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Budget Meeting, Council - Wednesday, 12 February 2025 7.00 pm
February 12, 2025 View on council websiteSummary
We do not yet summarise meetings from this council. If you would like us to do so, please subscribe or get in contact at
- Amos Duveen
- Andrew Skinner
- Andy Cooke
- Andy Crawford
- Andy Foulsham
- Bethia Thomas
- Cheryl Briggs
- Debby Hallett
- Debra Dewhurst
- Diana Lugova
- Emily Smith
- Eric de la Harpe
- Hayleigh Gascoigne
- Helen Pighills
- James Cox
- Jenny Hannaby
- Jill Rayner
- Judy Roberts
- Katherine Foxhall
- Kiera Bentley
- Lucy Edwards
- Mark Coleman
- Max Thompson
- Mike Pighills
- Neil Fawcett
- Oliver Forder
- Patrick O'Leary
- Paul Barrow
- Peter Stevens
- Robert Clegg
- Robert Maddison
- Ron Batstone
- Sally Povolotsky
- Sarah James
- Scott Houghton
- Sue Caul
- Val Shaw
- Viral Patel
- Mark Stone
- Steven Corrigan
- Vivien Williams
- 2 Capital Strategy 2025-26 to 2029-30 Vale V2 Jan 25 31012025 Cabinet other
- Vale Cabinet report - Purchase of housing using S106 funding final 31012025 Cabinet other
- Appendix 1 Market Apprisal 31012025 Cabinet other
- Cabinet-report-Vale - LTEPP duration change. 31012025 Cabinet other
- CABINET Vale Council revenue budget report 2025-26 and capital programme 31012025 Cabinet other
- Appendix A1 Revenue Budget Summary V 31012025 Cabinet other
- Appendix A2 Opening Budget Adjustments V 31012025 Cabinet other
- FINAL - Pay Policy report Vale 2025-26
- At the Heart of the Vale Council Plan 2025-29 Final draft
- Vale Corporate Plan_ consultation report_July 2024_FINAL_internal other
- Agenda frontsheet Wednesday 12-Feb-2025 19.00 Council agenda
- Vale capital strategy 2025-26 to 2029-30 covering report 31012025 Cabinet other
- Public reports pack Wednesday 12-Feb-2025 19.00 Council reports pack
- Minutes Public Pack 18122024 Council other
- 1 Vale Cabinet Treasury Management mid-year report 2024-25 31012025 Cabinet other
- Cabinet Treasury Management Strategy 2025-26 Vale 31012025 Cabinet other
- Appendix A3 Inflation and Salary Changes V 31012025 Cabinet other
- Appendix A4 Essential Growth V 31012025 Cabinet other
- Appendix A5 Base Budget Savings V 31012025 Cabinet other
- Vale Council Plan Cabinet report draft 31012025 Cabinet other
- FOP report to Council Feb 25 Vale other
- FOP Forward Plan January 2025 other
- Report of the chief financial officer on the robustness of the budget estimates and the adequacy of
- Written response to question Wednesday 12-Feb-2025 19.00 Council
- Written response to question_12 February 2025
- Supplementary paper - Council tax 202526 Wednesday 12-Feb-2025 19.00 Council
- Vale DC Council Tax Report 2025_26 005