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Planning Committee - Thursday, 19th December, 2024 5.00 pm

December 19, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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The Planning Committee of Cheltenham Borough Council will be provided with a report pack that includes details of 7 planning applications, an appeal update and other urgent items. Included in the agenda are applications for new housing, alterations to existing properties, and alterations to a community sports facility. There is also an application for the siting of a flagpole in Sandford Park.

New fabric canopy over existing 3no. padel courts, construction of 4no. new outdoor padel courts inclusive of floodlighting in place of 1no. grass tennis court, and associated circulation space at East Gloucestershire Club, Old Bath Road

This application seeks permission to build a new fabric canopy over three existing padel courts at the East Gloucestershire Club, and to build four new padel courts. The application has been called in to planning committee at the request of Cllr Paul Baker in view of the level of local interest and the possible impact on immediate neighbours. The Parish Council has also formally objected, stating that:

The Committee objects to this application on two grounds: the impact of noise from the new courts on surrounding residents and the overbearing nature of the proposed canopy on the Croquet Club.

The club’s previous application to add three padel courts was approved in October 2020, and as part of that proposal the club confirmed that they would be:

utilising modern LED technology to reduce light spill and glare on surrounding area.

The club’s current application is supported by an Environmental Noise Report, which includes an assessment of the noise levels on the neighbouring Cheltenham Croquet Club. The report states that:

The predicted noise levels from the padel courts would currently meet the upper level that noise levels can be before an impact is perceived as per Sport England Guidance when compared to the typical measured background.

The predicted noise impact on the croquet club are not predicted to increase from what are being experienced currently.

The report also details the steps that the club has taken to involve members of the community in the proposal.

Erection of 1no. two storey dwelling on land adjacent to 1 Coltham Fields, Cheltenham

This application seeks permission to build a two-storey dwelling on a plot of land at 1 Coltham Fields. The report pack includes details of an extant permission (planning reference: 22/00764/FUL) for a dwelling on this plot. The report highlights that:

Cheltenham Borough Council is currently unable to demonstrate a five-year supply of housing.

The application has been called in to the planning committee by Cllr Chris Day for reasons including:

The scheme is sustainable development.

The scheme contributes to the 5 year housing land supply.

However, the officer recommendation is to refuse the application, in part because:

The applicant has not resolved the issues previously highlighted by the Inspectorate and officers.

The report pack also includes details of a previous appeal decision, during which the Inspector noted:

"the proposed dwelling would span the entire width of the plot. It would be taller and bulkier than the properties in Coltham Fields and the combination of the excessive width and height of the dwelling would result in a building which would appear bulky and prominent within the street scene. The siting of the dwelling flush with the site boundaries on 3 sides would result in an unduly cramped appearance which would detract from the modest proportions of dwellings in the surrounding area. The provision of the amenity space within the first floor terrace, in addition to the incorporation of obscure glazing to windows in the first floor front elevation, would emphasise that the plot is of insufficient size to satisfactorily accommodate a building of the size proposed.”

Alterations to exterior and replacement roof at 68 Sandy Lane, Charlton Kings

This application seeks permission for alterations to the exterior and a replacement roof at a house on Sandy Lane in Charlton Kings. The application has been called in to the planning committee at the request of Cllr Adrian Bamford, who raises concerns about the impact on the amenities of neighbours.

The report pack refers to the planning history of the site, noting that:

Planning permission was granted for a two storey side extension, single storey front and rear extension and external alterations under planning reference 16/02197/FUL. Permission was later granted under planning reference 17/01984/FUL for a similar but revised scheme. A later application for a further revised scheme was submitted under planning reference 18/00934/FUL, this proposed to increase the height of the flat roof extension to the front. This application was refused at planning committee; the refusal reason relating to scale, design, lack of subservience and impact on the area.

The current application proposes to replace an existing flat roof with a pitched roof, with the new roof being higher than the existing roof. It also proposes alterations to a rear first floor balcony. The report includes responses from neighbours including this one from 70 Sandy Lane:

The scheme proposes to increase the size of the existing modest balcony, doubling the existing depth. It would project 2m from the rear first floor elevation. Although it is at the northern end of the property (away from our boundary) there is a direct line of sight into our rear private amenity area at the back of our house. We do sit out here regularly and value the privacy provided. We accept that there is an existing balcony - but due to the limited depth and design, it is only occasionally used and is not suitable for sitting / relaxing / socialising. The increased balcony size would result in a much more useable space, used more regularly and for longer periods (the illustrations show a seating arrangement). This would result in a loss of privacy to the neighbouring property. It would change our sense of privacy and enjoyment of this private space.

The report pack notes that a similar proposal was considered to be unacceptable in 2017:

'The original submission as part of this application included a two-storey extension to replace the existing single storey double garage. The extension projected forward of the front elevation of the existing property and included a hipped roof form. This part of the proposal raised significant concerns with officers due to its size, form and overall design. Officers did not consider this part of the scheme to a read as a sympathetic or subservient addition to the existing building and would result in unacceptable harm to the character of the existing street scene.'

Retrofit works to improve energy efficiency including external insulation and smooth white render to all walls and replacement of roof finish to No. 12 and 14 Chelt Road

This application seeks permission to carry out energy efficiency improvements on two houses in Chelt Road. The application has been submitted by Cheltenham Borough Homes and the report pack explains that:

the project is being supported by the Government’s Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund.

The proposal is to install external wall insulation, replace the existing roof covering with metal roof tiles, and replace the existing flat roof canopy over the front door with a pitched roof canopy.

Installation of external wall insulation to 49 properties in Welch Road (nos. 16-18, 30-36, 46-60 and 64-70 (even) and 9-11, 15-31, 35-57, 63, 67-77 (odd)).

This application seeks permission to install external wall insulation at 49 properties in Welch Road. The report confirms that:

The Design Statement that accompanies the application sets out the “project is being supported by the Government’s Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund”.

The report pack also includes details of similar projects, noting that:

Planning permission for similar works elsewhere within the borough have been previously granted by the Planning Committee earlier this year.

Installation of a ground mounted flagpole within Sandford Park, College Road

This application seeks permission to site a flagpole in Sandford Park. It explains that the flagpole will be used to fly the Green Flag that the park has recently been awarded. It notes that:

The flag “represents a nationally recognised symbol and is only awarded to parks and open spaces which fulfil a number of criteria such as design, biodiversity, sustainability, community involvement, and visitor experience. It also recognises the historical significance of the park, and the conservation area in which it sits”.

Like for like replacement of rear double doors and two sets of floor spring mechanisms (self-closing) at Cheltenham Town Hall, Imperial Square

This application seeks permission to replace a set of rear double doors and associated floor springs at the Town Hall. The Heritage Statement that accompanies the application notes:

They are late twentieth century and are coming to the end of their use and beyond economic repair. Due to previous repairs, the floor springs have become uneven and no longer flush; they represent a health and safety concern for this reason.

This application also includes an application to renew a set of floor springs on one set of front doors.

Appeals Update

The report pack includes a report that provides an update on the status of recent appeals, including appeals lodged, appeals being processed, and appeals that have been decided. The report confirms that the appeal relating to a previous application (reference 23/01739/FUL) for a change of use at Little Duncroft, Evesham Road is:

not decided

Any other items the Chairman determines urgent and requires a decision

The report pack notes that there may be other urgent items for discussion.

