloucestershire.

Cabinet Member decisions since the last meeting

The report pack suggests that the cabinet will hear reports on the decisions that have been taken by individual cabinet members since the last meeting of the cabinet on 26th November 2024.

They are:

  • a decision taken on 24th October 2024 by Councillor Izaac Tailford to award a contract to Dennis Eagle Ltd for the supply of two refuse collection vehicles;
  • a decision taken on 13th November 2024 by Councillor Alisha Lewis to appoint Tersus Consulting Ltd to undertake asbestos surveying and associated duties; and
  • a decision taken on 21st November 2024 by Councillor Martin Horwood to award a grant to the Cheltenham Trust for replacement gym equipment.

Please note that this is simply a summary of the meeting pack provided to attendees for the meeting. I cannot be certain whether these are the topics discussed during the meeting, or whether any decisions were made.
