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- Abdul Bashar
- Adam Peacock
- Alison Bennett
- Alison Rees
- Anne Eves
- Anne-Marie Cooke
- Anthony Platts
- Cavan Wood
- Chris Hobbs
- Christine Cherry
- Christopher Phillips
- David Eggleton
- Dick Sweatman
- Duncan Pascoe
- Eric Prescott
- Gary Marsh
- Geoff Zeidler
- Graham Casella
- Ian Gibson
- Jacquie Russell
- Janice Henwood
- Jenny Edwards
- Jim Knight
- John Belsey
- John Dabell
- John Hitchcock
- Julie Mockford
- Kristian Berggreen
- Lee Farren
- Lorraine Carvalho
- Malcolm Avery
- Margaret Belsey
- Matthew Cornish
- Mike Kennedy
- Mustak Miah
- Paul Brown
- Paul Kenny
- Paul Lucraft
- Peter Chapman
- Rex Whittaker
- Richard Bates
- Robert Eggleston
- Rod Clarke
- Rodney Jackson
- Sandy Ellis
- Simon Hicks
- Sue Hatton
- Tofojjul Hussain
- Benjamin Hughes
- Ellen Fisher
- Lucinda Joyce
- Sam Devine
- Agenda frontsheet 26th-Feb-2025 19.00 Council agenda
- Public reports pack 26th-Feb-2025 19.00 Council reports pack
- Minutes of Previous Meeting other
- Appointment of Monitoring Officer other
- Corporate Plan and Budget 2025-26
- Appendix A - DRAFT 2025-26 Mid Sussex Corporate Plan and Budget
- Appendix B - Draft Minutes Cabinet 3 February 2025 other