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Planning Committee - Tuesday, 28th January, 2025 10.00 am
January 28, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
We do not yet summarise meetings from this council. If you would like us to do so, please subscribe or get in contact at
- Anne Hall
- Brian Bailey
- Colin Brown
- Del Haggerty
- Eileen Wragg
- Geoff Jung
- Geoff Jung
- Ian Barlow
- Jenny Brown
- Jessica Bailey
- Jessica Bailey
- Kevin Blakey
- Kevin Blakey
- Kim Bloxham
- Maddy Chapman
- Matt Hall
- Mike Howe
- Olly Davey
- Peter Faithfull
- Roy Collins
- Sarah Chamberlain
- Simon Smith
- Steve Gazzard
- Andrew Digby
- Andrew Digby
- Charlie McCullough
- Charlie McCullough
- Damian Hunter
- Damian Hunter
- Debbie Meakin
- Debbie Meakin
- Jill Himsworth
- Jill Himsworth
- Liam Fisher
- Liam Fisher
- Wendy Harris
- Wendy Ormsby
- Printed minutes 28th-Jan-2025 10.00 Planning Committee minutes
- 2. 23.1897.MOUT other
- 2. 23.1897.MOUT other
- 4. 24.1203.COU other
- 5. 24.2250.FUL other
- plansphotographs280125 other
- 280125 Public Speakers List other
- Blank page for speakers list 2 page
- 2. 23.1897.MOUT other
- Agenda frontsheet 28th-Jan-2025 10.00 Planning Committee agenda
- 171224PlanningMinutes other
- Appeals List
- Public reports pack 28th-Jan-2025 10.00 Planning Committee reports pack
- 1. 24.1174.MFUL 24.1175.LBC other
- 3. 24.1787.FUL other