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We do not yet summarise meetings from this council. If you would like us to do so, please subscribe or get in contact at
- Abby Brennan
- Davinder Virdi
- Jonathan Wheeler
- Neil Clarke
- Rob Inglis
- Roger Upton
- Adam Hill
- Dave Banks
- Emma Richardson
- Helen Tambini
- Kath Marriott
- Leanne Ashmore
- Peter Linfield
- Rachel Clack
- Sara Pregon
- Sarah Whittaker
- Tracey Coop
- Agenda frontsheet 11th-Feb-2025 19.00 Cabinet agenda
- Public reports pack 11th-Feb-2025 19.00 Cabinet reports pack
- Minutes of Previous Meeting other
- 202526 Budget and Financial Strategy
- Enc. 1 for 202526 Budget and Financial Strategy
- Enc. 2 for 202526 Budget and Financial Strategy
- Enc. 3 for 202526 Budget and Financial Strategy
- Enc. 4 for 202526 Budget and Financial Strategy
- Revocation of the Borough Air Quality Management Areas
- Play Strategy
- Enc. 1 for Play Strategy
- Asset Investment Group Terms of Reference
- Officers and Members Indemnity for Companies
- Revised 202526 Budget and Financial Strategy 11th-Feb-2025 19.00 Cabinet
- Revised 202526 Budget and Financial Strategy
- Decisions 11th-Feb-2025 19.00 Cabinet other
- Printed minutes 11th-Feb-2025 19.00 Cabinet minutes