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We do not yet summarise meetings from this council. If you would like us to do so, please subscribe or get in contact at
- Anne-Marie Simpson
- David Rouane
- Georgina Heritage
- Maggie Filipova-Rivers
- Pieter-Paul Barker
- Robin Bennett
- Sam Casey-Rerhaye
- Sam James-Lawrie
- Mark Stone
- Simon Hewings
- Vivien Williams
- Appendix A3 Inflation and Salary Changes S
- Appendix A4 essential growth report S
- Minutes Public Pack 19122024 Cabinet other
- Appendix A1 revenue budget summary with growth S
- CABINET South Revenue Budget 2025-26 and Capital Programme report
- Appendix A2 opening budget adjustments report S
- Supplementary Papers - Treasury management and investment strategy 202526 Capital strategy 202526
- Agenda frontsheet Thursday 30-Jan-2025 18.00 Cabinet agenda
- Minutes Public Pack 28112024 Cabinet other
- 30 January 2025 Recommendations from other committees
- South Council Plan Cabinet report
- The Way Ahead Council Plan 2025-29 v2
- South Corporate Plan_ consultation report_July 2024_FINAL_internal other
- South Cabinet Report - Joint Rent Setting Policy
- Appendix 1 Rent Setting Policy
- South_cabinet_car park fees 2025
- 1 South Cabinet Treasury Management mid-year report 2024-25
- Treasury Management Strategy 2025-26
- South capital strategy 2025-26 to 2029-30
- Capital Strategy 2025-26 to 2029-30
- NEW Cabinet-report-South - LTEPP duration change
- Public reports pack Thursday 30-Jan-2025 18.00 Cabinet reports pack
- Supplementary Papers - Revenue budget 202526 and capital programme 202526 - 202930 Minutes 19.12 minutes
- All-in-one agenda pack Thursday 30-Jan-2025 18.00 Cabinet agenda