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Special, Cabinet - Thursday, 19th December, 2024 6.00 pm
December 19, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
The Cabinet of Southend-on-Sea City Council will be asked to consider a number of issues, including a series of recommendations which would enable the Council to exchange contracts on the Fossetts Farm development, and to authorise the award of two contracts, for parking enforcement and school crossing patrols. The Cabinet will also be asked to consider proposals to amend parking fees and charges. Finally, they will be asked to consider the policy statement released by the government ahead of the 2025/26 local government finance settlement and the local implications for fees and charges.
Fossetts Farm
The Cabinet will be asked to consider a new suite of agreements for the proposed development at Fossetts Farm.
These agreements would enable the funding and delivery of housing which in turn would enable and secure a series of payments to be made to COSU (Custodians of Southend United), the new owners of Southend United Football Club (SUFC), out of the profits from the development
The report pack explains that the new proposals represent a significant shift in the scale and type of the development previously proposed.
A move away from large blocks of apartments to a high proportion of single family homes, all of which would still be for rent for the long term.
A consequential reduction in the number of homes with the current proposal being for approximately 318 homes in the first phase followed by two further phases bringing the total to no more than c.805 homes.
A reduction in the proposed lease lengths to up to 52.5 years for phase 1 and up to 50 years for phases 2 and 3.
The report pack explains that the revised plans have been developed in negotiation with the developer, Citizen Housing LLP, and include a clear phase transition mechanism ensuring that rent levels and let-up periods are reviewed at key points to maintain viability at key stages
The report pack explains that the current proposals indicate 805 homes in total: 640 Build to Rent (Market); and 165 affordable Housing, all to rent and all capped at LHA rates[^2]
It goes on to say that the new proposals, if approved, will release the Council from the AFL[^3] relating to Roots Hall
, and that The cancellation of the AFL over land at Roots Hall
would come once a revised planning permission is in place for Fossetts Farm.
Parking Enforcement and Operations Contract Award
The Cabinet will be asked to authorise the award of the Parking Enforcement and Operations - Civil Enforcement Operations & Technology System contract to the highest scoring bidder from a tender process. The contract would start on 1 February 2025 for a period of five years.
The report pack explains that The Council’s existing contract for parking enforcement will expire on 31 January 2025. To ensure service continuity, the Council initiated a procurement exercise to secure new contracts.
It states that the new contract would be awarded under the CCS1 framework.
The report pack states that it is a requirement of the contract that any surplus income generated by parking enforcement would be reinvested into maintenance and traffic-related projects
It says that the budget for the contract is currently £1.45m, and explains that the budget has been exceeded in each of the last 8 years.
However, over the lifespan of the contract, there have been increases in service requirements (such as additional Civil Enforcement Officers, new equipment, and extended operational hours), resulting in rising expenditures. This has resulted in an average annual overspend on the contract of circa £0.45m.
The Cabinet will also be asked to note progress on a second tender process for School Crossing Patrol Staffing, and to agree the principle of the award of the contract
Parking Fees and Charges Proposals 2025/26
The Cabinet will be asked to approve the proposals to amend parking fees & charges that are set out in the report pack. These changes would be effective from 1st April 2025.
The report pack explains that The Council regularly reviews its parking fees and charges, in conjunction with monitoring transactional and financial income data.
It states that the proposals would see the re-designation of existing parking zones, moving to four new zones, each with a standard tariff (A) and a low demand tariff (B)
The report pack says that the proposed changes will further encourage footfall and visitors to the city beyond existing levels
, and will also ensure that charges are applied consistently and fairly across Southend.
It states that the cost of implementing the changes would be met by a combination of existing revenue and capital budgets, and estimates that the changes would cost £30,000 for the preparation of the required Traffic Regulation Order (TRO), and £40,000 for signage.
Local Government Finance Policy Statement Headlines and local Fees & Charges budget intentions for 2025/26
The Cabinet will be asked to note the government's policy statement released ahead of the 2025/26 local government finance settlement, and to consider the local implications for fees and charges.
The report pack summarises the funding commitments that have been made by the government nationally. It states that the overall 2025/26 national financial provision is unchanged from the Autumn Budget, which quoted an average 3.2% real terms increase in core spending power for the sector
, but explains that individual local authority-level figures will be published as part of the provisional local government finance settlement
The report pack explains that the Southend-on-Sea City Council has a fees and charges policy to cover all fees and charges reviews with the exception of car parking charges
, and that the Council has the power to change fees and charges in most service areas
It states that it is proposed that the income yield at an overall service level will increase by 2.75% for 2025/26
, but clarifies that individual fees and charges within a service may vary accordingly to achieve this objective
The report pack contains a schedule detailing the proposed changes to fees and charges for 2025/26.
CCS stands for Crown Commercial Service. It is a government organisation that provides commercial services to the public sector. ↩
- Anne Jones
- Daniel Cowan
- Kevin Robinson
- Laurie Burton
- Lydia Hyde
- Martin Terry
- Matt Dent
- Maxine Sadza
- Paul Collins
- Adam Keating
- Alan Richards
- Claire Shuter
- Colin Ansell
- Colin Gamble
- Dorothy Simon
- Joanne Stowell
- Joe Chesterton
- Mark Harvey
- Michael Barnes
- Michael Marks
- Robert Harris
- Susan Zeiss
- Suzanne Newman
- Agenda frontsheet 19th-Dec-2024 18.00 Cabinet agenda
- Report of Exec Director Fin and Resources
- Public reports pack 19th-Dec-2024 18.00 Cabinet reports pack
- Appendix - 2025-26Fees and Charges Exceptions
- Report of Exec Director Envt and Place
- Report of Exec Director Envt and Place
- Report of Exec Director Finance and Resources