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Special meeting, Dumfries and Galloway Council - Wednesday, 5th February, 2025 2.00 pm
February 5, 2025 View on council website
AI Generated
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- Andrew Giusti
- Andrew S Wood
- Andy Ferguson
- Andy McFarlane
- Archie Dryburgh MBE
- Ben Dashper
- Carolyne Wilson
- Chrissie Hill
- David Inglis
- David R Slater
- Davie Stitt
- Denis Male
- Dougie Campbell
- Emma Jordan
- Gail Macgregor
- George Jamieson
- Graham Bell
- Iain Howie
- Ian Blake
- Ian Carruthers
- Ivor Hyslop
- Jackie McCamon
- Jim H Dempster
- John Campbell
- John Denerley
- John Young
- Karen Carruthers
- Katie Hagmann
- Keith Walters
- Kim Lowe
- Linda Dorward
- Lynne Davis
- Malcolm Johnstone
- Maureen Johnstone
- Paula Stevenson
- Pauline Drysdale
- Richard Brodie
- Richard Marsh
- Sean W Marshall
- Stephen Thompson
- Tony Berretti
- Tracey Little
- Willie Scobie
- Communications Unit
- Fraser Davies
- Julian Gillespie
- Lorna Meahan
- Michael Shepley
- Paul Garrett
- Stewart Clanachan
- Agenda frontsheet 05th-Feb-2025 14.00 Dumfries and Galloway Council agenda
- Public reports pack 05th-Feb-2025 14.00 Dumfries and Galloway Council reports pack
- National Park Consultation Report FINAL
- National Park Consultation Appendix 1 FINAL
- National Park Consultation Appendix 2 FINAL
- National Park Consultation Appendix 3 FINAL