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Planning Committee - Thursday, 23rd January, 2025 7.00 pm

January 23, 2025 View on council website
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This meeting was about whether to grant planning permission and listed building consent for four proposed developments across the borough.

Land adjacent to 46 Maresfield Gardens & 39a Fitzjohn’s Avenue, London NW3

This application concerned the development of land adjacent to 46 Maresfield Gardens and 39a Fitzjohn's Avenue. The report pack included a proposal to erect a new five-storey building with a basement on the land next to 46 Maresfield Gardens. This would provide 29 new homes. The applicant also requested permission to refurbish and extend the existing building at 39a Fitzjohn’s Avenue to provide 4 new homes.

The report pack included analysis that showed the scheme would likely not be financially viable if it was required to include affordable housing. However, to address the need for affordable housing in the borough, the applicant proposed to provide four affordable homes at a site on Liddell Road in West Hampstead.

The development would result in the loss of trees on the site, however these were described as low quality in an Arboricultural Impact Assessment included in the report pack. To offset this, the developer proposed to provide replacement tree planting across the site. This included 94 new trees, providing a net increase of 63 trees. The report pack suggested the committee grant planning permission for the scheme subject to a Section 106 legal agreement. This would cover a number of requirements including the provision of affordable housing, a Construction Management Plan, financial contributions toward cycle lane improvements on Fitzjohn's Avenue, electric vehicle charging, and a public open space contribution.

Leigh House (Lower Ground Floor Flat), 73 South End Road, London NW3 2RJ

The report pack included an application for planning permission and listed building consent for works to the lower ground floor flat at 73 South End Road. 73 South End Road is a semi-detached Victorian house, known as Leigh House, which is Grade II listed and located within the Hampstead Conservation Area. The proposals included the erection of a rear extension at lower ground floor level, as well as a timber outbuilding in the rear garden. The rear extension would provide additional living space, while the applicant requested that the outbuilding include a gym, office and store.

The outbuilding would be located at the rear of the garden, close to the party walls of the neighbouring properties. To screen the outbuilding from view, the applicant proposed to construct a 2.9 metre high outbuilding, and include a 3.9 metre boundary wall with trellis to screen the building.

The report pack included representations from the Hampstead Neighbourhood Forum, the South End Green Association and the Downshire Hill Residents Association. Each of the organisations objected to the development, raising concerns about the outbuilding's size, its impact on the surrounding gardens, and the loss of trees on the site. A number of local residents also submitted objections to the proposals. Despite the objections, the report pack recommended the committee grant both planning permission and listed building consent for the proposals.

Land adjacent to 1 Regency Lawn, Croftdown Road, London NW5 1HF

The report pack included an application to vary the designs for a new house on land next to 1 Regency Lawn. Planning permission to build a house at this location had previously been granted by the committee on 3 May 2023.

The application was submitted by Mr & Mrs Tristan and Kaye Stout, who own 1 Regency Lawn. Councillor Stout is a member of Camden Council. The report pack requested that the application be referred to the committee because Councillor Stout is a member of the council.

The proposed changes to the scheme were minor, and related to the design of the front garden. This included moving the location of a ramp, changes to the front boundary and a new arrangement for the planting. The report pack also included a noise impact assessment for an Air Source Heat Pump that was to be installed at the front of the house.

Despite the Air Source Heat Pump being part of the previously approved scheme, it was not assessed in the 2023 officer report. The report pack recommended that the committee grant planning permission for the scheme, subject to the signing of a Deed of Variation to the existing Section 106 agreement. This would cover requirements for the development to be car-free, for the implementation of a Construction Management Plan, and for financial contributions toward Highways improvements.