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West Central Multi-ward Forum Funding Decision Meeting, West Central multi-ward forum - Tuesday 4 March 2025 7.00 pm

March 4, 2025 View on council website
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This meeting of the West Central Multi-Ward forum is scheduled to consider three reports: one concerning the allocation of funds from the Cleaner Greener Safer capital programme, one concerning the allocation of funds from the Neighbourhoods Fund, and one concerning the allocation of Devolved Highways Programme funds. The meeting is also scheduled to confirm the minutes of the previous meeting.

Cleaner Greener Safer 2025-26: Capital Funding Allocation (West Central)

The West Central multi-ward forum will be asked to allocate funds from the 2025-26 Cleaner Greener Safer capital programme to local organisations for projects which aim to “>improve their local area”.1

The following organisations will be considered for funding for projects in Camberwell Green ward:

The following organisations will be considered for funding for projects in Faraday ward:

The following organisations will be considered for funding for projects in Newington ward:

The following organisations will be considered for funding for projects in North Walworth ward:

The following organisations will be considered for funding for projects in St. Giles ward:

A total of £344,149 is scheduled to be allocated to projects in the West Central multi-ward area during the meeting, including a reallocation of underspent funds of £24,649 carried forward from previous years.

The projects which will be funded are scheduled to be listed in Appendix 1 Cleaner Greener Safer 2025 - 26 Applications.

Allocation of Neighbourhoods Fund for 2025-26

The West Central multi-ward forum will be asked to allocate funds from the 2025-26 Neighbourhoods Fund budget to local organisations for projects which aim to:

  • “>Creating opportunities for people from different backgrounds to get on well together; (e.g. community cohesion)”
  • “>Establishing projects which treat each other with respect and consideration (e.g. being a good neighbour, inter-generational contacts)”
  • “>Encouraging residents to be responsible for their own neighbourhood (e.g. community clean-ups; volunteering initiatives)”
  • “>Specific measures to enhance a neighbourhood’s environment (e.g. increased cleaning).”

The projects which will be funded are scheduled to be listed in Appendix 1 West Central Multi Ward NsF Applications 2025-26.

Devolved Highways 2025-26: Capital Funding Allocation (West Central)

The West Central multi-ward forum will be asked to allocate funds from the 2025-26 Devolved Highways capital programme to local projects.

The projects which will be funded are scheduled to be listed in Appendix 1 West Central Multi-ward Area Devolved Highway Capital programme 2025-26 Applications and Appendix 3 West Central Multi-ward Area 2025-26 Officer Proposal.

The total amount that is scheduled to be allocated to projects in the West Central multi-ward area is £397,325, including £206,850 in unallocated funds from previous years budgets.

  1. The Cleaner Greener Safer Capital Programme was created in 2003. Minutes of the Southwark Council Executive meeting 20 May 2003

  2. TRA stands for Tenants and Residents Association. TRAs act as a voice for local residents and campaign on issues that affect their community. They are often based on council housing estates.