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- Alex Houghton
- Alexander Winning
- Alice Kloker
- Amanda Barnes-Andrews
- Andy Frampton
- Christian Cox
- Christie Lambert
- Dave Shields
- Eamonn Keogh
- Eugene McManus
- George Percival
- Ginnie Lambert
- Gordon Cooper
- Jacqui Rayment
- Jaden Beaurain
- James Baillie
- Jeremy Moulton
- John Noon
- John Savage
- Josh Allen
- Katherine Barbour
- Lee Whitbread
- Lorna Fielker
- Marie Finn
- Matthew Bunday
- Matthew Renyard
- Mike Denness
- Mrs Sue Blatchford
- Pam Kenny
- Pat Evemy
- Peter Baillie
- Phil Webb
- Rebecca Greenhalgh
- Rebecca McCreanor
- Richard Blackman
- Rob Harwood
- Rob Stead
- Sally Goodfellow
- Sam Chapman
- Sarah Bogle
- Sarah Powell-Vaughan
- Sarah Wood
- Simon Letts
- Steve Leggett
- Steven Galton
- Thomas Gravatt
- Toqeer Kataria
- Valerie Laurent
- Vivienne Windle
- Warwick Payne
- Yvonne Frampton
- Adrian AlKhalisi
- Andrew Travers
- Claire Heather
- Debbie Ward
- Gavin Muncaster
- Honorary Alderman Cathie McEwing
- Honorary Alderman Ivan White
- Judy Cordell
- Mel Creighton
- Munira Holloway
- Richard Ivory
- Robert Henderson
- Asset Development and Disposal Programme Phase 2
- Agenda frontsheet 26th-Feb-2025 14.00 Council agenda
- The General Fund Capital Programme 202425 to 202930
- Members Room Documents 26th-Feb-2025 14.00 Council
- Appendix 1 - Capital Strategy 2025-26
- The 202526 Budget and Medium Term Financial Strategy
- Appendix 1 - Medium Term Financial Strategy 2024-25 to 2028-29
- Annex 1 to MTFS - Strategic Context
- Annex 2 to MTFS - GF Revenue Account Medium Term Financial Forecast 2024-25 to 2028-29
- Annex 3 to MTFS - Movements since Q2 MTFS Update
- Annex 4 to MTFS - Directorate Medium Term Financial Forecasts 2024-25 to 2028-29
- Appendix 3 - Non-Treasury Investment Strategy 2025-26
- Appendix 4 - Treasury Management Strategy 2025-26
- Appendix 2 - MRP Strategy 2025-26
- Appendix 5 - GF Capital Budget Variations Since Q3
- The HRA Budget 202526 and Capital Programme 202425 to 202930
- Appendix 1 - HRA 40 year Operating Account
- Appendix 2 - HRA Heating Charges
- Appendix 3 - HRA Major Repairs
- Report
- Report
- Appendix 4 - HRA 2025-26 Budget and medium term projection
- Appendix 5 - Capital Programme 2024-25 to 2029-30
- Acceptance of Grant Funding - Connect to Work
- Report
- Appendix 1
- Appendix 2
- MRD 1
- MRD 2
- Report
- Appendix
- Pay Policy Statement 2025 - 2026.docx
- SCC Pay Scales.pdf
- SCC Allowances Framework.pdf
- ESIA - Pay Policy.docx
- Updated Terms of Reference for the Southampton Health Care Partnership Board
- Appendix 1 - Proposed new HCPB Terms of Reference
- Appendix 2 - Existing HCPB Terms of Reference
- Appendix 3 - LGA findings for HWB
- Appendix 4 - HWB Terms of Reference
- Appendix 2
- Future Proposal for 271 Winchester Road other
- Public reports pack 26th-Feb-2025 14.00 Council reports pack