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February 24, 2025 View on council website
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This meeting is scheduled to include a report on the current state of the shared staffing arrangements between Richmond and Wandsworth Councils, and to discuss pay policy. The agenda also includes a proposal to exclude the press and public to allow a confidential update on the recruitment process for a new permanent Chief Executive.

Pay policy

A report included in the meeting pack recommends that the committee approve the proposed pay policy for the 2025/26 financial year. The report notes that this policy would need to be then approved by the full councils of both Richmond and Wandsworth. The report notes that:

Recruitment and Retention of staff remains a significant pressure in the sector.

It summarises the steps that have already been taken to address these pressures, including the Wagestream scheme, which allows staff to draw down a portion of their salary early to help them manage their cashflow and avoid high-interest 'payday' loans.

Workforce indicators and trends

A report is scheduled to be included in the meeting that provides an update on the state of the workforce across both Richmond and Wandsworth Councils. The report notes that the overall headcount of staff employed directly by the councils has increased by over 100 full time equivalent roles. The report also describes the results of an internal survey into the causes of sickness, finding that:

Our data shows that colds and flu remain the primary reason for short-term absences year-round. Mental health-related issues, however, continue to be the leading cause of long-term absences, with multiple categories used to track these cases.

The report goes on to say that these mental health related absences account for 25% of all absences.

Politically-restricted posts

A report is scheduled to be included in the meeting that presents a list of all of the roles within both councils that are designated as politically restricted or politically sensitive. This report is provided in accordance with the Local Government and Housing Act 19891. The report lists the statutory chief officers, all of the executives within the Chief Executive's group and a number of other senior roles within each directorate. The report names Achieving for Children, an organisation that provides children's services to both Wandsworth and Richmond Councils, and lists its executives as politically restricted.

Proposed Delivery Plan for HR and OD functions

This report describes the progress that has been made on implementing the People Delivery Plan, which aims to improve the HR and OD functions of both councils. The report describes the 3 pillars of the plan as:

• Operational – Supporting Daily Excellence (Enhancing service delivery and employee relations). • Strategic – Shaping the Future (Workforce planning, leadership development, and policy reform). • Enabling – Foundations for Success (Digital transformation, governance, and structural alignment).

The report goes on to name Bailey and French as the preferred supplier for the Leadership Development Programme. It also names the Decision-Making Accountability (DMA) review.

Richmond and Wandsworth Better Service Partnership 2024 Staff Survey

This report describes the headline results of the 2024 staff survey, which was conducted by market research company Ipsos Karian and Box. The report summarises the results, and lists 5 areas for improvement:

• Organisational Culture • Confidence in the Future • Career Development • Organisational Leadership • Reward and Recognition

  1. The Local Government and Housing Act 1989 is an Act of Parliament that applies to local government in England and Wales. It covers a wide range of issues, including the designation of politically restricted posts.