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- Agenda frontsheet Tuesday 25-Feb-2025 14.00 Cabinet agenda
- Place to Cabinet - response pro forma - disposal of County Hall
- Public reports pack Tuesday 25-Feb-2025 14.00 Cabinet reports pack
- Minutes 09012025 Cabinet other
- CAB250225 Badger Culling Cabinet Paper FINAL
- Minutes 21012025 Cabinet other
- CAB250225 Councils for Fair Tax Declaration other
- Minutes 28012025 Cabinet other
- Place report to Cabinet - IFS and s106 Project Review other
- CAB250225 Enhanced Pathways Business Case paper for cabinet FINAL
- Place to Cabinet - response pro forma - IFS and s106 Project Review other
- Place OSC report to Cabinet - Disposal of County Hall
- Annex A Financial Figures- academic year basis 2
- Annex B Enhanced Pathway Pupil Case Studies 2
- Annex C Enhanced Pathways analysis of cohort destinations to date 2
- Annex D Parental Confidence case study 2
- CAB250225 Oxfordshire Climate Adaptation Route Map and OCC Delivery Plan
- CAB250225 Annex 1 - Climate Change Adaptation Route Map for Oxfordshire - Summary Document - FINAL 2
- CAB250225 Annex 2 - Climate Change Adaptation Route Map for Oxfordshire FINAL 20.01.25 other
- CAB250225 Annex 3 - Climate Change Adaptation Plan for Oxfordshire County Council services - FINAL
- CAB250225 Annex4 Equalities Impact Assessment for Climate Adaptation Route Map and OCC Delivery Plan
- CAB250225 - Civil Enforcement Procurement FINAL
- ANNEX 2 Quarterly workforce dashboard - additional data Q3 2024-2025
- CAB250225 Civil Enforcement Procurement Annex 1 - High level initial assessment of delivery models
- CAB250225 Civil Enforcement Procurement Annex 2 Parking Matters - Options Appraisal
- CAB250225 Approach to Household Waste Recycling Centres - Cabinet - FINAL
- CAB250225 Q3 Cabinet quarterly workforce report 2024-25 final
- ANNEX 1 Quarterly workforce dashboard Q3 2024-2025
- CAB250225 Capital Programme Update - February 2025_FINAL other
- CAB250225 Forward Plan and Future Business
- Cabinet Response pro forma - LTCP Monitoring Report other
- Cabinet Response pro forma - Flood Event Response 1
- Pro Forma - CAT Policy response
- Annex 1 - Commercial Strategy response to recommendations
- CAB250225 City Centre Accommodation
- CAB250225 City Centre Accommodation Annex1 Marketing Summary other