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This meeting of Hackney Council's Licensing Sub Committee B was scheduled to include consideration of a licence variation for a business on Old Street, and an application for a new premises licence for a business in Dalston.
Variation of a Premises Licence: Balls, 333 Old Street, London EC1V 9LE
The committee was scheduled to consider an application for a variation of the premises licence for Balls, a business on Old Street.
On Wednesday & Thursday to extend the permitted hours for all licensable activities until 02.00 the following day, on Friday & Saturday to extend the permitted hours for all licensable activities until 04.00 the following day and on Bank Holiday Sundays & New Years Day to extend the permitted hours for all licensable activities until 04.00 the following day.
The applicant also requested to vary one of the existing conditions of their licence:
At Annex 2 to vary condition 16)g) to read
That the roof terrace closes to the public at 19.00..
The applicant stated that they believed that the existing conditions of their licence were sufficient to promote the licensing objectives1:
We have reviewed the application and current Licence conditions. The Applicant considers that the existing conditions will continue to fully promote the Licensing Objectives.
The applicant also noted that the Shoreditch Special Policy Area (SPA)2, within which Balls is located, is not currently in force.
Recyclable Vinyl, 1 Birbeck Mews, London E8 2LE
The sub-committee was also scheduled to consider an application for a new premises licence for Recyclable Vinyl, a business located at 1 Birbeck Mews.
The report pack does not state what licensable activities the applicant intends to carry out from the premises. However, the report notes that:
The application site falls within the Dalston Cumulative Impact Zone (CIZ).
The report pack included a map of the location. It was not specified who created the map or what its copyright status is.
Licensing objectives are the four aims of the Licensing Act 2003, which are the prevention of crime and disorder, public safety, the prevention of public nuisance, and the protection of children from harm. ↩
A Special Policy Area (SPA) is an area in which the council has identified that the number, type and density of licensed premises is leading to a negative cumulative impact on the promotion of the licensing objectives. Balls is located within the Shoreditch SPA. ↩
- Gilbert Smyth
- Natalie Kokayi
- Sam Pallis
- Amanda Nauth